Sentences with phrase «at professional meetings»

In addition to the above activities, the student is expected to participate in group - psychotherapy conferences and later send a proposal for presentation at a professional meeting.
She gives presentations and keynote addresses at professional meetings and has conducted thousands of workshops on comprehensive data analysis and continuous school improvement.
Participation at a professional meeting could be a life - changing experience.
Developing effective collaborations, presenting your work at professional meetings and workshops, and connecting with the leaders in your field can advance your research and help you gain recognition for your work.
An extension of this career - development theme is to lead a special session at a professional meeting or put together a workshop on an emerging idea.
Scientific staff is encouraged to present research findings at professional meetings and to publish findings in professional and scholarly journals, consistent with applicable law.
She lectures at professional meetings nationally and locally, and publishes articles for consumers and therapists.
These have been recently presented at professional meetings across the country, including a Colorado presentation in 2003.
1963 - Scientists at a professional meeting in Ravello, Italy decide to pursue the idea of the laboratory.
She lectures at professional meetings nationally and locally, and writes for consumers and therapists.
Dr. Kimmel has performed and received grants for multiple clinical research projects, and she has spoken at professional meetings, and published abstracts and journal articles in the fields of diabetes mellitus, intestinal disease, pancreatitis, electrolyte abnormalities, thyroid disease, asthma, and liver disease.
Tufts professor emeritus and animal behaviorist Nicholas Dodman, BVMS, was once at a professional meeting of veterinarians and other dog...
We offer workshops in communication skills at professional meetings and labs, and assistance in preparing accessible materials for non-scientists.
Reach out to colleagues or industry contacts through attendance at professional meetings, trade shows, meet - ups, or conferences.
He also is a frequent speaker at professional meetings and has trained many other clinicians in some of the conflict resolution and co-parenting training strategies he uses.
Although I was snubbed by Dr. M. a number of years ago at a a professional meeting, I forgive him.
She lectures at professional meetings internationally, within the US and locally, and publishes articles for consumers and therapists.
Invitation to give a paper or major address at a professional meeting is another tribute.
Here are references to talks and posters related to the WISSARD project which have been presented at professional meetings and scientific conferences.
At professional meetings, make it a point to get to know people from other universities who have significant knowledge of your specialty area.
I find myself among academic scientists frequently — at my wife's social events, at professional meetings, at the institutions I often visit.
Dr. Parsons gave many invited presentations at professional meetings and universities abroad, including a 2009 invited lecture in Jerusalem in a symposium that featured and honored Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who is known for the initial identification and characterization of Δ9 - tetrahydrocannabinol (the main active constituent in cannabis) and the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide and 2 - arachidonoyl glycerol (2 - AG).
Formal CE may include post-graduate coursework, research presentations at professional meetings, attendance at verified professional meetings, attendance at workshops or seminars relevant to counseling, written contributions to relevant professional books, journals, or periodicals, instruction as a faculty member at an accredited institution, and instruction of continuing education (up to 4 hours).
As senior training assistants and approved session and consult providers, Drs. Taylor and Saint - Laurent have studied with eight of the SE international faculty, assisted at more than thirty SE trainings modules, and offered workshops on the intersection of SE and group psychotherapy, Introductions to SE, and SE training and consultation groups both privately and at professional meetings and conferences throughout the US and Canada.
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