Sentences with phrase «at high frequencies»

Tasked with designing a mechanism for hydrophones to test the Doppler shift at high frequencies.
Even at 1 bit per Hz, you can get high speeds at high frequencies,» Rudd told the E-Commerce Times.
It's less prone to distortion at high frequencies, especially in acoustic tracks, but we found it equally tinny and lacking in bass.
even though the tape flutters at high frequencies because its aerodynamic properties (flat, thin, flexible).
The distorted sound wave also contains extra energy at high frequencies.
«And if you were to high - pass it (keeping the sound at high frequencies), you're much more likely to hear Yanny.»
Notice that the shadow of the black hole — a dark, nearly circular shape in the middle of the images — is only clearly visible at high frequencies (230 GHz / 1.3 mm) at which EHT operates.
Heteroplasmies can occur through somatic mutation or maternal inheritance and can be present at very low frequencies within the mtDNA population or at high frequencies.
In such an analysis, it is also important to take into account possible increases in hardware energy consumption due to operation at high frequencies.
Around a «core» area where neurons fire at high frequencies, another large area with low frequency activity can be seen.
Shepard is part of a team of scientists from Columbia and IBM working under a $ 4 million grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop field - effect transistors made of graphene, which is particularly good at amplifying weak signals at high frequencies.
Guo says this suggests that particle motions occurring at high frequencies are indeed temperature - driven.
Within 30 days, the electrodes began to pick up impulses whenever sounds at high frequencies (to the fish) were played over the loudspeaker.
Hearing loss, such as associated with getting older, usually reduces hearing at high frequencies in both ears.
It's also still unknown whether any other bursts have twisted waves at high frequencies — the smoking gun for strong magnetic fields.
In this case it may be advisable to see if some suppliers can be flexible and deliver at a higher frequency.
«While it's not uncommon for commodities and USD to rally or sell off at the same time, especially when we look at their returns at a higher frequency (daily or weekly), 4Q 2016 was actually the first quarter in more than a decade to see such a sizable divergence,» the analysts added.
In general, however, confidence measures have been moving up,» said Jim O'Sullivan, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics.
«I can only guess where he will go with monetary policy,» says Carl B. Weinberg, the chief economist at High Frequency Economics in Valhalla, N.Y.
«We think the time has come to reassess the one - way bet on a continued and strengthening global economic expansion,» Carl B. Weinberg, chief international economist at High Frequency Economics in White Plains, N.Y., said in a note to clients on Tuesday.
The original change is reversed by mutations occurring at high frequency, not just reversing the engineered change — that does happen, to be sure — but causing compensatory changes that appear in many places in the knocked out gene restoring function to the gene in quite unexpected ways.
During the coaching search, transition, and all of the chicken little things we do, there were a lot of new things showing up at a high frequency rate.
When he came back from injury last season he was scoring at a highest frequency in all of Europe!!!
However if you have a heavy wetter you will likely need to change baby at a higher frequency than average.
Women study pretty much every field at a higher frequency than men?every field, that is, except the more technical ones.
Although more costly than silicon, the material has become central to wireless communications chips in everything from cellphones to satellites, thanks to its high electron mobility, which lets it work at higher frequencies.
For the one minute segment recorded with eyes closed, brainwaves were analyzed to identify asymmetries in electrical amplitudes at the higher frequencies.
«What's remarkable is that at this high frequency, the wavelength of the sound is even shorter than the wavelength of light.
He says his team excluded most sources of noise, which would have corrupted the entanglement process, by forcing laser and atoms to interact only at a high frequency.
The research by scientists at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Columbia University shows a link between a particular allele for serotonin found at a higher frequency in those at risk of depression because of family history, and those who go on to develop major depressive disorder.
It uses magnetic fields that are a fraction of the strength but at higher frequency than the electromagnetic fields used in TMS and ECT,» explained first author Dr. Michael Rohan.
If a laser is tuned to the correct frequency, atoms will absorb its light and later re-emit the absorbed energy at a higher frequency.
Its audio profile looks different from the whistle they taught the dolphins — it has the same shape but came in at a higher frequency.
A better way of obtaining people's opinions is indeed required, and at a higher frequency than every five years.
The NIST team is experimenting with low - frequency magnetic radio — very low frequency (VLF) digitally modulated magnetic signals — which can travel farther through building materials, water and soil than conventional electromagnetic communications signals at higher frequencies.
However, when Dayeh looked at the different sound frequency bands, he saw that the images cleared up at higher frequencies.
Plans are already underway to improve LIGO's sensitivity at higher frequencies.
To obtain ever faster speeds, however, SAW devices need to operate at higher frequencies, which limits output power and can deteriorate overall performance.
This allows researchers to record brain signals at higher frequencies and with less interference than measurements from the scalp.
By scaling down the size of the array, the shield's properties could be redirected towards similar problems occurring at higher frequency ranges.
Dust is much brighter at higher frequencies.
The most common of these devices, based on the piezoelectric effect, operate most efficiently at high frequency, greater than 10 vibrations per second.
In addition, unlike heart muscle, skeletal muscles can perform static contractions if they are repeatedly stimulated at high frequency.
Gajjar said that they want to observe at higher frequencies — up to 12 gigahertz, versus the present Green Bank observations in the 4 - 8 GHz range — to see if the energy drops off at higher frequencies.
Mature males also hum, but at a higher frequency which is ignored by other males.
«As for barley, the dehydrin genes seem to be very plastic, some of them changing at a high frequency over generations, and we intend to look into this plasticity in more detail now that we have the genome knowledge that we lacked before.
This is because an orchestra is typically loudest around 500 Hz, with the sound level dropping off quickly at higher frequencies.
The upshot was that — just like the signals from natural mechanoreceptors — when more pressure is applied, the oscillators turn out pulses at a higher frequency.
The gene is found at a higher frequency in humans known as «elite controllers,» who for many years keep the virus at very low levels without taking antiretroviral drugs.
Lactase persistence is found at highest frequencies in southern Sweden and in Ireland.
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