Sentences with phrase «at paper outlet»

Each child decorated a small white gift box that teachers picked up at paper outlet.

Not exact matches

In 2016 as in 1964, the paper charges the Republican nominee with being, in fact, at odds with the values and ideals that have long defined the Republican Party — a verdict that has been (and will be) echoed by many other traditionally Republican media outlets.
Now, they just might be, at least according to local paper Diario de Sevilla, who were consistently the first outlet to share information about his transfer to Liverpool back in 2014.
Closer still — and this is what we get at in the paper — is something that it is diffusing mostly person - to - person, rather than through broadcasts such as those from the New York Times or other mainstream popular news outlets.
The final unique feature of ebooks over their conventional counterpart is the affect on the environment, no trees cut down for paper or packaging, no carbon produced or bleaches used by production factories, no shop outlets to heat or light, no recycling problem at the end of their life and no convoys of trucks delivering them.
Or how about Wish List, the first paper book by John Locke to be distributed in - stores (courtesy of Simon & Schuster), rendered virtually invisible because not one reviewer at one trad media outlet has even mentioned it?
In others, she sampled numerous papers on the same day, looking at how different outlets selected and presented images for the day's news.
In Santiago Cucullu's recent solo exhibition, wall sculptures constructed from paper table skirting (the disposable kind you find at «party paper» outlets) acted as a minimalist counterpoint to...
The editor of this journal freely admits to an anti-global warming agenda: The journal's editor, Sonja Boehmer - Christiansen, a reader in geography at the University of Hull, in England, says she sometimes publishes scientific papers challenging the view that global warming is a problem, because that position is often stifled in other outlets.
These allegations were reported gleefully in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Nature, Scientific American, and many other media outlets and news pages of science journals in a manner calculated not only to divert attention from the conclusions of our paper but also to damage Dr Soon's reputation in his scientific calling, to put his employment at the Center at risk, to deter more serious journals from accepting future papers bearing his name as an author, to deter potential funders for fear of adverse publicity, and thus to threaten not only his livelihood but also the science he loves.
These outlets are also often the main targets of advocates on both sides of the debate, with a quote or op - ed at these papers symbolizing success.
And over at the online outlet Mashable (11 April 2018: «Climate scientists fight false polar bear narrative pushed by bloggers»), reporter Mark Kaufman quoted Jeff Harvey, lead author of the BioScience paper on the issue, although Harvey is hardly an authority:
The journal's editor, Sonja Boehmer - Christiansen, a reader in geography at the University of Hull, in England, says she sometimes publishes scientific papers challenging the view that global warming is a problem, because that position is often stifled in other outlets.
Which brings to me to my point, my idea... It would be great if either the original scientists, or the staff of the journal, or another body (say qualified, truly qualified, journalists at a particularly involved and science oriented news outlet, like, er, the Guardian) wrote «layman's versions» of the papers.
The government - linked Investment Association of China (IAC) is planning to create an «International Blockchain Investment Development Center,» aimed at introducing industry standards and Blockchain investment alliances and funds, local news outlet The Paper reported March 14.
You can easily get «resume» paper at outlets like Office Depot or Staples.
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