Sentences with phrase «at my balance poses»

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Recognizing that working long hours in a new and intensely challenging environment can also pose challenges to balancing work and home life, a number of programs are in place at Floating Hospital to help ease the transition from student to pediatric specialist.
Since these funds are given to government to borrow, they pose no risk as the balancing techniques of government would always ensure payments at all times.
They believe that the threats posed from ocean acidification (OA) and ocean warming can, at least to some extent, be balanced by adaptation and evolution.
Kerr enjoys Kundalini — a form of yoga designed to balance and energize the body by awakening energy at the base of the spine through breathing, poses, chanting and meditation.
You may be pulled in all directions, but your yoga practice is a time to breathe and simply focus on the task at hand, whether it is strengthening, balancing or getting into the toughest pose of all for us Type A-ers, Savasana.
How about nailing warrior pose and finding your balance at the same time?
Our friends over at Health Perch have provided us with a modern day guide to opening and balancing the chakras, with various yoga poses and mantras.
Half Moon Pose is a great asana for learning how to balance and grow awareness in what can at first seem a disorienting position.
This is one of the first «fancy» arm balances I learned to do back when I was chomping at the bit for new challenging poses.
To appreciate how important strength is in balancing, let's take a close look at the muscles used in Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand - to - Big - Toe Pose).
At a higher level of the nervous system, your attitude toward practicing balancing poses has a tremendous effect on your success.
A gentle acupuncture treatment at the end of the class will bring deeper relaxation in resting pose and reset the body's energy for balance and harmony.
Balance in this pose is difficult at first.
This pose is nice at the end of mountain II and then followed by standing balance postures.
FUN ADDITIONS: Once you feel confident with building and maintaining balance in the pose, play with variations in the arms (out wide, asymmetrical, Anjali Mudra at the heart, etc.) or adding a subtle backbend by lifting the heart upward.
One of the lessons when it comes to balancing postures is that balance is not a state or place to arrive at... it involves constant adjustment and attunement to the changing conditions of the moment, hence the oh so familiar wobbles we get in tree pose for example.
Stay balanced in each pose by softly gazing at an immobile object.
Try a new multitasking move «There's a flow to the Hindu Squat, so it gets your heart rate going, but it's about balance, too, because when you're down at the bottom, you're on your toes, then you're moving through the pose again.»
Monday - Level one 75 minute yoga class at Total Body Yoga, lots of sun salutations, hip openers and balance poses.
Let's assume I pose the following set of facts: 1) I need to plan for a 60 year retirement, 2) I want to have at the end of Year 60 100 % of my original balance (inflation adjusted obviously), 3) Only 10 % of my savings / investments is in tax deferred accounts (e.g., the bulk are in a taxable accounts), 4) I need a 6 % withdrawal rate pre-tax, and 5) I am indifferent to strategy (VII, etc) and asset choices (annuity vs. dividend blend vs. income, etc) but to guarantee the goals above.
Re: # 46 The item strikes me as a good - faith attempt at balance that fell prey to the usual journalistic pitfall; that is, it poses on one side the IPCC consensus view and on the other individual detractors like Patrick Michaels (citing 3 blog entries by him, no less — not peer - reviewed papers).
In all, 78.9 % of respondents are convinced that at least on balance of probabilities, «climate change poses a very serious and dangerous threat to humanity» (response of 5 +).
This looks like more of his fair and balanced posing — if someone offers argument directed at one side, Danny rushes in to show how it is valid against the other as well, thus confirming once again he is the non-partisan arbitrator we all secretly wish for.
This looks like more of his fair and balanced posing — if someone offers argument directed at one side, Danny rushes in to show how it is valid against the other as well, -LSB-...]
Underlying the price jump is a tight balance between supply and demand, and it has come to a head at a time when people are becoming more aware of the challenges that climate change will pose to food production.
Generally the SOPs require that the police officer balance the risk posed to the public by continuing the chase, with the harm of letting the subject remain at large.
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