Sentences with phrase «at this distance»

At a distance, it all sounds like rather typical challenges for an online streaming service that's been on the market for less than two months, but the complaints are mounting.
In pre-commercial trials that started in December, Verizon and Samsung demonstrated multi-gigabit per second speeds at distances of up 1,500 feet.
The central bank works at a distance from politicians.
If you look at the distance between the PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2, it was five years.
The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.2 million miles (2 million kilometers) from Titan.
For instance, two magnets can be designed to attract each other at a distance but stop short of touching, and hover with a gap between them.
Remaining at a distance and communicating from afar can create more barriers that only extend or escalate the issues at hand.
Offering both full — time and part — time study options, RMC's program is available on — campus in Kingston, Ont., or at a distance, although some residency is always required.
«We think the safest way to deliver packages is for the drone to remain at a distance and lower it into the customer's hand,» said Sweeny.
4K makes possible far crisper visuals, especially when scrutinizing slight details in a scene, say the trees or rocks on a mountainside backgrounding a panoramic sweep, or simply viewing images standing at a distance from a physically gigantic screen.
The portable products to date are mostly improvements on the classic Life Alert «I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up» button, but services to remind taking of medications at precise times, direct doctor - to - device monitoring (as with embedded pacemakers), permitting adult children to easily monitor parents» activity in their homes at a distance, etc. are fast emerging and gaining traction in the marketplace.
Dozens of new country houses had popped up in the fields outside the city, which, at a distance, resembled castles transforming the landscape into a kind of distant fantasy land.
But, argue some credible voices in the start - up community (including VC Mark Suster), doesn't working at a distance reduce opportunities for a team to build a culture of camaraderie and a basis for trust?
I was at a distance and getting great experience, but that wasn't seen in Canada.
He estimated that the Cuban cicada could reach a deafening 95 decibels at a distance of about 20 inches, but emphasized that the sound - pressure level would drop six decibels with every doubling distance.
But if you want to take advantage of the new 5 - foot - long controller cables on the SNES Classic and keep it 5 feet away from you, you might get annoyed at the distance between you and Reset.
In the example at the top of the page, the simple average is 25 % and the standard deviation is 75 % (since the data points of +100 and -50 lie at a distance of 75 away from the simple average); in this case the estimate gives the exact answer of zero for the CAGR:
Nevertheless, Malthus» recognition that the «preventive checks of moral restraint» implied the possibility of stationing a society at some distance from the Malthusian precipice is relevant to any consideration of the circumstances in which escape from the constraints of an organic economy might occur.
Research them like you would a buyer persona you love, but keep them at a distance, and by all means do not target your content to them.
He famously called quantum entanglement, which is used in quantum computers, «spooky action at a distance».
Moreover, signals sent from balloons located at a distance of 60,000 feet will hardly be of any risk to humans.
That amount of range, according to Engadget, could get goods transported at a distance spanning from San Francisco to Cheyenne, Wyoming or something equivalent, in a full tank of gas.
I pulled in a local Family Dollar Store to buy some things and the picture at a distance was what was facing me.
Sports involves the opposite movement, God's withdraw from the field of play, «enabling the creature to be somehow at a distance in its own integrity.»
Counter-Reformation Catholicism revered the Bible, but at a distance.
Instead, they huddle together in «safe places» and try to have «fellowship» while they hide behind masks and airs and false personas, hiding dirty secrets while foisting impressive / seductive / intimidating / abusive behavior to keep people at a distance, even their «brothers and sisters.»
9 «And the kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, 10 while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say, «Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!»
As an ordered set of such quasi-places, time comprises a field of peculiarly unbridgeable distances, and the account I have just given of Heidegger's notion of Dasein's «free past» will seem to require a metaphysically preposterous «action at a distance
In the football spectacle the important action is male - dominated; women can share in it only at a distance.
But he acknowledged that current physical theory makes no use of action at a distance.
As Jesus faced trial, and as the disciples began to fear that Jesus was just another man and their ministry with him just a waste of time, the Gospel reports that Peter «followed Him at a distance
Most have been through a time or two when we've cautiously followed Jesus at a distance.
One who accepts telepathy but denies action at a distance can appeal to some such theory.
Lazarus, in an earlier time, was also part of the social landscape for this rich man, and below the notice of one who had the wherewithal to inhabit a home where the poor could be «gated» outside and kept at a distance.
Not many said this to my face (only one), but their actions of welcoming him back while holding me off at a distance, spoke loud enough.
So I followed Jesus at a distance.
Even if the empirical evidence for telepathy is sufficient to warrant its acceptance as a reality, that in itself does not necessitate the view of action at a distance.
While religion keeps sinners at a distance, Jesus parties with them like there's no tomorrow.
On the other hand, it masks an anti-elitism: keep the clergy and theologians at a distance.
Ten lepers, meeting Jesus as he was entering a village, stood at a distance and cried.
That is a long way from love and at that distance you will see very little if anything of God.
Again we have a cure performed at a distance in response to a Gentile's entreaty.
Contrary to the statement in John 18:16 that Peter stood outside at the door until he was brought in to the fire, the Synoptic Gospels agree that he followed Jesus and his captors at a distance.
It was Mark who began this process of transvaluation, as far as we can make out at this distance, by insisting that Jesus became Messiah at his baptism — though perhaps the evangelic tradition had already received this interpretation in the Roman community, or even, earlier still, in Palestine or in the early Gentile church.
Maybe they were the type to walk at a distance from the official group, making jokes, muffling their laughter.
There have been several reports about the Christian attitude to nuclear weapons, but although some Christians were very active in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the churches remained at a distance from the campaign.
There seems to be influence at a distance that is virtually instantaneous.
I feel insecure about myself, so I criticize other people... or I keep them at a distance.
I certainly agree with Larry Carstens» fine commentary, particularly his reflections on the difficulty of religious categorization, especially at this distance.
But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
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