Sentences with phrase «at table talking»

If you visit Chez l'Éditeur, a coffee shop in the up - and - coming Montreal neighborhood of Villeray, you might see a well - known literary writer sitting at table talking with her editor.
«I'm hopeful with a new governor in place, we can get everyone at the table talking about these very important records.
We almost always ate together and often spent quite a while sitting at the table talking together after.

Not exact matches

BEIJING, May 3 (Reuters)- A U.S. trade delegation arrived in China on Thursday for talks on tariffs, with state media saying China will stand up to U.S. bullying if need be, but it was better to work things out at the negotiating table.
Once at a table, the women wait until their sons or husbands — all of whom have been imprisoned for more than a decade and have over a decade to go — come out to spend a morning in the gloomy room to talk and eat food from the vending machines.
When Caio Bailoni overheard AJ Mojaddidi talking at the next table about cybersecurity, a partnership was born.
BEIJING, May 3 - A U.S. trade delegation arrived in China on Thursday for talks on tariffs, with state media saying China will stand up to U.S. bullying if need be, but it was better to work things out at the negotiating table.
When the social scientist and derivatives trader sat down at the same table at a friend's wedding in 2011, they got to talking about their shared interest in «epic failures,» like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Fukushima nuclear disaster and Hurricane Sandy.
Of all the things to talk about at the dinner table, why do we talk about what we talk about?
After hearing me talk about it to other people at our table, the executives asked me to share my innovation with the group the next day.
George Zimmer, former CEO, Men's Wearhouse, founder / CEO of Generation Tux & ZTailors: «The night I was fired, I came home for dinner and everybody was very uncomfortable at the dinner table... nobody wanted to talk to Dad who now no longer had a job.
It's like putting a piece of paper between two people sitting at a table, and talking about it.
Sources say that at the close of talks Friday, another possible solution was off the table: Belgium simply ignoring the Walloons and giving its approval anyway.
At the dinner table, you read an iPad instead of talking.
But those talks must take place at the negotiating table
They are sitting at long Formica tables, talking, laughing, eating their lunch from brown bags and Tupperware containers.
Most panels are boring - talking heads sitting at a table.
Believers in the technology - is - alienating - us theory are quick to point out the real separation is happening in more intimate settings, such as at home, where families aren't talking much at the dinner table because they're all on their phones.
Step one to making a winning investor pitch is talking a mental seat on the opposite side of the table to look at your company as they will.
That's after 12 rounds of talks — a pace that leaves little chance of the most contentious negotiations finishing before Canada takes its seat at the table.
You can talk to people in your tribe — maybe in one - on - one conversations or sitting next to someone at the table — and immediately they will start charting a potential course for you.
It's just a really memorable symbol that you're going to talk about when you're out with friends or at the dinner table
«She was very careful to talk in broad generalities, which gives her the opportunity to keep September on the table,» said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at brokerage firm Stifel Nicolaus & Co..
The Huffington Post - I See Canada From a Bus, Not an Airplane I grew up in a house where we talked politics at the dinner table — not party politics, but the politics of community.
Mr. Harper also made sure the provinces were at the negotiating table from day one, and kept them there through seven long years of talks until a deal was reached and the agreement went into a prolonged process of legal scrubbing and translation.
There was also talk at the table about the sequence that had Williams in play for a governor spot and now as the new president of the NY Fed.
We can't look across the table at our favorite coffee shop and talk with Jesus in bodily form.
Instead, after 1938 Hitler began to publicly support a Nazified version of science, particularly social Darwinism, at the core of Nazi ideology in place of a religious one — a development that is reflected in private in his increasingly hostile remarks towards religion in Table Talk.
At the same time he has his own very serious reservations and questions, some of which are frankly stated in these particular books, as they are elsewhere in Adventures of Ideas and in some of the «table - talk» recorded by Lucien Price in the dialogues.
A number of different «hug a black person movements» — that sought after sitting at tables and talking to each other — stalled a real pursuit of reconciliation, which would be seeking both substantial, transformative change and a transformation of the heart that would lead to truth - telling on a systemic level.
Many of us at The Lasting Supper have experienced this and so we talk about it around our online table.
The woman on duty at the coffee table smiled at me, and then turned to talk to someone else.
Some of my earliest memories are of gatherings at my grandparents small apartment in Milwaukee where my relatives would crowd around the dining - room table and talk passionately about Israel.
Come and join others who are talking through this with others at the table of The Lasting Supper!)
If a person is sitting at a table alone and is talking to an empty chair across from them, what are we to think of that person?
If a person is sitting at a table alone and they close their eyes and bow their head and talk, what are we to think of that person?
When problems arise, we have become accustomed to the idea of gathering at a table and talking over these problems.
When I talk about not waiting for permission anymore, about being loved and free, about not waiting for a seat at The Table, I'm thinking about you.
I can not fathom the pain and frustration the Brown family experiences because a son and heir will no longer sit at the dinner table, talk about his first year of college, or have kids.
A mythological hero who is MIA for starving millions, but at least this family has a table of plenty so they have time to fold their hands and talk to the ceiling.
On Maundy Thursday, while sitting at table, Jesus considered himself a dead man and spoke of blood poured out and other subjects conventionally regarded as indelicate to table talk.
You might want to do a little self - education before you try to talk at the adult table.
I've never had much luck sharing the Gospel with strangers, but I've shared it often around my kitchen table, in the Eucharist, at baby showers, in long summer nights on the back porch talking with friends, at coffee shops, at funeral homes, in living rooms, through tears, through music, through celebrations.
Volume 53 is an exceptionally interesting volume, devoted to Liturgy and Hymns; Volume 54, the Table Talk, comes into its own at a later stage.
After prayer with the disciples at the conclusion of his table talk in the upper room, Jesus descended with them from Mount Zion, crossed the Kidron (Cedron) Valley, and entered a garden on the lower slopes of the Mount of Olives.
And we know also that Jesus often compared the kingdom to a banquet in which all are invited — slave and free, rich and poor alike — and he often talked about how the least among us would take the high place of honor at that Table to eat with the Master.
They insist chapters 15 through 17 must be placed before chapter 14 if chapter 14 concludes the table talk Jesus had with the disciples at the Last Supper.
Paired with butter cream cheese frosting, this cake will be «the talk of the town» at your Thanksgiving table.
Previously their valuable advice was dispensed judiciously tableside, but now we are all able to sit at that table, and people want to know what they're talking about!
Talking about the value addition that Asepto brings to the table, Mr. Ashwani Sharma, President & CEO, New Business Initiatives at Uflex Limited said, «Asepto is redefining the contours of Aseptic Liquid Packaging world over.
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