Sentences with phrase «at my computer screen at»

I'll be honest, I totally yelled at my computer screen at some point during that article.
You tell a person you will write them an awesome recommendation to post on their LinkedIn profile but instead you find yourself staring blankly at your computer screen at a total loss for words.

Not exact matches

Follow the simple 20-20-20 rule to reduce the eye strain that results from staring at a computer screen.
In another, the researchers asked study participants to quickly assess how much a person weighed by looking at faces on a computer screen.
Unfortunately, the creations listed above are all hypothetical (for the time being), but hopefully the pictures will suffice in some small way for any Twinkie fans staring longingly at their computer screens.
However, by learning the ins and outs of your computer, you can help avoid some of these problems and make sure you aren't just staring at a loading screen all day.
(LoL pros need sharp eyes and sharper reflexes, and both dull after a few years spent staring at computer screens.)
I liked seeing it there, blinking optimistically on my computer screen, but it felt a little like getting an A on a school project that I hadn't really worked at.
And for those oh - so productive «in - between» moments, when you're spacing out at your desk, zombie - staring at your computer screen, like you're in deep thought or something.
It's really easy to start looking at your computer screen and not the camera.
Because our smartphone and computer screens emit blue light, when we stare at them before bed we are resetting our body's internal clock, making it more difficult to fall asleep.
Everything from gazing at a computer screen, to your office's soul - sucking artificial lighting can impact your sleep quality.
three times in quick succession as he sits in an empty office staring at his computer screen.
You spend hours a day staring at your computer screen.
At these travel hubs, in addition to laptop computers, all electronics larger than a cell phone — including e-readers and tablets — will be placed in a separate bin for additional screening.
Overused images of people in headsets staring at computer screens or suited men around a boardroom table are incredibly inauthentic.
It was geek - speak basically, the English language as spoken by people who had four screens of computer code open at once.
So far, it's been wireless carriers giving customers discounts on the devices in exchange for multiyear data - plan commitments, but with most people using their tablets at home and on the couch as a sort of second TV or computer screen, it might make more sense for television or Internet service providers to offer the contracts.
«There was a sense of relief, just my wife and I in an empty bedroom looking at the computer screen,» he recalls.
The store incorporates more than 190 screens, 60 tablets and 100 computers, with a five - foot - wide interactive «community hub» touch - screen at the entrance.
You stare at the computer screen, willing yourself to type, create, develop, and instead you find yourself simply going through the motions, barely caring about the work you're producing.
Eye drops combat dry airplane cabin air and hours staring at computer screens.
The new Eyezen lenses are targeted towards millennials who are looking at screens all day long (computers at work; their phones at, well, nearly every other moment).
As another officer presents the known details of the mission, a marine types the main points into a laptop computer running Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software, and that information is projected onto a screen at the front of the room and to a similar room in each of the two other ships in the MEU, where other officers are participating via videoconference in the meeting.
«I found myself staring at the numbers on the computer screen at all hours of the day, trying to figure out what was happening,» Hawkins says.
You may even start your day with the best intentions, only to find yourself staring blankly at your computer screen for long stretches of time.
It flickers in your fluorescent and LED lights in your home, it is emitted from your digital television screen, you're exposing your eyes to it every time you check Facebook on your phone, and it's bombarding your eyes all day at work while you stare at your computer.
Instead of showing up in a window, Bob will be at the bottom of your computer screen, just like he's sitting across from you.
Take a look at your computer screen through a magnifying glass and you'll see the individual pixels, each made up of three subpixels — red, green, and blue light sources.
It's time to go I'm looking at the computer screen as I fill out another Zillow employee satisfaction survey.
I'm looking at the computer screen as I fill out another Zillow employee satisfaction survey.
If your desk or computer screen has multiple projects going at once, how much of an impact do you think you'll be able to make with each one?
We've all been there: staring at a blank computer screen, waiting for inspiration to strike.
At the very least, minimize them from your computer screen so you won't get the urge to click elsewhere.
I spend an unhealthy amount of time working on computers and staring at screens.
Question: Am I the only one who has had to explain to work colleagues who happened to glance at my computer screen why my in - box is loaded with notes from «Naked Pastor ``?
Just as those glued to their television sets for six or seven hours a night reasonably prefer sets with PIP (picture in picture) which let one see the action of more than one channel at once, to enhance surfing (at the loss of coherence, if you value that), so, too, do workers chained to computer monitors for eight or more hours a day naturally prefer to have a large screen with 16 million possible shades and hues of color, with a number of programs opened at once.
My brave and beautiful Elizabeth spent many hours staring at a computer screen and into her past.
I look at a computer screen all day long, so it is refreshing in my opinion to look at a book for a few minutes a day.
Also, JW, Stevie has got a point that the no back light and the e-ink are so that it won't be anything like looking at a computer screen and it's actually as good for your eyes as reading a regular book.
There was nothing pleasant about sitting for 8 hours straight while I stared at a computer screen.
I won't find it sitting in my basement staring at the computer screen, I know that by now.
If increasing numbers of employees are now sitting at desks staring at computer screens, is this something to lament?
And today I considered writing a post about racism in the South... which undoubtedly would have prompted some yelling at the computer screen.
In the back of my mind there were faint alarms going off, but I did hear them, and it caused me to think: That exactly is it that causes us to spend hours staring at a computer screen in the hopes that someone will post a supportive comment about the party we went to last Friday, or the fight we had Tuesday night with our girlfriend?
Otherwise my large computer screen will be too short to see even one comment at a time.
If you are like me, you don't like to do all your reading and research while sitting at your desk staring at your computer screen.
The moment I realized I could write my own future, as I sat in an uncomfortable office chair, blinking at a bright computer screen full of numbers and symbols.
Hahaha what is up with that???! I literally sat at my computer screen for like two hours trying to get my post up for tomorrow.
Have been staring at the computer screen thinking, «Holy God, we praise thy name!»
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