Sentences with phrase «at the breast while»

Young babies fall asleep at the breast while eating.
If you normally feed your baby at the breast while at home, you can add in a few pumping sessions in between feeding sessions to, again, signal your body to make more milk.
I began nursing him at the breast while we were still in the delivery room, and he was beside me always, receiving only my breastmilk.»
If you are co-sleeping or breastsleeping like I did, your bedtime routine may just be having your baby fall asleep at the breast while breastfeeding.
His point of contention is that while he is fine with uncovered breastfeeding in public he thinks it's a double standard that it is not acceptable for men to have a look (more like a good ling stare) at the breasts while it is going on.
The latter two options may increase the chances of a baby subsequently feeding successfully at the breast while in hospital, however cup feeding may increase length of stay and success is likely to be dependent on the experience of the staff (Collins 2008).
«Some babies become more distracted, go through growth spurts, are more fussy at the breast while teething, or temporarily refuse the breast around 6 months old,» Davidson says.
Some tips may help increase your comfort level so you can feed your baby at the breast while running errands, sitting at the café, or enjoying time at the park:

Not exact matches

Yet, while Shelley Hwang, chief of breast surgery at Duke Cancer Institute and vice chair of research at Duke University's Department of Surgery, agrees in principle, she also has concerns about all the new diagnostic potential that will come with precision medicine.
In 1964, while at The Dwarf House, Cathy was approached by a local poultry supplier who'd produced too many chicken breasts.
While the study examined weight loss and the psychological effects, it also looked at the physiological ramifications of things such as disease prevention in the areas of diabetes, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
While most porn actresses would jump at the chance to get naked on the Howard Stern Show, Sasha wants to appear on the shock jock's program with a Palestinian flag wrapped around her breasts to confront the man she believes is a closet racist.
Identifying with Radha's pounding breasts as she steals out at night to meet Krishna, other poets graphically describe her fear while merely hinting at the suppressed thrill of her sortie, the arousal sharpened by the threat of discovery.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
@brad: Yes, let's laugh at Planned Parenthood that provides cheap or free healthcare to women in need while we try to defund them so women are left without breast exams, and yearly checkups in a country where the idea of having comprehensive healthcare for every man, woman and child is considered an evil encroachment on freedom.
If breast feeding is to be okay in public, and to be okay in a church (which I am fine with, as it is the most useful thing a church is for), then mothers should have absolutely no problem with people looking at them while they do it.
I try to coin words that don't exist and craft sentences to explain how it feels when I look at the curve of my daughter's cheek while she nurses at my breast or how I learned to pray by doing laundry or how dignity is overrated and how the Holy Spirit feels like a bracing cold wind to me and how you only really learn that when you have nothing left or how I believe in a God who climbs down into the obscurity and calls us beloved but I keep coming up with nothing much.
At which point dripping fat causes flare - ups that engulf the breasts, charring the skin while the meat remains rare deep within.
Thank you always, Deb, for the wit and wisdom (and great recipes) and thank you to Erin in PA whose go - to dinner, after a long week and long day and an empty brain while staring at naked boneless chicken breasts, was the perfect solution!
I totally forgot to list this, but if you have a crock pot you can even just throw some breasts in with some water and cook the chicken while you're at work and then all you have to do when you get home is shred it!
Some years ago I gulped down at least 2 - 3 unflavoured, whey protein shakes a day, while eating multiple chicken breasts.
While I decided to focus primarily on older children in this post, many women on Twitter chimed in that they are nursing their kids to age two as well, including: Reiza at Stepping Off the Spaceship, Summer at Wired for Noise, Mom Most Traveled, Annie at PhD in Parenting, Sherri at Recovering Sociopath, and Sara (who was breast - fed herself until age 4 1/2) at Custom - Made Milk, among others.
Because I had to remember to put her back in the co-sleeper after each time she nursed, I'd force myself to stay awake and not nod off while she was at the breast, even though I really wanted to.
The women who ran the store looked at me, doing my thing (supporting my large breast so as not to suffocate my kid, while cradling the baby's head with the other), and said «you know, we have foam wedges that can help large breasted women nurse».
In the United States we have horrible parental leave policies and some improved protections for pumping moms, not all moms can take time off during the work day to pump or pump enough breast milk to feed their babies, while they are at work.
Instead of feeling bitter or frustrated each time I sat down to nurse or pump, I was able to be grateful for the special time we had together while she was at the breast.
While breastfeeding, the risk is not at all as high, although some alcohol actually does enter the breast milk.
«I look forward to continuing to be able to feed my baby [breast] milk for many more months with the help of this bra and being able to pump in comfort while at work.»
Another way to know your baby has a deep latch is look at the corner of your baby's mouth while latched on to your breast.
For her, the symbol is the breast pump, that device that lets women give breast milk to infants even while at work.
When the baby sucks at both the breast and the tube, she gets milk from the bottle while the suckling stimulates the breast.
Van Esterik said women who breast - feed do not have to stay at home; they can store their milk and continue working while nursing.
While this is perfectly normal, it's important to remember that having baby feed at the breast is the best way to maintain your milk supply.
If trouble does arise, Lansinoh's breast therapy pack can offer relief while pumping at work.
100 % Agreed — they were just working out a schedule for us that would get the baby experience at the breast, and help stimulate production, while also allowing her to get the extra calories she needed.
It is the biological norm for babies to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, which is not a problem!
While pregnant, your body produces hormones to begin milk production, and is hard at work increasing the number of milk ducts in your breasts.
At a Tulsa Water Park this week — — My husband wondered what the difference was between a bikini clad woman at a water park and a woman possibly showing a bit of breast while nursing?At a Tulsa Water Park this week — — My husband wondered what the difference was between a bikini clad woman at a water park and a woman possibly showing a bit of breast while nursing?at a water park and a woman possibly showing a bit of breast while nursing???
I was the one to feed her this time because I was the one who was home with her and she took the bottle easily while continuing to improve her latch at the breast.
There is no one pump I can say is the «best» and while I may have my favorites (and it hasn't always been the same with each baby), my favorites have been based on what has worked best for me at that time recognizing that my breasts and my lifestyle and pumping needs may not be the same as the next person.
Finally, while relatives may offer to feed baby at night to help out, it is important that baby is at the breast as much as possible because that's really how your body learns how much milk to make.
Furthermore, the motion of the tongue and jaw is similar to what the baby does while feeding at the breast.
Push in firmly against your breast tissue while at the same time pulling your thumbs away from each other.
Breastfeed early on and often — at least every 2 - 3 hours — to avoid engorgement and give the baby the chance to practice breastfeeding many times while the breast is still soft.
With both of my children, I wanted them to have breast milk, even while as I was at work.
Unlike bottle feeding, babies need to be able to protrude and extrude their tongues freely while suckling at the breast because the baby actually threads the milk out.
Additionally, a breastfed toddler will learn to comfort himself at the breast, increasing his healthy attachment with his mother while also decreasing his tendencies toward fits and tantrums.
And while you're still feeding him either breast milk or formula, says that babies at this age actually have quite the sweet tooth — which is exactly why he likes breast milk or formula so much!
Breast compressions, while pumping, can be very effective at increasing the amount expressed, it may be a bit awkward at first, but it can be done (mothers have fixed the cups so that they sit inside the bra and then use compressions) or the partner can do it.
At the same time, offer the breast often for little snack breaks while he enjoys his newfound freedom.
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