Sentences with phrase «at least a few years late»

In the case of the railroad route, this policy initiative was at least a few years late.

Not exact matches

A few years later, he admitted as much, and revised his views, at least about ritual, liturgy, and popular religion.
After having his girlfriend stolen by a handsome (at least momentarily) Eduardo Noriega in director Amenábar's art - house hit Open Your Eyes (later remade in the U.S. as Vanilla Sky), Martínez spent the next few years carving a comfortable niche for himself in the realm of Spanish cinema.
As mentioned it was difficult in some scenes to tell whether they were taking place in the weeks after Oliver's disappearance or eight years later, and there were a few characters whose place in the story I wasn't really sure of at least until I have time to view this again.
At least we have had some good games these latest few years, fantastic even, such as The Last of Us and The Walking Dead, Bayonetta 2 and Dark Souls, etc. etc..
Match variations like battling many tiny Yoshis or fighting one big, iron - clad enemy still feel fresh even all these years later, and the final battle against Master Hand has seen a few tweaks that'll keep you guessing - the first few times you finish the game, at least.
Sonic Adventure 2 was released a few years later and seemed to, at least initially, address player concerns.
The Japanese automaker is also known for supplying cars with brilliant reliability, which is why many Honda owners have been through a few different models spanning a few years and the latest Honda Accord should be good enough to keep these fans in the Honda family, and may be good enough to sway buyers of the competition to at least take a much closer look at one before making a new purchase.
I won't bore you all with numerical details, other than just a quick mention that the earliest eBook standards were 99.9 % and then The Library of Congress upped that to 99.95 %, and a few years later Project Gutenberg raised it to 99.975 % and I would certainly bet our average eBook that has completed all our standard processes is at least that good.
Estimates suggest that at least 70 % of those who consolidate their debt end up with as much or more debt a few years later.
At least seven states prohibit companies from doing credit checks on many applicants, and similar bills are pending in another 20 states and Washington D.C. Separately, the latest SHRM report released this month shows that fewer employers are conducting credit checks than two years ago and 80 % of employers who did said they hired a job candidate with negative information on their credit report.
Now there will only be a 3 month gap between NSMB 2 and NSMB U, which is very close, but like I've said before, they'll be at least a 5 year gap between NSMB U and the next NSMB, so it'll balance out in the end since anyone that won't buy one of the NSMB this year will eventually buy the other a few years later.
At least we have had some good games these latest few years, fantastic even, such as The Last of Us and The Walking Dead, Bayonetta 2 and Dark Souls, etc. etc..
Most episodic games come out over a period of a few months, not nearly a year later (at least, it feels like that).
But there are few signs — at least so far — that the Santa Ana winds are becoming more prevalent or that they're systematically moving later in the year.
Behind all the hype, very fewat least enthusiasts — have any clue about the major virtual reality headsets that have launched or will launch later this year.
You have titles you play regularly, you follow E3 updates each year, have watched Yogscast a few times and probably have the latest console on the market — or it's at least on that Amazon wish - list!
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