Sentences with phrase «at nap and bedtime»

Unfortunately, she nurses to sleep at nap and bedtime.
I sing to them at every nap and bedtime
At nap and bedtime, it got taped on, so she couldn't pull it off either by the tabs or down over her hips.
He still needs a diaper at nap and bedtime, of course, but he is doing it!
I am still nursing my 19 month old at nap and bedtime.
Make sure she still has access to her favorite comfort items at both nap and bedtime.
my bumGenius diapers fit on both kiddos, although my toddler is only using diapers at nap and bedtime.
I am only using diapers at nap and bedtime.
Making your baby's crib a safe and comforting place will help him or her fall asleep easier at nap and bedtime.
By the end of our consultation, you will be familiar with an age - appropriate schedule for your child, be prepared to begin implementing our sleep plan, and you will be comfortable with the techniques for coaching your child to put him / herself to sleep at naps and bedtime and back to sleep during any night wakings.
We use the same lullaby CD with our toddler son at naps and bedtime consistently.

Not exact matches

We've had a great relationship as far as balance, She started dropping day nursings when she stopped napping during the day (at 3), and now does it once before bedtime and once in the morning.
My girls only nursed at nap - time and bedtime as they became older which meant only 1 - 2 times / day.
Being pregnant has made nursing a bit uncomfortable, but I only do it now twice a day for only 5 - 10 minutes at the most, for naps and bedtime.
He now only nurses when he first wakes up, before naps, and at bedtime.
Experts recommend giving babies under 1 year old pacifiers at nap time and bedtime to reduce the risk of SIDS — but only after breastfeeding has become established, so no sooner than 3 weeks of age.
At the time, I definitely worried whether he would ever get used to going to sleep for bedtime in his crib (which he did easily for naps) and if I was working against myself in terms of sleep training, but it all worked out just fine!
Many toddlers start taking shorter or longer naps and different times of the day and can then affect their ability to sleep at bedtime.
Her current schedule is feedings at 6 am, 9:30, 1:00, 4:30, and 7 pm and she sleeps / naps from 6 to 7 am, 10:30 to 12:30, 3:00 to 4:00, and 5:00 to 5:30 when I pick her up from daycare, then bedtime is 8 pm.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using pacifiers at nap time and bedtime, based on evidence that using a pacifier may reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
It works quickly and effectively; we found it most necessary at nap time and bedtime.
Mark the time he gets up in the morning and from naps with the letter «U.» Use a «D» to show when you put him down for a nap or at bedtime.
Wait for, and watch for, the signs that your baby is ready: sleeping longer stretches (even at nap time), self - soothing, and falling asleep without a lot of fuss at bedtime are all encouraging signs.
@TinaBOT, when my first baby slept well, I assumed that I was great at being rigid about nap and bedtime (I was!)
Honestly, we've not brought the baby before when we've been invited over to people's homes — because he's napping or it's his bedtimeand the looks of disappointment on people's faces when we show up at the door is almost heartbreaking.
To shift the timing of your toddler's nap, first look at your log and see if it's reasonable to expect them to go to sleep earlier or later based on their current bedtime and wake time.
• Your child takes short naps or no naps, but clearly needs more daytime sleep; • Your child's sleep habits are changing and what used to work, no longer works at bedtime or naptime; • Your child's bedtime routine seems unusually long and arduous and requires too many «special requests»; • Are you exhausted and frustrated?
I look at how closely they are following the two - hour rule suggested by Dr. Weissbluth, how long the naps are and what time they are starting bedtime.
I developed a great plan and system to having my twins sleep at the same time, for their naps and for their bedtime.
We used to have a few of these spread through the day including an early morning read, a story before nap time, a story while supper was cooking and one or two (or three) at bedtime.
7:00 wake and eat 8:15 nap 9:45 wake and eat 11:15 nap 12:45 wake and eat 2:15 nap 4:00 wake and eat 6:00 bedtime 1 - 2 MOTN feeds The last wake time is a bit too long, so I let him sleep longer to help shift things at the end of the day.
At least three hours should elapse between the end of a nap and bedtime.
At bedtime or nap time, inclined sleeper lulls baby to sleep with relaxing music and sound.
He does wake in the middle of the night but not as often and we have found a consistent regular routine at bedtime and having naps around the same time during the day is very helpful.
Paule's vinyl skin is delicately scented with vanilla and his blue eyes open and close at bedtime or when he is put down for a nap.
For next several days, do dry pants checks at meals, naps, bedtimes, etc., and praise each time pants are dry.
Routine is very important to your 4 - month - old, so try to make sure things like naps and bedtime happen at pretty much the same time and in the same way every day.
Self - soothing, bedtime routines, night wakings, feeding and weaning at night, naps and schedules — all are covered.
When your child is between 8 and 12 months old, you can breastfeed in the morning, before naps, after snacks and meals, and at bedtime.
I started to cut down the feedings gradually until it was mainly at nap time and bedtime.
Everything happens at a predetermined time: Wake - up time, naps, meals, play time, baths and evening routine, bedtime, and so on.
We are working on cutting down to nursing four times in a 24 hour period: in the morning, at nap time, at bedtime, and once in the night.
The last part of her nap / bedtime routine must be calming and in her room or always in the exact same spot, for at least the last 10 minutes before putting her down.
Keeping a set schedule means that children tend to wake up at the same time every day, eat their meals at the same time, and give parents less trouble when going down for naps and bedtime because they know what to expect.
On the other hand, if they're overly tired or hungry, they may have difficulty falling asleep at their normal nap and bedtimes.
He still nurses at nap time and bedtime and through the night.
Although in general our well - ordered life was a good thing for Tommy, a delayed nap or bedtime wouldn't mean that he never slept again, a missed bedtime bath wouldn't keep him up all night, and a little bit of fussing at the end of a long day in the car wouldn't kill him or us.
Usually when she got up in the am, before and after nap and at bedtime and occassionally if she was hurt or upset.
Many babies get their days and nights mixed up, napping for long periods in the afternoon and waking up to play at bedtime.
Because of the correlation, the AAP suggests that you give your baby a pacifier when putting him down for naps and at bedtime for the first year of life.
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