Sentences with phrase «at math like»

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Technologies like DreamBox, a math education software that's used in a number of classrooms across the US, adapts to each student's skill level and lets students learn at a pace best suited to their needs.
A math whiz from an early age, in high school he interned at O'Reilly Media, a publisher of technical books which also produces geeky events like Foo Camp and Strata.
It looked like a paper towel»), bake and frost 24 cupcakes at 1 a.m. for the class party at 8 a.m., try to make sense of third - grade math (just no), or switch lanes on the BQE while three kids argue to the death about which of them likes cheese the most (seriously, and it's me),» writes Kate Levkoff on the site.
Moskovitz thinks we can, provided we start looking at the real costs of our work — that is, the long - term impact on employees and their ability to contribute meaningfully — rather than just doing the math on short - term metrics like revenue per man - hour, etc..
Here I conclude that for anyone like me who does not travel much at all and have Freedom and Freedom Unlimited cards (both earn UR Points) the overall net benefit is more with $ 450 annual fee CSR card when compared to lower fee CSP card (Please see the math above).
Good article, but looks like there's a math error at the end.
The algos, or rather the math geeks that program the algos for the likes of Getco, Goldman, Citadel, Renaissance, and a handful of other banks / hedge funds / HFT outfits that can trade at the speed of light, appear to be a bit confused at the moment.
The math of crypto still fascinated him, just like the math at his day job — but now he saw it as an «unusual and extraordinary opportunity» to trade an asset with no historical precedent.
People who have even the slightest understanding of what evolution is look at opinions like yours the way a mathematician would a person who disbelieves in calculus but who thinks math is 4 + banana = swing set.
So at this rate, if you work the math, the moon would have been touching the earth at like 1.5 million years ago.
Not at all Naked... it seems to me very difficult to have lengthy discussions of researched science, math, philosophy, archaeology, etc. etc. on a blog that by its very nature is fraught with personal biting comments (like yours) and pithy responses.
I will be happy to say that Iâ $ ™ ll not do any rationalizing at all and proclaim wherever Sam would like that the Bible is NOT a math textbook or even a good place to go to learn about pi.
It is Ball & Company at their very best, avoiding, like the Book of Job, the temptation for happy endings, easy math or easy answers.
When your social life consists of learning math in a church classroom once a week and helping your mom pick up wholesale groceries at Sam's Club, you cling to church social outings like velcro.
So if you're claiming that MFP is correct and my numbers are way off then I suggest you plug the ingredients into a reliable site like calorie king one at a time and then do the math yourself.
not quite sure about the maths here... but realistically 3 1 to city if both teams put in their best... only hope is they are knackered after napoli in which case i wouldnt rule out a draw if we can keep a decent tempo... real test in the middle of the park and i would like to see wilshire start as he is the only squad member who can control a ball and look up at the same time... another xhaka ramsey routine will see us lose sadly
It has been some time since I was at school, Arsenal fans, but I was pretty good at maths and I am sure my memory has not failed me to the point where I can not do a simple sum like adding and subtracting, but maybe it has because the numbers concerning the amount of money available to Arsene Wenger to fund the transfer deals he wanted this summer just does not add up.
It most for winger to buy a diffensive midfiel like lucas biglia or m» vila after loosing song to bacer becous arteta it's not math at that position.
i like to look at things by using common sense and simple math.
Little pieces of math like that throughout the day often work so much better than an hour at a desk with worksheets.
Explain to your child that math is difficult at first, just like any task that is new.
It's another example of how traditional subjects — like math, reading, writing and physical education — are taught differently at Prairie Moon.
Billy couldn't construct coherent sentences but could make his needs known with phrases, «he's just not a highly verbal child»; Johnny doesn't like to play ball games because he always swings or kicks at the wrong time; finds math more challenging than his younger siblings, gets lost easily and confuses left and right a lot.
Since we also have a pre-schooler at home, I had to find ways to keep her occupied, and because she likes to be part of things, involved in a similar activity, There was no why don't you play X Y or Z, if I was helping with math homework.
