Sentences with phrase «at least something of»

In balance with these difficult and complex responses within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities there is a powerful and positive sense that a significant number of Australians have now heard of the stolen generations and know at least something of their experiences.
Granted, I live in a very rural community and I'm on the fringe of the advertised reception range at about 85 miles from the big city but I expected at least SOMETHING of a signal.
I will definitely be visiting the donation site (with at least something of a donation) and sharing their site.
Whether this is motivational genius (sacrificing one player as an example to the rest of the team), petty caprice (for some perceived slight or offence) or both isn't really the point, and in Berbatov's case there is at least something of a footballing excuse.
They also live in the academic world of religious studies and comparative religion, which is also a community of sorts and also claims to know at least something of the truth.

Not exact matches

Even if Canada doesn't start dropping payloads of cash itself — something Cooper says he does not foresee in the next three years, at least — the ripple effect of a central bank explicitly targeting higher inflation and adopting formerly verboten measures to get it would be felt on these shores in the form of increased global volatility.
It's obviously geared towards having the chance of a romantic connection, but if it's not, then there's a great chance that it'll at least be a friend or someone that might be a good business connection or something, and so I think being geared towards just social discovery generally both makes it a more effective product and also there's still I feel like a little bit of a stigma associated with online dating, and this makes it just a much more accessible product.
With every Mars rendezvous we will be sending a Dragon — at least a Dragon to Mars, and ultimately the big spaceship — so if there are people that are interested in putting payloads on Dragon, you know you can count on a ship that's going to transport something on the order of at least 2 or 3 tons of useful payload to the surface of Mars.
But it's not hard to believe that this could very well be the reason — or at least part of the reason — for their separation, as it's something nearly every couple goes through.
Or is there something we all can do to wring at least some accomplishment out of these last few weeks of the year?
Go out of your way to simplify something at least once a week.
Much as advisers cling to the long - term view of portfolio management, there's something to be said from jumping out and in of over - and underperforming asset classes, at least with money you can afford to put at greater risk.
Settings vary for different cloud services, but most of them delete information from the cloud when you delete something from your phone or computer, at least once the device has had a chance to sync with the online service.
When the time comes to show up in your boss's office and say, «I'm interested in a promotion,» it's important that you have something specific in mind — if not a specific job title, then at least a clear idea of what the responsibilities might include and how this ties in to your career goals.
Even if your eyes are set on something unprecedented, you are guaranteed to be able to find at least some analogous examples of similar successes in history.
We're encouraging all of our folks to at least give 20 hours to something we're passionate about or they're passionate about, and we'll pay them for it.
This is in case there is an accident or any other terrible event that something happens during travel, at least one of the heirs to the throne is safe.
It's a feeling of accomplishment and success, albeit pretty minor; it's something that at least tells us we are needed, we're important, and we matter.
Not real - world meaningful, but personally meaningful — or at least something with the possibility of becoming personally meaningful.
«If I am going to pass away, at least I can leave something behind,» Frayne says, his voice cracking, atypically, in a rare moment of vulnerability.
While none of those misbehaviors may rise to Enronian proportions, at least in terms of salacious detail, taken en masse they say something far more distressing.
And if «they're / their / there» gives you trouble, you can get at least one of the three right by recalling the something - went - missing - so - you - need - an - apostrophe rule, noted above.
But at least give something back to the community,» Bruce Allison, 62, of San Francisco said.
It is possible many of our challenges are at least as much social as they are economic — related to a lack of community and connection to something greater than ourselves.
Also, if you're able to find something through a friend of a friend, it takes away some of randomness, and you at least know you're not wasting your time with a scam.
After all, if something so simple could essentially cure poverty for more than half of Americans, it is worth at least a few hours of research, no?
In putting together a sidebar for that story about the most important FPS games in the history of the medium, I noticed a fascinating trend that seems to say something poignant about the times we're living in: brand has become a stronger selling feature than the artist, at least in games.
What it's all about I can't remember now; but it often stimulates me, if not to write that identical plot, at least to write something else,» she explained of the useful chaos in her notebooks.
Companies should make sure their online reputations are spick - and - span, as 44 percent of women admit to spending at least 20 minutes researching something online before buying it.
I didn't make a lot of money, but I did get at least a small positive return from each of the asset classes I own, including equities, which is something given the TSX fell 11.07 % last year.
If you're a numbers oriented person and need something to work towards, Murawski recommends putting away at least 10 % of your income towards your specified goals.
Yet by now, officials said, intelligence analysts would also have expected to have culled from electronic intercepts of overseas conversations at least some secondary evidence that the Russians might be involved — suspicious telephone or email conversations, suggestive messages, movements of Russian agents — something.
Watching the New England Patriots — trailing 21 - zip in the second quarter, down 25 points in the third, 19 points in the hole with less than 600 seconds to go in regulation — rally to win the Super Bowl in overtime, I couldn't help but wonder if there was some mysterious science behind «the miraculous comeback»: something measurable, or at least point - to - able, that captures the transformation of human spirit that drives an individual — or, more inexplicably, a team of separate beings — to see «victory» when «loss» is flashing all around them.
1) Always treat reports of clusters of unexpected and unexplained deaths with at least a «high index of suspicion» that the cause may be something of potential global concern.
I would recommend modeling cash flow under at least three scenarios — best case, worst case, and something in between — extending each model out at least six months, and updating them every couple of weeks.
Over that time, it has converted more than 35 million potential file sharers into customers who are at least paying something for some of the shows and movies they watch.
This is at least a point higher than the average for employees who do their jobs in regular offices, and something so unheard of that we had to look at the data again.
Finance Minister Joe Oliver, who is delaying the release of the federal budget until at least April due to uncertainty over falling oil prices, will have to put something on the table soon.
It says something about the magnitude of the event that it played out during the tenure of two central bank Governors, each of whom were in the role for a decade, and will likely still be an important issue, in the early stages at least, for the next Governor.
If something happens and a student has to move, loss of use coverage can at least relieve some of the resulting financial stress.
If I was Greenspan, I would at least cut the Fed Funds target by a quarter at about 10:15 A.M. on Monday, giving the markets just enough time to digest any initial sell orders and providing something of a base from which to rally.
We have been skeptical but at least at the moment in terms of kicking the can, and placating the waters, we've been hopeful that something would be done without the expectation that it's a permanent solution.»
Of course, if you're feeling daring, you should definitely try a straight razor, as the feeling is like nothing else and we believe it's something all self - respecting men should try at least once in their life.
The idea it conveys is that if you want to excel in the sales profession, you must have something of value to sell (or at least believe you have something of value.)
At least I have got something to keep me busy for the next couple of weeks!
Second, the traditional story implies that lending volume has something to do with the cost of funds. There is some truth in this proposition but I would argue that the greater truth is that lending is a demand - driven process shaped by expectations and changing asset valuations (or at least perceived valuations), which is why borrowing in the US is currently in the toilet. Demand just isn't there.
If you aren't seeing this growth, or if you suspect something's wrong, you can gather that at least one of the following is true:
Many are expecting Yahoo to announce the buyer of choice on Monday along with its earnings, or to at least say or indicate something about the process.
After a brief lag, the drug is now being prescribed at the rate of at least 10,000 scripts a day, outpacing such famous quick starters as the antidepressant Prozac (which went on to become one of the biggest - selling drugs in America) and the baldness remedy Rogaine (which has been something of a disappointment after its initial blaze of popularity).
The region's three bids actually represent at least nine proposals, offering Amazon a spectrum of options, whether it be an opportunity to blend into an existing cityscape or build something new, or perhaps pursue something in between.
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