Sentences with phrase «at least he said»

If you can't reinforce any part of it at least say, «That just prompted me to consider another idea,» before offering an alternative.
Many are expecting Yahoo to announce the buyer of choice on Monday along with its earnings, or to at least say or indicate something about the process.
«You may not be able to help someone with money, but you can at least say hello, how you doing, and look at them.»
He said on his birthday: «The reason I haven't retired is because I like the people I work with and they like me - at least they said they do anyway.
This country won't vote for anyone unless they at least SAY they are Christian, even if they are not.
If you can't like the man, at least say a few nice words about his subatomic particles.
If you can't like the man, at least say a few nice words about his future decomposition.
Her cat died and in her grief she started praying for the cat to come back, and it did, at least she says.
If this were the case we could at least say that God does whatever is possible or advisable.
I would at least say that he was an unwise and foolish judge who should have found a better way to punish the guilty party.
If I see someone running off a metaphorical cliff, and they don't realize it, I would hope that I'd be courageous enough to at least say something to let them know what I'm seeing.
At least you say you «choose» to believe in a deity realizing there is zero evidence.
It is fine to disagree, but at least say that you disagree with the teachings of Christ.
But before turning to Jesus» sayings, let me at least say what one can infer from Q about his life: He grew up in a small village of lower or southern Galilee called in (Q 4:16) Nazara, but always called Nazareth elsewhere in the canonical Gospels, a hamlet perhaps too small even to have had a local synagogue in which Jesus might have learned to read the Hebrew scriptures.
I know that in the loosest sense Mark 10:11 - 12 are at least saying that if somebody divorces someone in order to marry someone else they are committing adultery.
At all events, I would at least say that, pending the outcome of later research, one should adopt a more becomingly demure attitude toward complexity.
But we can at least say that any proposed solution must satisfy the following conditions:
It does not say she was a virign when she conceinved, only that prior to conceiving she was a virgin, at least she said she was.
At least they say their my friends.
But we can at least say that it involves three basic components: First, an inward awareness or sensibility — what might be described as «having an internal perception.»
We can at least say that religion specifies a perspective on the world and an interpretation of history and human experience.
As far as evidence goes, he was written about in multiple biblical sources, which obviously you won't take into account because you believe the bible to be fantasy, but when you think about how all biblical books were written at different times, in different places, by different people, you can at least say there is a decent chance he lived.
How are we ever to know anything if we can't at least say what we think scripture says?
A prayer for his enemies, the conversion of a fellow victim, and (in John) concern for his mother — these are the utterances that characterize the Dying One; one may at least say of them that they are worthy of his message and in this sense they are not unfairly placed upon his lips.
While in his first epistle (2:18) John speaks of the coming of many antichrists as a sign that it is the last hour, and of the coming of the day of judgement (4:17) and there are vestigial traces in the gospel of Jesus» prophecies of the destruction of the Temple (2: 19, 4:21) of his heavenly kingdom (13:36, 14:2 - 3), of his second coming (5:28 - 29, 21:22), and of the judgement of the last day (6: 39, 12:48), in the gospel at least these sayings are given a new significance.
But seriously, can I at least say that my pickypants Mister said these ranked up there with «the best of the best»?
: / Thanks for thinking my knockoff logo is snazzy (or at least saying it is, which is really and truly enough for me right now).
Fine, it's safe to at least say there's some sort of abrupt change.
I know some of you will roll your eyes in despair because I replaced the dark chocolate in this recipe with white chocolate, but let me at least say that it worked really well!
My mom was all for my making it, and the soup came out great, or at least they said it did.
It's common courtesy to at least say who the original creator of the recipe is: FYI - the other recipe is good too.
(Or at least said they did!)
While I wouldn't recommend shoving a whole pan of these into your mouth, I would at least say this is a healthier choice for when you need something sweet and sometimes we absolutely NEED something sweet.
Ok, so now I can't claim to be an expert in all this allergy stuff, but I can at least say, I've been really thinking about it.
1 game doesn't prove anything, at least say «his last season with Monaco proved it» but then you wouldn't be able to make that claim as his performances didn't warrent a # 30 + mil bid.
I don't know if this is the direction I would have gone with this speech if I was the Nevada coach, but at least he said «have fun» a few times in there.
But at least say things which are not False.»
Edmondson says he told Green, «Hey bro, you can at least say «Excuse me.»»
I'll at least say this — if Dorsey has the position players evaluated with no significant dropoff after Barkley and Chubb, then maybe you do it.
Or at least say, «Yes, it's true.
Someone has to at least say «OK we can't let that go on, we have to bring into play some sort of boundary».
If they spend it, we can at least say that they are trying to be self sufficient.
-LSB-...] just at least say that you should for instance read this article before you're sure about this - Cry it out (CIO): 10 reasons why it is not for us PhD in Parenting This is probably my strongest point against CIO, and also a quote from the article: -LSB-...]
Not every day, but at least say twice a week.
Everyone can at least say they truly love one bag that fits their needs and wants and their personality.
If a mama reaches out for help and the problem is not fixable, then she can at least say she tried and did not give up until she had to!
I took him to the doctor the other day and he said its totally normal that he will learn soon but it's really getting to me because I keep hearing from other moms that he should at least say a word or two by now and as a mom I feel really bad about it although he does understand me saying bye bye then he starts to put his hand up waving «bye bye».
I do know that there are more and more sports organizations and politicians who now at least say they are listening to what moms are saying they want from youth sports, including President Barack Obama, himself the parent of two athletic daughters.
When you're arty you just want people to like your stuff enough to buy it or at least say its nice and mean it.
I've described it before as basically everyone sharing their favorite colors or pizza toppings, but even when talking about pizza toppings, you can at least say you don't like something that someone else does.
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