When they looked at data across all families, breast - feeding had better outcomes than bottle - feeding in factors like BMI, hyperactivity, math skills, reading recognition, vocabulary word identification, digit recollection, scholastic competence and obesity.
The Progs don't have the votes to deliver the speakership, so she did the math and, rightly, decided that she didn't want to serve out a boring third term like Annabel Palma, out of power, with a minor chairmanship at best.
Randi Weingarten likes to brag a little about the reading and math test scores posted this year at two New York City charter schools she...
That leads me to believe that either A) it's a political pseudo-accounting term which real accountants would shake their heads at, B) it's a real accounting term that has no practical value, so is almost never used, or C) it's a term borrowed from another branch of math / science that doesn't belong in accounting (like complex numbers).
Current IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year, Naomi Mitchison, said: «I chose engineering because having done Maths and Physics at school it seemed like an interesting way to put those subjects to good use, while doing something a bit unusual and different.
A new version of the SAT has longer and harder reading passages and more words in math problems, which some educators and college admissions officers to fear will penalize students who have not been exposed to a lot of reading, or who speak a different language at home — like immigrants and the poor.
I liked math and I [initially] went for electrical engineering [at Northeastern University].
Theo Allen, a math student at NYU's Tandon School of Engineering who attended Tuesday's event, said he'll be participating in the competition, and mentioned three technologies he'll look at: a gun that can be locked using a smart phone app; a gun activated by a fingerprint reader; and a gun that can only be used if triggered by a digital chip embedded in a nearby device, like a ring.
Yet there are simple jobs — like math problems — that our brains can handle only one at a time.
Speaking today at a White House event honoring the nation's top elementary school teachers and scientist - mentors, President Barack Obama gave a stump - like speech about the need «to move from the middle to the top of the pack in science and math education over the next decade.»
He liked math, science and archaeology, but he took a mix of courses at the University of Alberta, including psychology.
With boards ranging from grade - specific collections like First Grade Fun, Second Grade Smiles, and Third Grade Troop to boards devoted to specific core curriculum subjects and themes (e.g., science, math, robotics) or grade ranges (e.g., middle school science), teachers have raced onto the Pinterest scene, virtual thumbtacks and staplers at the ready, and are actively pinning away.
Despite the fact that math isn't my strong suit, meticulously counting and adding and subtracting at each meal sounds like a pain!
I like that you included «packaged» food items to your list, especially the cereals, however it would be easier for the reader if they didn't have to do the math as some cereals are listed at 1 cup, 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup, etc..
You see it's just like anything that someone wants to become good at: If one wants to be good at math then you need to study nearly everyday.
I also have a daughter who just turned 16, and she is an introvert like me, loves animals and is excellent at math!
I experienced this dichotomy in my own life: Halfway through earning my journalism degree, I was surprised (like, genuinely surprised) to discover that I was good at math and had an affinity for stats and economics.
Not even the fun kind of math, like the land Donald goes to learn to cheat at billiards.
I'm not always great at math, but that sounds like a lot of daily dates to me.
I, like many people, am terrible at math.
At KIPP Ascend, regular class periods, or blocks, are twice as long as the average block — 110 minutes every day for core subjects like math, reading, social studies, and science.
Students analyze whether their thoughts about the problem are permanent («I stink at math and will never get good at it») or temporary («I was distracted by my friends»), and whether they blame themselves («I didn't ask for help when I was confused by my math assignment») or others («the teacher doesn't like me») for the problem.
Make them the same length as a decent lesson — at least 50 minutes — so that they can be planned properly, and they can be used to wrestle with substantial content, such as a wellbeing issue like bullying, a big political debate like who should be the next President of the United States, or an area to explore in science, maths, or history.
Students at Bates Middle School in Annapolis, MD, learn about art concepts such as photo composition (above) that are integrated into other curricula like math.
Green hints at this madness, noting that inadequate implementation makes math reform seem like the most absurd form of policy change.
than the value of an additional year of experience and that things like teachers» college selectivity, whether they had a math major, or their prior coursework in math had no effect at all.
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