Sentences with phrase «at least enough knowledge»

The basics of HTTP / DNS and how web hosting works — or at least enough knowledge to pay for hosting and get your site online

Not exact matches

Rather, the difficulty must lie in the setting — at least in most cases: the students can not process the text with enough cognitive bandwidth left over to make inferences, or they lack the vocabulary to follow the narrative, or they lack knowledge.
But those who want a dog they can work with, a dog that challenges them, who enjoy this kind of intelligence in a dog and who have enough experience and know - how not to make mistakes — or at least know how to correct them — and who have furthermore enough knowledge about how to avoid undesirable attitudes and also know how to canalise them, who can offer their dog security, peace and consistency, those will get a wonderful dog they can keep as a family dog which is willing to walk through fire with them.
But even without knowledge of the other Souls games, these quiet set pieces give enough implicit information to catch on, or to at least plant intrigue.
In addition to the above - highlighted issues with centralised funding (i.e. not enough of it, too much time chasing the money and not enough doing the research), the academic system at present tends to support relatively «conservative» research proposals — because of the «publish or perish» ethos, most proposals will tend to be written knowing what the answer will be, and in the knowledge that there are at least a couple of publishable papers at the end.
A high school understanding of statistics and physics is probably enough to get you started on the subject, and from there you can build up enough knowledge of the basics to be able to either understand or at least follow the key points of the more complicated parts.
I'm more ignorant of copyright law than I ought to be, and so one of my New Year's resolutions is to brush up my IP knowledge, at least enough to know when Slaw is close to the line.
Stay away as much as you can from microcontrollers and ICs, at least until you have grasped enough knowledge and handling / soldering capabilities.
One needs to be experienced enough and must have a clear knowledge about the specific field and at least a master's degree in the areas of specialty.
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