Sentences with phrase «at the mistakes of»

For now though, Arsenal fans can laugh at the mistake of Bayern just as we were laughed at when we got the supposed release clause in the contract of Suarez wrong.
The speech confirms a noticeable shift in Labour's attitude to the market, since last week's financial crisis provoked outrage at the mistakes of senior bankers and the actions of speculators.

Not exact matches

In the wake of the Dollar Shave Club deal, I reached out to my own business advisers, at Commerce Business Advisers, and asked them what are the three biggest mistakes that founders make in the early days, that eventually hurt their exits.
While there's no mistaking that a pair of shorts makes you look like you mean business, Hanson is quick to clarify that it's unlikely that the Royal brood are throwing shade at the rest of the country.
It's a classic «forest for the trees» mistake: We're focused on the details at the detriment of the big picture.
«The media made a mistake by covering Trump's candidacy at the start as some sort of joke or media prank,» Harvard political scientist Danielle S. Allen tells the NYT columnist.
«We made the mistake of buying three vehicles all at once, in cash.
Automation also reduces the risk that you'll make costly mistakes in your recordkeeping, which will help keep you out of trouble at tax time.
Composing a Top 10 Best List works too, for example the title to a post could read «Top 10 Mistakes Business Managers Make» or «Top 5 Ways to Increase the Number of Patients at Your Practice.»
«Oftentimes, executives — and employees at all levels — are afraid to make mistakes, but that could be the biggest mistake of all.
Founded by three tech veterans, who between them have experience working early on at companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Foursquare, Oceans is attempting to help entrepreneurs steer clear of common mistakes.
«Entrepreneurs can mistake momentum for security,» says Derek Lidow, a professor of entrepreneurship at Princeton and the author of Startup Leadership: How Savvy Entrepreneurs Turn Their Ideas Into Successful Enterprises.
Neil Patel, blogger at and co-founder of KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg, gives some common mistakes often made on websites, explains website hotspots, and a few elements every website should contain.
Employees who want to finish up a project at home may send confidential information to insecure home computers, or an IT administrator, privy to all of the company's infrastructure, could make a small mistake that has devastating consequences.
Although there are companies out there that can help your business, here are five common start - up mistakes that you quite clearly want to avoid at the start of your business career:
One of the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make when they're just starting out is growing their inner circle too quickly and taking on too many projects at once.
Look at mistakes as a very necessary part of your education — another way to test your resolve and prepare you to succeed.
Inc. editor - at - large Kimberly Weisul spoke with author and Duarte Design CEO Nancy Duarte about presentation mistakes, investor pitches, and why speakers should think of themselves as Yoda.
«You can make a big mistake in terms of whom you hire,» says Mikhel Tombak, who directs an innovation program at University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, «because you're just grabbing whoever you can.»
The biggest mistake most companies make when choosing a strategy is «listening to the Hippo — the Highest - Paid Person in the Organization,» Neil Hunt, chief product officer of Netflix, told attendees at the Churchill Club in Santa Clara, California.
«It creates workplaces where taking chances and being creative while risking failure is subsumed by an ethos of mistake - prevention at the cost of daring and innovation.
But make no mistake, a catchy and memorable company name can offer a distinct advantage, keeping you at the front of your customers» minds and helping you to make a positive and engaging first impression.
From a junior's silly mistake to a boss» reprimand, at times it feels that the level of frustration has crossed its limits, and there is probably no one who can understand your situation.
«One of the fundamental mistakes I made at the beginning was thinking that people enjoyed all the things I liked,» Levy says.
«It's a huge mistake to assume at the end of the introductory period you're going to roll into another zero percent,» he said.
Too many entrepreneurs and experts make the mistake of assuming that just because their product or service is one that's useful throughout the year or «evergreen», it's automatically interesting as a story at any time.
Let's take a look at these steps, and also at ways to avoid some of the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs make.
Then they can look at your track record from the last number of years and see it's all worked out, and when you have made a mistake, you've owned up to it, and that there were lessons learned.
«This is of such importance to Europe it would be a terrible mistake not to do something major,» Zoubin Ghahramani, Cambridge University professor and chief scientist at Uber, tells The Guardian.
The mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make is not starting at the top when selling or pitching an idea.
Northwestern University's Hochberg says many have the mistaken perception that walking through one of these programs guarantees funding at the end.
While it's true perfectionists can be rewarded for their flawless performances and may even think their desire to never make a mistake is what makes them more efficient at their job, the obsession for perfect may indeed stand in the way of success.
There have been clean - ups and attempts at rectifying past mistakes — although the increasingly ideological and paranoid turn of the party - state may be obstructing these efforts.
More from Personal Finance: How to avoid mistakes dividing your 401 (k) assets in divorce Spousal IRAs are a missed retirement savings opportunity for couples At the Oscars and elsewhere, #TimesUp shows no sign of slowing down
That's bad — at least for a person hoping to get hired — but what's much worse is when you, as the interviewer, make one of the following mistakes:
He is far from alone: It reminded me of the common mistakes I see founders make at the start that hinder their ability to grow or sell down the road.
One of the most common mistakes people make at the office is not turning to - do lists into time - bound, effective project lists.
Now, at this stage of my career, I wanted a business of my own, but did not have the time or the energy to struggle through those mistakes of business start - up again.
If you're in a similar situation — in life, at work, or as part of a company marketing campaign — the best strategy is to own up to the mistake, apologize, and then get to work on how to make sure it never happens again.
That's a mistake, says Andrew Knight, an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Washington University in St. Louis.
United Airlines and CEO Oscar Munoz made some huge mistakes in their attempt at damage control after a passenger was involuntarily dragged off of a flight, says strategist Mark Macias.
Students with a growth mindset, on the other hand, didn't care if their mistakes were revealed to their peers; they saw this as inevitable and nothing to be ashamed of, because their goal was to «learn at all times and at all costs.»
On his blog Quick Sprout, tech entrepreneur Neil Patel speaks with 10 founders of companies that are worth at least $ 50 million and asks them what was their biggest mistake in business.
These are just a few of the fatal mistakes that can befall startups, as illustrated in the infographic by Anna Vital, information designer at Funders and Founders.
Herjavec, who has a net worth of $ 200 million, offered the following advice on Twitter: «One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs can make is giving out too much equity right at the start.»
Jankowski says that looking at The New Heartland as an area of the country that tends to mirror white, Christian, conservative values is a huge mistake.
It includes an audiotape of Winkler screaming at a female editor who was trying to explain away the mistake of a reporter he'd fired.
«Pulling out of NAFTA would be a horrendous mistake,» said former USDA chief economist Joseph Glauber, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, an agriculture think tank based in Washington.
Maybe you're scratching your head at this one because it's an elemental grammar mistake but I'm surprised at how often I hear «I seen» coming out of college - educated people's mouths.
«This was a big mistake on the part of a few employees at one store on Friday,» a Best Buy spokesperson told CNBC.
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