Sentences with phrase «at least short term»

The stock market had a kind of reversal today which can lead to higher prices in at least the short term.
I believe the late Jerry Brunetti of the Weston A. Price Foundation Honorary Board used it in his battle with cancer, with what appeared to be at least short term success.
But it is abundantly clear that we can no longer depend on his past excellence for anything other than, hopefully, at least a short term.
Kaval was non commital to spending at his press conference... at least short term.
The effect appears to be positive, at least short term, says Kline.
At least short term.
Chip — I agree that the projections diverge from the observations, at least short term, but that wasn't my point.
Release of a new operating system, especially one which marks such a significant break with the past, always presents a dilemma: You want the latest advances, but the transition can actually prove counter-productive, at least short term.
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