Sentences with phrase «at the edit chains»

Not exact matches

Edit: On looking closely at my chain I see that the Centre portion of the chain looks like it has been scratched.
After college she managed a chain of bookstores in the Midwest; learned editing and production with a small LA - based publishing house, and had positions as a marketing manager at major publishing houses.
In the case of publishing, I've heard publishing execs boast about how only they can pay author advances (critical for authors seeking to make a living from writing, but less so for enthusiastic hobbyists), and only they can get a book onto that front table at a big bookseller chain (also important, but less so in the era of digital book stores), but I believe the most important role that publishers perform is the one they are strangely reluctant to celebrate: the editor and the process of editing an author's manuscript into a readable book.
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