Sentences with phrase «at your dog when»

I laugh at my dogs when the sun comes out after a few days of dark, cold weather.
So always stay calm and never shout at your dog when cleaning his teeth.
There's no need to yell at your dog when he does things like bark or whine at you for attention or defend his dog food dish.
This means never punishing or yelling at your dog when they come to you.
You are looking at your dog when you notice something odd about its eyes.
You can even try to «laugh» at your dog when you want to play.
You should not spank or yell at your dog when crate training them, as it will make the crate look like a bad thing instead of a good thing.
Don't yell at your dog when she barks.
Do not get mad at your dog when she is digging.
Not only would he lunge and bark at dogs when he was on lead but he would also recourse guard any object which meant he would bite if the person and or dog came close enough.
Don't get angry at your dog when he's scared.
My clients reaction was swift and decisive and she replied to him «why would I throw food at my dog when I can give him my love?»

Not exact matches

When you think about conventional management thinking and practices in a dog - eat - dog, transactional business world, not enough leaders spend the time to do what Watson had to learn over his many years at Chevron: Getting results through the people and relationship side of the business.
But when a little boy in Turkey swallowed an oversized bite of hot dog and went into cardiac arrest, it wasn't because of choking at all.
«I read [this book] when we were in very early stages of operations at The Farmer's Dog, and it taught me that no process is ever perfect and that there's always room for improvement.
He was also a dog lover (one of the few times he spoke to this magazine was for a piece about dogs) and when he didn't own one, Ken would spend time at the Toronto Humane Society walking the impounded pups.
When these hot dog pioneers aren't at sea or scaling winding roads, they will be on the lookout for special stops to make on their three - month journey.
Altogether, when factoring in the Dogs» yield advantage at the start of the year, performance has largely been on par with the Dow Industrials through the first half.
I was scrolling through Facebook a few days ago looking at dog videos, cat videos and random political posts when I noticed something pretty incredible.
When Lonny is not working to make a positive impact in his community, he hangs out at home with his wife, dogs, and 3 children including his daughter who is a freshman in the drama department at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Joseph Wakshlag, a nutritionist on the faculty at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine, recalls becoming aware of Blue Buffalo in 2005 when he worked at a vet's office in Woodbury, Conn.: «They had salespeople who paid for «lunch and learn» sessions where they talked about the owner's dog, Blue, who had died of cancer, and now they had a new dog food that prevented cancer.
When she's not at work, you can usually find her at the dog beach with her two dogs.
We did all the things Rutherford and Neil (and all the other modern dog - owner manuals) tell one never to do — we punished the dog, yelling at him when he was bad, and hit him when he was very bad.
When I joked with Roland's owner that if this puppy manual did not work I could at least use it to hit him with, he said, «Nah, never hit a dog
Also, morality is not external (if byexternal that you mean something that you can know is right or wrong has to be determined by a larger body or set of policies created by someone else many years ago to be official), and morality does not necessarily flow from religion (plenty of Catholic priests, Islamic Imams, Protestant preachers wave their hands high in the air in the afternoon, at praise time, and when the lights go down they crawl on their bellies, and hands and knees like snakes and dogs).
Is our modern God the same as in 1801, when Christians at a revival in Kentucky became so filled up with God's spirit that they got down on all - fours and barked and howled like wild dogs?
Dyslexic doG - Once you get to the ORIGIN (God - Pure Energy) which is Eternal, you then begin to look at things in phases because they are literally no beginning or end, just the phases, for example; when our universe was created, first stars that were created, our Sun was created, Earth was created... eg... eg.
My dog sits when I tell it to because it wants a treat or aff - ec - tion avoid getting ye - ll - ed at for not listening.
I swear, I nearly fainted when I heard an ignorant spectator at a local dog show say they wanted to fly to Europe to see the REAL dog show at Westminster.
The most peaceful times for me when I feel most connected to Source is at night, under the stars, maybe smoking my pipe, maybe with or without my dog, but usually in winter.
I recall that I often felt closer to God and sensed the beauty of nature when I took the dog for a walk than I did at long - drawn - out church services.
Unto whom the dog saith more than thou didst charge him; and when he bath accomplished the mystery which thou didst command him, he shall die at thy feet.»
The stories in Rock Springs touch on the shocks that a young man receives when he's 16; on characters who, like those in The Ultimate Good Luck, hang out at dog tracks, or who have had scrapes with the law, steal cars and push dope; and on the fleeting presence of strange men and women whom we recognize, without being told, as home - wreckers.
at us, and, like the dog beaten when it was a puppy, the mere sight of a stick is often enough to make us cringe or growl.
Being with my dogs, lazy days with my boyfriend and having lots of family and friends for a feast around my table are really when I'm at my happiest.
We served it with sweetcorn spring rolls and didn't deviate from the recipe at all (benj — if you don't mind me saying so that sounds like my old mongrel dog when I was younger — a little bit of everything!
I brought a cajun sausage that I was going to wrap like a hot dog, but when I pulled it out at work it was all slimey.
Also maybe it seems like a lot to make your dog a cake, but when I compare it to the money we spend on special dog food for her allergies or that one time we took her to the vet at 1 in the morning because she wasn't eating to find out she just had irregular gas patterns (bitch just literally had gas) making a cake and frosting it in way under an hour seems like a walk in the park.
79 degrees F and a dewpoint of 73 at 7 am when we walked the mile with the slower and slower dogs.
When I finally finished college I jumped at the opportunity to get the dog I wanted long before it was considered «cool» lol.
Carano has been in the food service industry for 43 years, working at a hot dog stand, in restaurants and at the original Eldorado Resorts when he was just 13 years old.
Since there are so many people bringing their dogs to the Market, I've made a point of taking pictures of them — at least when they'll let me.
When she's not working or instagraming, Sabrina can be usually be found at her home in the redwoods with her nose in a cookbook and a dog in her lap.
The options are even slimmer when you decide to get them at the last second at the store counting eight buns versus seven Hebrew National hot dogs and asking the empty air, «WHO DECIDED THEY DO N'T MATCH?»
As a pie lover, I wasn't really feeling the loss, but when my wife started making puppy dog eyes at me before a busy week of trial (for her), my mind went straight to that zucchini in the fridge and the container of cocoa powder in the cabinet.
But Easy had never been out in the car before, and when Holyfield stopped at a red light, the dog jumped out and ran.
We had just played a really good game against Iowa St and started well vs Syracuse, so no, I don't think when we went into the locker room at halftime we all of a sudden became dog tired from a season of grinding.
Viskase envisions the day when fans at, say, Wrigley Field will be munching on dogs that read GO CUBS!
At the small airport in North Adams, Mass. it is possible to land and take off without delay, even during the autumn pheasant season, when dozens of planes touch down in a single day, delivering hunters, guns and dogs.
Oddities tended to attract an undue share of public attention: there was amusement over the King and Queen of England eating hot dogs while visiting President Roosevelt at Hyde Park; outrage when the President changed the date of Thanksgiving from November 30 to November 23; excitement when Al Capone was released from a federal penitentiary after serving more than seven years for income tax evasion.
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