Sentences with phrase «at top of the movement»

The answer is not to throw out the exercise altogether, but rather to take away the eccentric component by simply dropping the weight at the top of the movement.
When you lockout your arms at the top of the movement your pecs relax and your triceps take over.
-- Use the biceps to generate the power to curl the weight, and squeeze them at the top of the movement and hold for a second or two.
At the top of the movement, squeeze the chest muscles together.
At the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together and feel the contraction.
It is not about the weight, more the stretch and a slight pause at the top of the movement.
Squeeze your butt at the top of the movement for two seconds before lowering with control to touch and go again.
Keep your elbows rigid without locking them at the top of the movement and avoid wiggling the weight.
Press your shoulder blades at the top of the movement.
Start lifting the arms in a semi-circle motion directly in front of you by pulling the cables together until both hands meet at the top of the movement.
Your inner thighs bring your legs together at the top of the movement, as you mimic a basketball shot to get your arms involved.
Make sure that you squeeze your biceps for one to two seconds at the top of the movement, when the muscle is at peak contraction.
With your elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level squeezing your shoulder blades at top of the movement.
At the top of the movement, your elbows should be directly lateral to the shoulders.
It provides an intense contraction at the top of the movement and stimulates pecs separation.
Try to do an extra squeeze at the top of the movement to intensify the already agonizing burn.
At the top of the movement your elbows should be a bit higher than your wrists.
Squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the movement, hold for a second then start slowly lowering the bar again.
When you're doing them rapidly, without a proper form, which is not contracting the quads fully at the top of the movement, you fail to maintain a lot of tension in the muscles being worked.
In order to be sure that you haven't released the tension from the muscles do not rest the bar on the rig when you're at the top of the movement.
Perform your regular shrug routine but make sure to pause and contract the muscles for three seconds at the top of the movement.
You can also use this compound exercise to add some extra definition to the triceps by flexing them at the top of the movement.
In the beginning, you can start with by adding a jump at the top of the movement.
Being able to bring your hands together at the top of the movement using dumbbells, is the secret key that Steve Reeves used to develop a thick upper chest that was the envy of all of his competitors.
With the dumbbell incline press, not only can you get a greater stretch at the bottom of the movement, but EMG studies have shown that you can get a more intense contraction in your pecs at the top of the movement, especially if you bring the dumbbells in toward one another at the top.
The benefit from not locking your elbows at the top of the movement is that your muscles stay tensed and you have a better chance of achieving hypertrophy.
Your shoulders should be slightly pulled back, to help you squeezing the scapulae together at the top of the movement.
At the top of the movement, squeeze your abs and hold for a second, then slowly lower yourself back down.
Get on a preacher bench, grab a heavy barbell with one arm and position it at the top of the movement.
To skip the eccentric component, release your grip at the top of the movement and follow it down without tension.
You can also perform the exercise while standing and bending forward from the hips to let the dumbbell hang straight down, as Arnold advocated, to ensure full contraction at the top of the movement.
Step 3: Keeping a long spine and tight core pull the bell across the body flaring your elbow out to the side at the top of the movement
At the top of the movement, contract your abdominals hard and keep the contraction for a second.
Imagine yourself at the top of the movement; as you descend down into the push - up, you want to keep your whole body tight from head to toe (core especially).
During squats, deadlifts, lunges, and swings, you should squeeze at the top of the movement when you are completely standing up.
Once you're at the top of the movement, raise your left leg at the same time your right arm is extending.
That means you shouldn't feel the exercise in your arms — in fact, the kettlebell should feel weightless at the top of the movement.
Focus on pushing the bar, using your chest muscles, squeezing your chest at the top of the movement.
Remember to keep pushing the bar hard away from you or you will not be able to keep your legs vertically in the air at the top of the movement.
With a cable machine, as opposed to free weights, it is easier to pause at the top of the movement and «squeeze» / contract hard.
Repeat the up and down motion a few times until you feel stable at the top of the movement (when your heels are farthest from the ground), and then try to hold for 30 seconds.
With both exercises, feel the scapula depress at the top of the movement — imagine pulling down with your elbows.
The triceps works the hardest at the top of the movement rather than the bottom.
Contract & squeeze your bum at the top of the movement hard for a count of two before returning back down.
Focus on gradually squeezing the bicep at the top of the movement and only bringing the weight up asd high as your elbow flexion allows.
Jump at the top of the movement and then lie back down ready for the next move.
Hold the contraction for a second at the top of the movement.
That means at the top of the movement, shoulders are forward, spine is rounded, head is tucked in.
Using a step to create a full range of motion, perform a calf raise making sure to squeeze your calf at the top of the movement and lower past the step at the bottom, feeling the stretch in your calf.
So for example, take 4 seconds to go down, hold yourself as you contract the muscles at the bottom of the movement, go back up taking 2 - 3 seconds and then taking a full 1 second contraction at the top of the movement.
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