Sentences with phrase «at people»

One way or another it is people looking at the windows, or we are looking at the people looking at the windows, or there are just windows itself.
Just look at people who do the carbohydrate free diets.
Unfortunately, most of the Nigerian dating sites are aimed at people who live in this country..
Everyone says they are right and the way you can tell which religions are the best or is closet to the truth is to look at the people in the religion.
Online niche dating sites work because they specifically aim at the people with specific likes, age group, marital status, cultural beliefs, hobbies and lifestyle interests.
But, sadly, people like you have to look at people like me & assume something is wrong with me, while, I look at you & think nothing.
Where a multitude of sites cater to the online chatting enthusiasts, only a few of these sites are actually targeted at people who look for Indian cam chatting partners in particular.
What is the source of such disrespect and contempt directed at people who in the past had held very respected and eminent positions?
Money, loads of it, is deployed, power at its naked, excessive and abusive best, is thrown at the people by those in power.
Don't look at people as someone to fall in love with (or not), but look at them as a friend you haven't met yet.
One group may have too many members for your liking, another might be aimed at people living far away from you.
I don't recall Him screaming at people on the sidewalk to pray for revival.
If you think you'll be looking down your nose at people from behind the wheel of a small SUV, then we're afraid you're mistaken.
- Do you often find yourself irritable and angry at the people around you?
He was on his bike, shaking his ass while staring at people in their cars.
Write your CV aimed directly at the person reading it.
Unfortunately, this means yelling at people who don't practice online dating the way you would like doesn't actually achieve what you want it to.
I always laugh at people who get on me for getting on a kid.
A thousand years from now, they will be laughing at people of today.
The area is mainly aimed at people on package holidays but it is possible to find B&B accommodation for solo travellers.
Then the final option I have is to run at people as well if the other options aren't available.
We wanted to look more closely at the people behind the national economic news and credit card statistics.
Still amazed at people listing out what Per M can't do but not acknowledging what he can do.
Before having children I used to down my nose at people who used bribery to either keep their kids in line or get them to do what they wanted them to do.
If you get mad at the person who gave you the car, it stops working.
If your Dog attempts to jump at people when she sees them then you need to be ready with the «no» command or a «down» command.
If your strategy is simply «pick a gun and start shooting at people,» well, that's an experience you can easily get elsewhere.
If you do not care then let it go, do not throw insults at people for what they believe.
What began as a joke poking fun at people going crazy over new digital coins, quickly became a serious currency.
Don't cross them over each other, point at people with them or rest them on the opposite side of your plate.
I think these things are toxic, especially for kids... they don't look at people when they talk to them and they don't build empathy.
If the answer is «yes,» then you can indeed look at yourself in the mirror every day and smile at the person smiling back at you.
We tend to snap at people when we are reaching our breaking point.
I was pleasantly surprised many times at people's reactions.
For this reason, they actually make very poor guard dogs, although the will bark at people passing by on the street if they are in the yard or a kennel.
Don't scream encouragement at the person without first making sure they want that kind of thing.
On the count of three, we'll all look up at the person whose shoes we chose.
I am an Atheist myself and one of the sick things I see all the time is other atheists getting upset at people praying.
But the tough thing there is, when something isn't working, talking at people doesn't really change them.
Playing detective while wearing my father's over sized suit coat and pointing a banana gun at people can have that affect.
Researchers looked at people aged 16 - 30 and found that the group died at a rate at least 24 times greater than the same age group in the general population.
I'm not surprised at people generally feeling lost or seeking help.
It's just shouting at people who do disagree, albeit from the high walls of the academy.
Yes, lets just dig at peoples final moments because it doesn't strike some ideal religious vision.
• Never point or shoot fireworks at another person or an animal.
These kinds of posts are great for letting visitors take a peek at the person behind the book.

Phrases with «at people»

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