Sentences with phrase «at fire sale prices»

Aurora has been especially quiet, with they last release being some time last year, and books sold at fire sale prices.
Deal terms were not revealed, though one report is puts this deal at the fire sale price of $ 17 million.
In extreme cases, liquidity risk can cause you to take huge losses because you have to mark down your property at fire sale prices to attract buyers.
Market participants were forced to sell securities at fire sale prices.
A big bill for estate taxes, for example, can force a transaction at a fire sale price just to raise sufficient cash to pay the government.
Management was unhappy about at having to liquidate carefully accumulated assets at fire sale prices, lenders were getting near the end of their tolerance for further cure period extensions, and erstwhile bondholders were wondering what the heck they were doing holding a penny stock.
These included overly optimistic economic growth and oil price assumptions; cutting the contingency reserve by two - thirds; selling shares in GM at fire sale prices; raiding EI revenues; and even booking «savings» from unilateral changes to federal employees» sick leave benefits.
If you have a mortgage then I would make sure that the total amount of the mortgage plus another $ 20,000 is there so that your heirs do not have to worry about selling the house at a fire sale price in order to avoid paying the mortgage payments.
Swallowing Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual — both of which JPMorgan absorbed at fire sale prices — was «the right thing», Diller said.
Despite the unforeseen fall in oil prices in 2014, the Conservative government, with a lot of slight of hand (reduction in contingency reserve, selling GM shares at fire sale prices, optimistic economic and oil price assumptions), produced a budget that financed all of its pre-election promises, while still leaving a surplus of $ 1.4 billion in 2015 - 16 rising to $ 4.8 billion in 2019 - 20.
The couple have traipsed all over the world, from Thailand to Africa (where Alice had a miscarriage) to South America, where they live in what was once a drug lord's splendid hacienda, bought at a fire sale price.
Give it a rest... its a pile... just like every other badge engineered FCA product about to be handed over to the Chinese at a fire sale price tag
The question is whether Sharp will decide to sell off any remaining 5.5 in and 10.8 n Galapagos tablets at fire sale prices like HP did, which could lead to an avalanche of falling tablet prices, something that market leader Apple won't be keen to see.
At some point in the not too distant future I believe we'll see ebooks on Amazon at fire sale prices.
When impatient investors offer quality companies at fire sale prices, Mr. Deysher buys.
For example, Sally would have sold for a 7.6 % loss but would have had that capital available to invest in large blue chip stocks trading at fire sale prices during the financial collapse.
The Federal Reserve Chairman told lawmakers the plan to spend $ 700 billion to buy up bad assets would allow banks to avoid unloading loans at fire sale prices.
Assets are at fire sale prices because there is not enough balance sheet capacity to buy and hold them over a period where the realization of value is likely.
Investors won't know beforehand which large companies are likely to disappear (e.g., Lehman Brothers), thereby forcing an unplanned liquidation of the funds at fire sale prices.
The table consensus was that Reed - Elsevier eventually would sell off the remnants of LexisNexis to a book publisher at a fire sale price.
Not only did the company itself say that webOS isn't necessarily dead, the TouchPad was also sold off at the fire sale price of $ 99.
However, even with the post-2008 crash and stocks selling at fire sale prices, I was just getting my feet wet and wasn't willing to put thousands of dollars on the line quite yet.
AT&T is selling off their remaining supply of Lapdock 100's at the fire sale price of $ 49.99, with free shipping.
4) «We have to buy up assets that are selling at fire sale prices.
All of these were large enough in their own right to be minor crises, and they sent measures of systemic risk up for a while, but ultimately, they were self contained, because market players with strong balance sheets picked up the pieces from failed players, and earned a reasonable return off them after buying up the «toxic waste» at fire sale prices.
I bought at a time when it appeared to me Mr. Market was valuing the company based on a worst case scenario, at a fire sale price.
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