Sentences with phrase «at least a group»

We show that because climate change goals dictate a stringent global carbon budget, each of the approaches to equity necessarily imposes large costs on at least some groups of countries.
We do wish you could add at least a group of options to certain models.
Focusing in on a single practice area, or at least a group of related practice areas, is a critical step to building a powerful brand identity and differentiating yourself from the competition.
For at least some groups of «emerging adults,» sleep problems are a predictor of chronic pain and worsening pain severity over time, suggests a study in PAIN ®, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain ® (IASP).
New Zealand wants to ban cats, or at least a group there, led by environmentalist Gareth Morgan.
'' [O] ur findings indicate that robbing and bartering is a good candidate for a new behavioural tradition defined as a group - / population - specific practice, socially transmitted among at least some group members, persistent over several generations, and possibly locally adaptive,» the team writes in their paper, published in the journal Primates.
Now, subtle traces of volcanic ash at Pinnacle Point, a famous archaeological site on the southern coast of South Africa, suggest that at least some groups of early humans survived, and even thrived, in the eruption's aftermath.
Every year it gets easier and easier to do this stuff because more tools become available, particularly if we have a vibrant synthetic biology industry — or at least a group of people working in this research area producing tools.
Every year sees the weird idiosyncrasies of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association from specious category placement to outright favoritism but at least the group of 90 + international journalists is trying to repair their decades - old negative reputation.
They not only want but expect authors to already have established a fan base or at least a group of potential fans — and for new writers, this is BEFORE your book comes out.
The prisoners — at least a group of them — were tightly knit, bound by their situation and language.
If you are at least a group of three people I advise you to catch a taxi from the airport to the city center which will cost you around R $ 60/70.
Most games require a minimum of three players anyway, but to really get the most out of it you're going to want to have at least a group of six.
Who ultimately is appointed to regulate immigration consultants will soon be decided, but at least this group will be provided with the ability to regulate unauthorized practise — it seems it has taken the government too long to determine that this provision is the answer to repairing the current regulatory weakness relating to immigration consultants.
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