Sentences with phrase «at such a rate»

The fibre cables are tough but technology is developing at such a rate that it could all be redundant before then.
With change happening at such a rate, it's too much to ask of a single person (or even a single team) to monitor all of the training content.
Technology is advancing at such a rate that each year brings new innovations and leaps of refinement.
Soon, the area will experience growth at such rates it can hardly keep up.
If he continues to develop at such a rate, he could be an outside bet.
The policy can be revived by paying all due premium along with interest at such rate as fixed by the Corporation at the time of the payment, subject to submission of satisfactory evidence of continued insurability.
«At his party's annual conference in London, the Ukip leader claimed support was growing at such a rate that he had serious hopes of getting a string of MPs elected at the next general election due in 2015.
He said that it appears Trump will cut taxes and increase spending at such a rate that his will be the greatest deficit spending presidency of all time.
Scientists agree that tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, is key to obtaining a precise measurement: As a gas, tritium decays at such a rate that scientists can relatively easily observe its electron byproducts.
My aim was to disprove the AGW hypothesis as I stated in the article «increased emission of CO2 into the atmosphere (by humans) is causing the Earth to warm at such a rate that it threatens our survival.»
An Overview Calum Chambers» Footballing career has progressed at such a rate that — in a matter of 12 months from making his Premier League debut for Southampton — the 19 - year old Englishman deservedly made his international debut for England last week.
We all remember last year when you incrementally raised the percentage of our chance of securing Harbaugh each day at such a rate that it would reach 100 % on the last Sunday in December.
Chelsea went through the gears at such a rate that you almost felt a little sorry for Burnley as the half wore on.
The pulsed output coupling can be run at such a rate that the extracted atomic wave packets strongly overlap, forming a highly directional, quasi-continuous matter wave.
Scholars may be required to assist the school in teaching duties for not more than 10 hours a week, for which they will be remunerated at such rates as may be determined by the university.
At such a rate of sea - level rise, it would be - come more and more difficult to protect coastlines.
Whereas the Sun is destined to endure for some 10 billion years, a star of twice the Sun's mass burns its fuel at such a rate that it lasts about 3 billion years, and a star of 10 times the Sun's mass has a lifetime measured in tens of millions of years.
Plus, the plant was being ingested at such a rate that, when combined with other factors like pharmaceuticals and excessive alcohol intake, it was tearing up people's livers.
Over the years, the Swedish firm has crammed so much safety equipment in its cars at such a rate, that it's no surprise to hear that Volvo's expecting all of its cars to be «deathproof» by the year 2020.
It wasn't surprising to learn that the wind blows at such a rate in Beaufort West that they intend setting up a 80MW wind farm out here.
It becomes a choice; do you try to stay in the local's good books, or do you seek to end the game hard and fast, gathering up stars and territory at such a rate that your low popularity won't matter.
Almost every month, we've seen top - tier titles hit the shelves at such a rate it's reduced our financial ability to do something other than place yourself in front of the television and grab the controller.
In a digitally mediated world, bombarded with images that scroll by at such a rate it is virtually impossible to deeply consider what you are looking at, having an opportunity to stop and take notice, to consider what is typically overlooked seems to be the exception.
We are driving plants, animals, and other kinds of organisms to extinction at such a rate that about half of them are likely to be gone forever by the time our grandchildren and great - grandchildren have a chance to explore the world.
Our activities are warming the world's atmosphere at such a rate that most of our agriculture will be seriously dislocated over the next few decades — even if we were to get down to business now and start controlling our emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
«By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate... that there won't be any more crude oil.
The Loyalty Addition, If any, is payable at such rate and so such terms as may be declared by the corporation on death after completion of 5th year or on policy holder surviving to the maturity.
The Bitcoin network has, however, been growing in popularity and used at such a rate that transacting has become painfully slow and much more expensive than it had been a few years ago.
That said, with the market expanding at such a rate and so many devices currently available within the fitness tracker sub-market, it can be difficult to decide which tracker to go for.
«One can argue that PV is growing at such a rate that it's on its way to becoming mankind's largest enterprise.»
He said that it appears Trump will cut taxes and increase spending at such a rate that his will be the greatest deficit spending presidency of all time.
If forests were to die on a sufficient scale, they would not only stop absorbing carbon dioxide, they might also start to burn up or decay at such a rate that they would spew huge amounts of the gas back into the air — as is already happening in some regions.
At the time of the challenge, Gore warned that the climate was warming at such a rate that, without immediate action, disasters would occur.
If the Policy has lapsed, it may be revived during the life time of the Life Assured, but before the date of expiry of policy term, on submission of proof of continued insurability to the satisfaction of the Corporation and the payment of all the arrears of premium together with interest at such rate as may be prevailing at the time of the payment.
The use of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is developing at such a rate that urgent action is required to bring the law up to date, the International Bar Association (IBA) has said.
on payment of all overdue Premiums (along with the service tax or any other taxes, cesses or levies, if any) to Us with late fee and / or interest at such a rate as may be determined by Us from time to time.
In the Singularity Scenario, «the Curve of exponentially increasing technological change is unstoppable» and leads, «before 2030, to the creation of greater - than - human intelligence,» which proceeds to improve itself «at such a rate as to exceed comprehension.»
If I'm working on a science fiction novel and the author states that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, I'll check that this figure is current and correct — science and tech are especially tricky, since our knowledge is increasing at such a rate that «facts» are constantly changing.
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