Sentences with phrase «at other organizations»

Why should they be denied the same coverage offered at every other organization and corporation.
By connecting with those in your same position or department at other organizations across the country!
With you come all your prior connections, whether they come in the form of clients, potential new hires, or experts and decision makers at other organizations.
After taking a very deep breath and then reading about the success of open book management at other organizations, I started to relay more specific dollar amounts to the team.
The response was swift: First, he received a series of personal pleas from people at the organization, telling him to stop; then he later discovered that his boss had come under direct pressure from head office at the other organization to remove him.
«Dr. Gall has extensive experience in higher education and has also made major contributions at the NAUW and at other organizations like the Queens Library, where she has previously served as a Trustee.
Our marketing assignment help writers» expertise exclusively goes beyond the restricted knowledge of beginners at other organizations.
From our best estimates, we found an increase in animals at other organizations maybe in the hundreds, nowhere near the 10,000 fewer coming to AHS.
Dogs released become facility dogs at the training center, service dogs at other organizations, adopted by other families as pets, or released back to the puppy raiser / foster parent family.
Participating animal shelters include municipal animal control facilities and private organizations of all sizes, and all will benefit from the experiences of their peers at other organizations as well as from the shelter medicine programs behind the campaign.
«When we were starting, we were looking at other organizations to model ourselves after,» Jefferson says.
Sarah Vania, the organization's regional HR director, says that Emily's letters caught her attention, especially because they included several video links that showed the results of Emily's advocacy and fundraising work at other organizations.
It's a way to learn what it's really like to work in that field and discover possible career opportunities that exist in that company or at other organizations.
We provide these services at our offices, at other organizations, and at many of our affiliate churches.
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