Sentences with phrase «at human scale»

If you share a fundamental moral outrage over this absurdity, join us this summer and beyond as we use organizing, NVDA, divestment campaigns, and transformative pilot projects to stop new fossil fuel projects, shut down old ones, and build our future at the human scale, with human values, instead.
Over the years her vocabulary and interests, including her ongoing experimentation with constructions, sets, and installations at the human scale, have provided a through - line and given a unity to her artwork, even as she has experimented with multiple processes, from cyanotypes and Polaroids to Cibachromes and video installations.
Oppenheim reproduces Hine's clinical but oddly sensual photographs at human scale, each life - sized image bisected vertically along the subject's spine.
The intimacy of our New York space is perfectly suited for this exhibition as Barragán worked at a human scale
Their works sit, stand, or hang at human scale, suggesting touch and engagement and referencing the body through an intimate address to the viewer.
What has remained steady, however, is the desire to deal with abstraction in mostly free - standing discrete forms at a human scale.
The RoboBee represents a platform where forces are different than what we — at human scale — are used to experiencing.
At the human scale, we experience just three dimensions of space and one of time, but string theorists argue that six extra dimensions are tightly knotted at every point in the fabric of our 4 - D reality.
However, this simple observation is only valid at the level of classical physics — the laws and principles that appear to explain the physics of relatively large objects at human scale.
The natural world functions best with a rich diversity of species, both at human scale and in the microbial universe.
The strong nuclear force and the electrostatic force — which don't encounter each other at human scales — fight over the packed protons and neutrons and drive them into strange configurations, collectively dubbed «nuclear pasta ``.

