Sentences with phrase «at heart center»

Join the palms at heart center, pushing your heels away using your elbows.
Step 1: Stand with your feet pressing firmly into the ground and your palms together at your heart center.
You begin at the top of your mat, with your hands at heart center.
Bring your hands in prayer at heart center and hook your left elbow outside the right knee.
Place your hands into prayer with your thumbs at your heart center.
If holding onto the leg, the other hand can be lifted to the middle of the chest or the open palm rested at the heart center.
Join your hands at heart center, pushing your knees out with your elbows.
Hold the posture, joining your palms at heart center, for seven deep breaths.
From here, bring your hands to prayer position at heart center and begin to twist from the torso, hooking your bottom elbow to the outside of the front knee, extending the top elbow to the sky.
Take a complete breath, and on an exhale lift your right leg straight out in front of you, placing your palms together, thumbs adjoining at the heart center.
Now join both hands in Namaste Mudra at the heart center and gently twist your body while bending towards the right.
Sun Salutation A Begin in mountain pose, standing with arms at heart center.
In your meditation, bring your focus to the middle of your chest, imagining a green wheel of energy spinning at your heart center.
Return to your forward fold and, on an inhale, return to a standing pose, with your hands at your heart center.
Each sun salutation begins and ends with your hands in prayer at heart center, because within each of us we carry the sun in our hearts.
On an exhale, press your palms at your heart center and connect your thumbs to your heartbeat.
Bend your knees to lower your hips into a deep squat, sitting on the blocks, palms together at your heart center.
Join your hands at your heart center.
Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)-- Begin by standing with your feet pressing firmly into the ground and your palms together at your heart center.
Join your palms at heart center.
First is the Food Mantra: Before every meal, everyone gathers to put their hands together in prana mudra (palms together at the heart center) and, together chant the Meal Mantra.
Keeping your spine straight, join your palms at heart center, pushing your knees out with your elbows.
Place one on your stomach just above the belly button (3rd Chakra), one at your heart center (4th Chakra), and one between your eyebrows (6th Chakra).
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