Sentences with phrase «at knee»

When buying your distressed jeans, if they aren't very distressed like my jeans above, (say one hole on each leg) make sure the areas where the jeans are distressed hits at the knee instead of underneath the knee.
16» at the knee and 16» at the leg opening.
The coat cuts off above the knee on petites taller than 5» 0 and at the knee on petites 4» 10.
I'm 5» 3» and it hits right at the knee.
The tapered waist flares outward at the skirt which ends just at the knee.
The length is right at the knee.
The indigo stretch denim is heavily bleached with a stone wash for a vintage finish, with added distressing and rips at the knee.
The change in the angle at the knee was the ROM measurement.
To begin this movement, start with one knee on the ground and have the other leg in front, bent at the knee.
Look where I've aligned the femoral condyle at the knee here and the variation.
The bench or some kind of box should be high enough to allow an angle of 90 degrees at your knee joint when your foot is on the box.
Furthermore, strong glutes will shift movement patterns to absorb and produce more force at the hips and less at the knee joint.
Inhale and lengthen the spine; exhale to bend deeper at the knee and hip joints.
In the lowering phase, external oblique muscle activity was greatest at knee flexion angles of 60 — 31.
Lying supine, arms extended to the sides on the floor, legs bent at the knee with lower legs resting on the ball, participants slowly twisted at the waist to the right until the knees touched the floor and then returned to the starting position.
Comparing different knee joint angles, Escamilla et al. (2002) explored the conventional and sumo deadlift at knee angles of: 90 — 61 degrees (lift - off position); 60 — 31 degrees (mid-range); and 30 — 0 degrees (lock - out).
Furthermore, both upper and lower erector spinae muscle activity were higher in the descending phase compared to the ascending phase at knee joint angles of 90 — 61 degrees (lift - off and lower third).
Slowly lift the right leg out to the side while maintaining a 90 - degree angle at the knee joint.
As for the rack pulls, since it is elevated at knee level, the range of motion and intensity is lesser.
It is important that you move only at the knee joint.
Hold briefly, then bend at the knee (return to starting position).
It is a hip hinge movement, with a little flexion at the knee, under 30 degrees.
Step 1: Stand with your feet just past shoulder width apart with a slight bend at your knee, placing your hands behind the back of your head.
Step 2: Stand with your feet hip width apart and sit back into a hinge position with a slight bend at your knee.
To do this stretch stand upright and hold on to the wall or a chair for balance, then grab the foot of your left leg bend it at the knee and pull the heel towards your buttock.
It is important to make sure you keep your back leg straight and do not allow it to bend at the knee.
Your front leg will remain straight as it slides but your back leg will normally begin to bend at the knee involuntary as you get nearer to your maximum splits position.
It's this intention of movement that really helps balance the forces at the knee joint, so if you do have any knee issues and want to try this technique, focus on THIS part more so than what's happening at the hip.
When you bend and then straighten an arm at the elbow or a leg at the knee, your arm or leg moves through one plane of motion.
Rather than setting up a loaded barbell on the floor, set one up at knee height on the hooks outside the squat rack.
Bend at the knee until your front thigh is close to parallel to the ground.
Bend the right leg at the knee until the shin is perpendicular.
For this pain - relieving stretch, start by lying on your back with one leg straight and the other bent at the knee.
Stand with your feet hip width apart with a slight bend at your knee, holding a Steel Club in your mid-line close to your sternum.
If you conclude this program by making sure that you're doing the customary squats, front squats, Roumanian deadlifts, hypers with weights and glute / ham raises as well, you can have the strength to bend at the knee and hip and have the large muscles of the hip and thigh absorb and dissipate the deceleration forces.
Bend your right leg at knee, stacking your right knee over the right ankle.
Raise your legs at the knee until the feet are pressed into the ground.
Bend your legs at the knee and make an effort to grab the ankles between the hands.
Choose a weight that allows you to bend at least 90 degrees at the knee.
Bend your body at the knee until the sit - bones are parallel to the floor.
Here, you balance on one leg, while the other is extended behind you, turned out and bent at the knee to form a 90 - degree angle.
Keep your arm and leg straight and avoid bending at the knee or elbow.
In practical terms, both upper and middle trapezius display high muscle activity at knee flexion angles of 31 — 60 degrees.
It appears that upper trapezius muscle activity is greater at knee passage than at the moment of lift - off (97 vs. 88 %) however it is unclear whether this was statistically significant.
Although the moment arm at the knee extensors and patella tendon are shorter when compared to a full squat, these shorter moment arms permit the application of much heavier loads to be lifted during squat exercise performance.
Several early reports found that Olympic weightlifters might be more prone to develop overuse joint injury than other groups, predominantly in the spine (Kotani et al. 1971; Aggrawal et al. 1979; Dangles & Spencer, 1987; Rossi & Dragoni, 1990) but also at the knee (Fitzgerald & McLatchie, 1980; Grzelak et al. 2015; Payne et al. 2015).
They (the doc and pt) said that my muscles on that leg were probably too weak or too tight and it was causing irritation at the insertion point of the IT band at my knee.
The power clean from the ground uses a heavier load than from blocks placed at the knee or mid-thigh.
Comparing different knee joint angles in the deadlift, Escamilla et al. (2002) explored muscle activity of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius at knee joint angles of: 90 — 61 degrees (lift - off position), 60 — 31 degrees (mid-range), and 30 — 0 degrees (lockout).
Step 1: Stand with your feet hip width apart with a slight bend at your knee, holding a steel club in your mid-line close to your sternum.
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