Sentences with phrase «at midday break»

Not exact matches

What we do is check the news in the morning, midday, and at night for any breaking stories, then immediately go into newsjacking mode if we find something applicable.
We'll be breaking away from Murdoch to cover prime minister's questions at midday, of course, where Ed Miliband is expected to try to bring the entire government - rather than just the embattled Jeremy Hunt - into disrepute.
Full - day workshops: light breakfast items along with coffee and tea, lunch at midday, and a light snack during afternoon break.
Going at midday is also preferable because it allows for the greatest vitamin D production; you could do this at the weekend or maybe go for a walk at your lunch break.
We do not take siestas, in the city center you barely find a shop that closes at midday... In the towns they still close during the midday cause they are open until late in the evening, as you also said, so people need a break.
Bailey requires someone to be home with her all day or someone who works but can come home at lunch or will hire a dog walker to come midday for her to have a potty break.
Until then, our trained professionals can visit your puppy at home, giving him a midday break for lunch and assistance with housebreaking.
Leo does need at least a midday potty break.
Art at Lunch Every Friday at noon, visitors are invited to drop by the gallery for a midday break.
Fyneface Dumnamene Fyneface joined representatives of environmental justice and environmental organizations Thursday at a rally during the midday break from an Air Board hearing to protest expanding the state's cap - and - trade plan to include offset credits generated under the United Nations» Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation — REDD — program.
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