Sentences with phrase «at potential»

They looked at potential ways in which EVOO might have produced these desirable effects.
At first we had some patients with arthritis, as this was kind of a study looking at potential pain trigger due to foods.
Below is a look at potential mechanisms behind a detox diet, particularly detox tea, and investigate how these regimens can help deliver the above improvements.
Get in your 10,000 steps and then some so that you feel downright virtuous when you indulge that evening at a potential venue.
I am just amazed at its potential!
But in the interest of fairness, let's look at potential disadvantages of following a VLCKD.
Most of them were middle - aged, overweight or obese, and at a potential risk for heart disease.
In the past, avoiding gluten was considered a «sacrifice» — but, now, with so many choices people are taking a second look at its potential health benefits.
Now that we have examined the considerable benefits of l - tyrosine, perhaps it is time to have a look at any potential side effects.
In addition, what I've found is that when everything physically is perfect or working well, then it's time to look a little deeper at the potential emotional causes.
But before we celebrate the success of this intervention, it is important to look at some potential problems.
Other studies just look at potential risk factors which may be increased when animal protein is consumed.
A proposed clinical study will look at the potential cancer - killing properties of dandelion root extract in hopes of mirroring the promising results already seen in lab studies.
Researchers focused on the health benefits of red raspberry phytonutrients are looking at potential benefits in these areas:
And we may also see — if we look at bilirubin, which is a breakdown of a lot of the red blood cells, and if we have excessive breakdown, we may look at potential gallbladder issues or liver, gallbladder stuff going on.
But the research — and real world results — prove that it's vital to max out your carb stores if you want to race at your potential.
Researchers looked at the potential effects of passive smoking on newborn death, congenital birth defects and miscarriage.
I believe that consuming growth promoting formula regularly throughout our lives puts us at potential risk for hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and diseases of excessive growth (such as cancer).
It is estimated that around twenty million Americans suffer from some type of kidney disease, and millions more are at a potential risk for developing kidney disease.
The task force also calls for more research in this area, including ongoing studies looking at the potential for MRI and genetic testing to better detect aggressive prostate cancers, Krist added.
According to Dr. Sims, the new study offers an incentive to look closer at the potential to use vitamin E or other antioxidants to help prevent COPD.
We are looking at the potential for creativity, excellence, and drive.
Saxena and his colleagues wanted to look at another potential form of heating, caused by tidal forces.
And they've started to look at potential means of blocking the virus.
«If we understand the cause of this muscle weakness, we can begin to look at potential therapies for treating it,» said Patrick M. Cowley, lead researcher.
Tsai and her team also looked at the potential benefits that the light therapy could have for Parkinson's and schizophrenia sufferers also.
Specifically, they looked at their potential effect on sperm activity.
Drawing conclusions from this large number of proteins analyzed we have put forward a scheme for systematic localization of uncharacterized proteins, pointing at potential pitfalls of each method and when and how you need to complement the methods or use other methods», says Emma Lundberg.
«If you're getting cells from these older donors, these seed cells that you use for reprogramming already have some accumulation of mutation load, and so that is actually very important evidence, especially when they are looking at the potential functions of these mutations,» University of California, San Diego, bioengineer Kun Zhang, who was not involved in the study, told The Scientist.
An independent body, the Nuclear Liabilities Financing Assurances Board, will look at the potential clean - up costs - including any impact on electricity bills - and a review of potential sites for new reactors will report next year.
A new open access paper takes a look at the potential of regenerative medicine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease [1].
These «top - down» readings augment traditional «bottom - up» readings, or measurements taken directly at the potential emission source, often at ground level.
Despite skepticism in the neuroscience community, Markram won over the people who really mattered: funders at the European Commission, who seem to have looked less closely at the proposal's scientific feasibility than at its potential economic and political payoff.
At present, fertility experts examine embryos under a microscope, looking at potential indicators of health of the embryo such as the number and symmetry of cells, and degrees of cell fragmentation.
Costello would like to look at potential highway crossings, to investigate ways to mitigate collisions with vehicles.
«We'd like the FWS to start looking at the potential problem that the Yuma clapper rail may be being attracted onto the sites,» Anderson said.
Looking at potential applications, not everyone agrees on the best strategy for manufacturing these promising organisms.
Before arriving at a potential treatment for humans, the researchers are planning to evaluate the effectiveness of new drugs to awaken similar virus reservoirs in monkeys and determine where the virus is hidden.
«European discoveries could be translated into applications elsewhere, at a potential cost to the European citizen,» the researchers write.
The study is the first to give a global overview of all current plans to mine the seabed, in both national and international waters, and looks at the potential impacts including physical destruction of seabed habitats, creation of large underwater plumes of sediment and the effects of chemical, noise and light pollution arising from mining operations.
Kennefick documents that Eddington acted properly when Dyson, presumably overeager at the potential discovery, put aside his first instinct and proposed averaging the three measurements to get a value that was closer to Einstein's prediction.
«If you look at the potential of what we can achieve with nanotechnology, it's really quite incredible,» he says.
The [NFL] is also looking at potential rule changes, though this won't happen overnight.
«But if you flip it on its head and look at potential positive outcomes, those same individuals may also thrive in complex and bustling environments where it's appropriate for them to take risks and seek thrills,» he says.
This barely hints at the potential for this technology: fake news at a level we can hardly imagine.
The team has applied for a grant looking, for instance, at potential cardiac risks associated with testosterone supplementation.
The University of Michigan - led research team also looked at the potential to expand carbon sequestration in reforesting areas.
In one such study funded by the National Institutes of Health, the team is looking at the potential benefit of vitamin E supplements for patients with muscular dystrophy.
Looking at the potential at developable sites, the report found that when the social cost of carbon is taken into account, renewable generation is economically viable in many parts of the country.
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