Not exact matches

On human time scales, that's a long time,» Duncan Brown, an astronomer at Syracuse University who's a member of the LIGO research collaboration, previously told Business Insider.
But at the end of the day, scale can only progress so far, because link building, ultimately, isn't a game of who can enter data the fastest, it's a game of who's the best at human interaction.
«And very likely, at the lower end of the scale, employers will take a hard look at new tech and ways to replace human workers with automation,» he said.
Given the scale of our universe, it seems likely that god wouldn't be interested in humans at all, and his design would be so far beyond our imagining, so why care about humans?
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
Seen from the viewpoint of our human experience and drawn to our human scale, the world appears as an immense groping in the dark, an immense searching, an immense onslaught, wherein there can be no advance save at the cost of many setbacks and many wounds.
My point is, humans (at the large scale) are divisive, religion or not.
Oh, next time I go to the zoo, I'll say HI to some of your relatives that didn't evolve Mr. Catholic Christian believing in «An evolving creation»; where the principles of biological and social evolution are indeed part of the design of an intelligent creator who is NOT all powerful and not «NICE» in the Human context, but «benevolent» at a cosmic scale.
Having said this, I am a catholic christian and I believe in «An evolving creation»; where the principles of biological and social evolution are indeed part of the design of an intelligent creator who is NOT all powerful and not «NICE» in the Human context, but «benevolent» at a cosmic scale.
«With man, thanks to the extraordinary agglutinative property of thought, she has at last been able to achieve, throughout an entire living group, a total synthesis of which the process is still clearly apparent, if we trouble to look, in the «scaled» structure of the modern human world.
Then on a larger scale, consider the human condition, that every person is wicked, by nature, their natural inclination is toward evil to begin with, at least when compared to God's standard.
At the other end of a scale of complexity is the human being.
I find it interesting that the meanest life, the poorest existence, is attirbuted to God's will, but as human beings become more affluent, as their living standard and style begin to ascend the material scale, God descends the scale of responsibility at a commensurae speed.
But as they operate at present, both the free market and the state fail miserably in maintaining community on a human scale and with a human face.
When they encounter the actuality of suffering and injustice, the impurity of even the best motives, and the mutual destructiveness even of a relatively virtuous people, and when they discover also the depths of sin which erupt on a massive scale in human history from time to time, they are overwhelmed by the incongruity between what is and what, at some deep level, they feel should be the case.
At the helm was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who inaugurated social reforms on a broad scale and so virtually initiated America's approach to the welfare state, important to Roosevelt's success in bringing the nation along with him was the human touch he displayed in what he said and did.
At 7 p.m., New Yorkers for a Human - Scale City and East Harlem Civic Alliance host a 2017 candidates forum featuring candidates from both parties including Tony Avella, Sal Albanese, Bo Dietl and others, P.S. 108, 1615 Madison Ave., Manhattan.
It is necessary to work towards creating a culture that sees the values of human rights and places them at the centre, so that it becomes political unfeasible to scale back the human rights protections that already exist.
Look at asylum seekers» countries of origin and they follow a predictable pattern: where there is war, brutal repression and large scale human rights abuses with impunity, people will inevitably flee.
Low levels of physical activity and inefficient sleep patterns intensify the effects of genetic risk factors for obesity, according to results of a large - scale study presented at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2017 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla..
That's «a real exceptional feature of Homo sapiens,» notes Kim Hill, a human behavioral ecologist also at ASU who has studied small - scale tribal societies in South America.
At one end of the scale are the repetitive «click working» tasks that are too complex for a computer to handle but little more than child's play for humans.
«If this technology can be scaled to human - size grafts, patients suffering from renal failure, who are currently waiting for donor kidneys, could theoretically receive an organ grown on demand,» says Harald Ott, head of the team that developed the rat kidneys at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
«It is exciting to find a correlation between brain circuitry and gene expression by combining high quality data from these two large - scale projects,» says David Van Essen, Ph.D., professor at Washington University in St. Louis and a leader of the Human Connectome Project.
«We need a planning process that is equal to the scale and complexity of the challenge, rather than continuing to depend on piecemeal efforts that put wildlife species and human communities at higher risk in the face of global pressures like climate change and a race for resources.»
«We need to find solutions that scale the capacity of existing doctors to serve more patients at the same or cheaper cost,» says Jay Komarneni, founder and chair of Human Dx.
«Only once before in human history have we encountered a similar process: in the early modern era, when the counterbalance that had been establish at a local level in the Middle Ages was surpassed by the increasing political and economic scale.
«At the same time, small - scale trials have shown that consuming antioxidant - rich foods like virgin olive oil, tomatoes and berries improved HDL function in humans.
Dr Dusko Ilic, leader of the team at King's College London, says: «Our new method can be used to grow much greater quantities of lab - grown human epidermal equivalents, and thus could be scaled up for commercial testing of drugs and cosmetics.
And not only does the LVE cut down on cost, it also allows users to print artificial human tissue on a larger scale and at higher resolution, opening doors for researchers, makers, and professionals to experiment with 3 - D printing biomaterials and fluids.
«The challenge for the coming decade is to expand on multi-disciplinary and multi-sector collaboration aimed at large - scale production of high - quality human pluripotent stem cells, and also, robust and reliable production of high - quality differentiated cells,» said Professor Norio Nakatsuji, Founding Director of Kyoto University, iCeMS.
This kind of human - induced slip happens at very small scales all the time at geothermal plants and other locations where water is pumped into the earth.
In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers have now assessed the impacts of human interventions on water scarcity at a global scale.
«I think this paper strengthens, substantially, the available body of literature that we have concerning the question of whether humans are having an effect on precipitation at the global scale,» Zwiers wrote in an email.
Given the complexity and scale of the interfaces required, Shepard and his team believe that the degree of noninvasiveness required for human use within this aggressive time frame can only be achieved with electrode architectures based on stimulation and recording at the brain surface.
Genetics is also important for understanding how research scales up — or fails to — and translates from animal models to humans and among different human populations, says Henry Bryant, a research fellow at Lilly Research Laboratories in Indianapolis.
It was refreshing to see an AI movie that was not about violent robots and raised many interesting AI issues in the broader public sphere — such as scalability (dating at massive scale), the realistic and sad aspect of human loneliness being filled by machines (already happening in China via chatbots) and the issues that arise as AI surpasses human intelligence.
As humans we're stuck at the scale of our bodies, but there are all these different levels above and below us; each one has its own dynamics, its own processes, its own timescale.
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