Sentences with phrase «at scaremongering»

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When prime - time hosts — who have never served our country in any capacity — dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller — all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of «deep - state» machinations — I can not be part of the same organization, even at a remove.
His daughter, Scout, now in her mid-twenties and visiting home from her erstwhile and vaguely described life in New York, finds Atticus at a meeting where a professional scaremonger warns the sympathetic audience that their concern is «not the question of whether snot - nosed niggers will go to school with your children or ride in the front of the bus... it's whether... we will be slaves of the Communists» and «nigger lawyers.»
This isn't scaremongering as Sanchez has already said he was disappointed not to win the league or be in the CL final in his first year at the club.
This is what Dr. Michael Turner, Obstetrician at the c * e Hospital has called: «exaggerated, professional scaremongering... and it must stop».
A Goldsmith leaflet campaign targeted at other ethnic minority groups was derided as «patronising» and «scaremongering» after it claimed that Khan would put their family jewellery at risk.
Students are embarrassed because they know that they are listening to and spouting a bundle of scaremongering lies, spin and propaganda about what is, in fact, a funding proposal that makes higher education free at the point of entry and easier to afford than at any time since Labour introduced tuition fees.
I know at least ten families who didn't vote after that plus now the scaremongering has been shown to be exactly that why wouldn't people vote to Leave?
It is deliberate scaremongering and exposes the dishonesty at the heart of the government's anti-democratic proposal.
IAIN DUNCAN SMITH: At the EU referendum the British people refused to be intimidated by the deceitful scaremongering about our supposedly apocalyptic future after Brexit.
«If he continues to refuse to denounce those calling for a split, members will think he is simply trying to scaremonger them to vote for him by his talking up of threats from a minority of MPs supporting his campaign who are plotting to split our party in Tory newspapers, while at the same time refusing to denounce them.
In the document, freely available on the BMF's website and also to be published in the summer edition of the BMF magazine Motorcycle Rider, the BMF point out that the Type Approval (TA) regulations currently under discussion are primarily aimed at improving and harmonising the existing type approval process first introduced in 1994 *, but with so much ill - informed comment and scaremongering surrounding the proposals, the BMF are concerned that motorcyclists are not getting the true picture, with some even incorrectly claiming that modifying bikes will be illegal.
He has a difficult balancing act: he also has to try to maintain Labour unity, so today's attack on «scaremongering» by the No camp is aimed at its Tory, rather than Labour, figures.
«I don't think that at this point the dental anaesthetic or root canal can be blamed; it would be unethical and perhaps baseless scaremongering to do so, there is not sufficient evidence.
This at least offsets some of the scaremongering of the «kidnapped abroad» premise.
A Conservative Party spokesperson said: «It's disappointing that rather than acknowledging and celebrating the fact that the number and quality of teachers is at an all - time high, Lucy Powell has resorted to scaremongering with misleading statistics.
Indeed, as a whole, his presentation echoed the kind of scaremongering so often seen in the mainstream media — hardly what one expects at a conference of this caliber.
Or how does Professor Chapman reconcile his statements at the senate inquiry into the impacts of wind farms where he was asked if he would be opposed to research into health impacts he said it «would be a wonderful idea» with his strident advocacy depicting those seeking such research as «scaremongering» activists.
My first questioning of WA sea levels with scaremongering from a government report, and breathlessly shouted from the roof tops at The West Australian West Australian sea level BS... fact checking the gloom and doom with DATA
The problem is that there is so much politically motivated scaremongering going on that most non scientific people I meet are unaware that warming has not continued to go trough the root and do not know that Arctic sea ice is at exactly the same extent as it was in 2007.
This huge sea level rise scare campaign is scientifically just hot air but is designed to fool those who also are duds at physics to support related agendas and if possible put in some cash to help worthy scaremongers or politicians.
Executives at Enron worked closely with the Clinton administration to help create a scaremongering climate science environment because the company believed the treaty could provide it with a monstrous financial windfall.
That said, both Smith and Moorhead are impressed by chief exec Des Hudson who arrived at Chancery Lane in 2006 to knock some shape into what was seen to be an organisation lurching from crisis to crisis — for example, a bruising encounter with the then Lord Irvine over its campaign against the Access to Justice Bill («irresponsible scaremongering») and the bitter recriminations following the departure of Kamlesh Bahl, the first Asian woman to become vice-president, who resigned following bullying allegations.
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