Sentences with phrase «at next»

The synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, plans to take up the Council's work at its next scheduled meeting, this month.
He decided to retire at the next triennial Chapter.
Alas, just under the railway coach where he sat ran the electric telegraph with its signal and the order for his apprehension at the next station.
The case had to be on the agenda again at the next Imperial Diet at Nuremberg.
At the next stage, RNA molecules began to synthesize proteins, first by developing RNA adaptor molecules that can bind activated amino acids and then by arranging them according to an RNA template using other RNA molecules such as the RNA core of the ribosome.
What follows is not very different from the view we will look at next.
At the next debate, Obama needs to look Romney in the eye and ask him to explain planet Kolob to the American people.
I like this... the church I am attending started a church growth team, was wondering if you mind if I share that with them at our next meeting?
The partnership between the older and younger churches and new forms of mission were subjects of discussion again at the next meeting of the IMC at Willingen.
As a result, that spiritual high you couldn't stop talking about just a few weeks ago gradually starts to dissipate only to regain strength at the next retreat.
He made his transition, released his animal body, and reappeared in a new body at the next level of physicality to tell all of us that we would do what he did.
Also one of my paenrt want to do two of the cards at our next card class.
the pope could say they will release all doc.uments proving such abusing and help the police in their investigations / prosecutions in order to put these monsters behind bars instead of letting them molest children at the next church.
When the kid at the next desk might out - compete me, edging me out of the path to economic security, then the hope that we may prevail together gives way to the fear that I will be the one who fails.
And at the next moment I moan that «there are others even younger than I who are even further advanced.»
Barack Obama defended his choice of California megapastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at next month's Inauguration, responding to severe outcry from gay rights advocates and liberals.
(I've heard they've been stopping instead at the next inn over, which is unfortunate given the bed bug situation... or so I hear.)
And even though I will be just as disoriented and clueless at the next stage of my life, it's okay, because it's all just part of the process.
Nor did we at the next church, which although they stayed silent on the subject from the pulpit, when asked in a one - on - one environment, the leadership said they could not publicly or even privately support our arrangement of me staying home.
At the next level (borderline), some control is achieved, but usually through tyrannical means — rules are often inflexible, with a black and white quality, and maintained through threat and intimidation.
And that is what we will begin to look at next week as we look at Ephesians 4 - 6 and how God wants you to use your riches to help the church grow.
And when at the next general convention the scene shifts to rural missions, the same enthusiasm, now supplied with a changed terminology and directed toward a changed goal, is sent out on the road from general headquarters.
Then there came some unexpected news that provided a small glimmer of light: «He doesn't seem to have deteriorated at all in the last two weeks,» said Mr Selinger, with a hint of surprise, at the next appointment.
The youth group strives to entertain the church's sense of the absurd in its skit at the next parish supper.
Along with the members of the congregation, God enjoys the process by which the gift of word or gesture returns at the next Eucharist, with surprises and discoveries and insights attached to it.
As you say «The muslims are, of course, «working the system» over here too, but that will stop at the next incident of islamic violence in the US.
The muslims are, of course, «working the system» over here too, but that will stop at the next incident of islamic violence in the US.
At the next opportunity, a year's sabbatical, I set out to pursue these questions.
The answer to this self referent spirituality happens at the next level of development.
They expect to try again at the next regional biannual meeting and could likely succeed.
(CNN)- Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan, America's highest - profile Catholic official, will deliver the closing prayer at next week's Republican convention, in another sign of how important the Catholic vote is expected to be this year.
He has one more step of preparation to go through — his temptation in the wilderness, which we will begin to look at next week in chapter 4.
Not only did the Copenhagen Summit not usher in a binding pact, it failed even to take a decisive step towards a pact that would be adopted at the next meeting (COP - 16) in Mexico at the end of 2010.
«We are calling for justice for all those impacted by climate change now and in the future, and for an ambitious outcome at next year's climate talks in Paris.
Ken wasn't sure which way to turn at the next corner.
I was in a feminist performance art collective and they said I was funny and told hilarious stories and that I should do stand - up at the next performance.
For those unfamiliar with Westminster systems, most parliamentary votes are, as the British say, subject to the party whip: that is, members are expected to vote with the party leadership and are subject to severe retribution (such as being «de-certified» as a party - supported candidate at the next election) if they resist the whip.
It will be tested and amended at the next COCU plenary session, to be held in Baltimore, Maryland, in November.
Would you not call that more of a present danger to this country when the odds one is likely to suffer at the hands of a «terrorist» will be at the next «staged» terrorist plot conveniently foiled by the FBI or Obama's gardner, or face american terrorism at the hands of a barely educated, double - digit vocabulary TSA thug?
Australian number one Sam Stosur said players could choose to boycott the court at next year's tournament and the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has also waded into the row.
Still, someone would inevitably hunt me down at the next family gathering, at church coffee hour, or at my children's schools.
One of the main show courts at Melbourne Park, the venue for the Australian Open, is named after Court and Martina Navratilova has been among those to call for it to be renamed, while Australian number one Sam Stosur said players could choose to boycott the arena at next year's tournament.
Emergence is the appearance of new, often unforeseen properties generated by the co-activation of entities at one level of complexity to form a larger, unified whole at the next higher level.
The full answer to that question can only be given by looking at the next two chapters on judgment and the end of the world.
The only surprise yesterday was the GOP strangehold over the House being held — so we'll have to step up the vote at the next election to free the House from the poison too.
You say you forgive someone, but you keep in your heart a bill of particulars ready to be whipped out at the next infraction — this is not forgiveness from the heart.
So see ya at the next Jihad... I will be the dude in blue on the other side of the battle field... say hi right before the fun begins.
We didn't have the answers for how we would handle what might come down the pike at us next.
And then when she shows up at the next hearing, the judge will ask what she did to comply.
You will not likely see this touted as a way to plant churches at your next conference.
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