Sentences with phrase «at least post twice»

Not exact matches

Hosting Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the White House on Tuesday, Donald Trump mentioned Andrew Brunson at least twice, according to sources separately quoted by MSNBC and Christian Post.
In this video he says that to be a blogger one must post at least twice a day, even if one is writing about....
The 500,000 temporary Census jobs that temporarily swelled the employment numbers are a minor distortion compared to a stealth government make - work program at least twice the size of the Census, uncovered by Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and William M. Arkin.
The win marked the sixth time since the start of the 2017 - 18 season the Penguins posted at least five goals against the Flyers, including twice in three games in the playoffs.
I think it's important to be able to post at least twice a week, readers don't want to show up and see content from last week.
Fashion and personal styling has always been a huge passion of mine and I will strive to post at least once to twice a week to keep the blog going.
I've been posting only once every two weeks and am really aiming to get that to at least twice a week!
My goal is to post on my blog at least twice a week (That's on Monday - Friday).
I'm going to try to post at least twice this coming week, then from there it's a waiting game for baby boy.
I totally believe in investment pieces and whatever, but it's always so ridiculous to me, all these bloggers never wearing (or at least never posting) the same thing twice.
I promise I'll try to post at least twice a week with more fashion tips for you.
Now this coming week I am away, but I am hoping to post at least twice.
It's looking like I have enough travel posts for the time being to actually do Travel Tuesday posts weekly instead of twice a month (at least for the forseeable future)!
I still love blogging though and I will try to post at least twice a week.
This means, every post will be shared at least twice!
, I spend hours every day on multiple sites and... how do I put this gently... you should read this post at least twice.
As a professional at writing online dating site reviews, I spend hours every day on multiple sites and... how do I put this gently... you should read this post at least twice.
Many experts believe you need to publish posts at least twice a week.
I suggest posting at least twice a week and I need to take my own advice here.
We ask that you provide the same love and attention to our animals as if they were your own pet - fresh food and water at least twice daily; regular and consistent positive attention to support socialization skills and development; basic grooming and positive training, medical care; and regular updates and images for social media posts.
If you just started blogging, it will take longer to write posts — so try and post at least twice a month.
Heck, I even re-read my Lawyerist posts at least twice before publishing them.
Try to post updates to your profiles at least twice a week.
I recommend engaging with groups at least twice weekly — using the same tactics utilized to post effectively.
Compared to other areas, the 3 % of most disadvantaged post codes has at least twice the rate of unemployment; criminal convictions; imprisonment; child maltreatment; disability support recipients; and psychiatric admissions.
Using the «drip process,» I am able to keep in touch with my database through Canada Post six times a year and call them each at least twice a year.
When communicating to my agents, I prefer to email at least twice, throw in a video, do a few social media posts, and, of course, talk to them in person whenever possible.
So my goal is to start writing personal posts at least once or twice a week, so that in 40 years I can look back and have a record of how I spent my days.
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