Sentences with phrase «at libraries near»

This new addition to search shows a list of local libraries with the ebook available for lending, and you have the option to edit location to check the availability at libraries near you.
I am pretty sure it was from and old candy cook book at the library we near where we lived, WAY back before we even had kids... (on DogHillKitchen - who's site I just found and it is GREAT!
Around the same time Bill de Blasio was calling for a ban on member items to cut down on the sort of corruption outlined in yesterday's federal complaint againt two Queens politicians, Christine Quinn was taking questions from the press at a library near City Hall.
Join us at a library near you for one of our engaging NASAScience4Girls and Their Families events this Spring!
Join the events happening at the library near you or try these online games.
Full details coming in next week's Cel Shaded Report, but for now, let's just say that there will be costumed characters aplenty, possibly at a library near you.
Saw a similar in program in place at a library near you?

Not exact matches

Normally, both consoles would be looking at their golden years right around now — finally low enough in price for anyone to buy, large libraries of great games from years of availability, and even better stuff coming in the near future.
When an architectural study showed that the mansion could not handle a third expansion without costly structural work, the City Council, library board and Park District hammered out a land swap in which the Park District gave the city and library 27,000 square feet of land at Prospect Street near the Elmhurst Art Museum in exchange for 52,000 square feet of land on the north and south sides of the mansion.
On Tuesday, the City Council approved the library's proposal for a 93,000 - square - foot facility on Park District - owned land at 95th Street and Cedar Glade near Frontier Park with a budget of $ 18.6 million.
At a recent Library Board meeting that drew City Council members, homeowners groups and other city leaders, library and park officials agreed to form a committee to explore using land south of 95th Street, near Neuqua Valley High School, for the proposed facility.
If you are not sure if there is one in your area then a quick google should tell you where you can find your nearest sling library or ask that Mum you see at baby group who's always got her little one in a wrap — I bet she will know.
I got a quick peek at the other items (in case potty training is in your near future) and in addition, t - shirts, tote bags (would probably be great for library books!)
Public computer use at libraries throughout the System is at or near capacity much of each operating day.
The married mother - of - two was attacked at her constituency surgery at a library in Birstall, near Leeds, this lunchtime.
Library cards are for everyone and applications are available at all 37 local libraries and can be downloaded at: and brought to the nearest library with a valid form of identification and proof of address.
There will be plenty of parking at the train station, on the street near the library, and on Oakview.
Matilda is quite different from her nasty parents, teaching herself to read and to make a daily 10 - block walk to her nearest library at a very young age.
The tool helps students create a personalized reading list and then locate those books at the nearest library or bookseller.
Public libraries have been teetering on the brink of extinction for years, a fact that doesn't seem likely to improve in the near future given the economic situations that lead local governments to take aim at the libraries as a primary target.
You can help bookstores and libraries to decide where to place your book on their shelves by including the categories at the top of the back cover or near the bar code.
This home library in Arizona was inspired by the 19th - century library at the Konopiště Castle, near Prague, Czech Republic.
All of them have books that are available not just at stores near you, but at libraries as well, because they have good distributors.
He pictured what is usually touted as library patrons» eagerness to buy books as something that turns up only when those books aren't available for a free read at the nearest temple of learning:
I pay $ 35 a year to use a regional library system that encompasses the nearest city and at least three neighboring counties.
If you do not have a scanner or fax machine at home or the office, go to the nearest library or print shop to get the documents to your lender.
18 If your four - legged friend is a registered therapy dog, sign him up for PAWS for Reading at your nearest public library.
Just as an avocation and living near the NOAA Library, and also in conjunction with jobs I had, I spent a lot of time at that library, going back to the 1960's.
There are tons of open access peer reviewed climate science articles available, and quite a lot more at your nearest academic library.
In Colorado for example, you can look at old photos in the physics library at CU Boulder of the area in the 1860's for example and you see that there are almost no trees near the flatirons.
Games will form the biggest chunk of content on Windows Mixed Reality, at least in the near - term, and to supplement that, Microsoft has enlisted Valve's SteamVR platform to help bolster its Mixed Reality library.
In the meantime, you could also educate yourself here, at the library, with any REI meetups that may be near you (nearest big city?)
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