Sentences with phrase «atheism seems»

The only people atheism seems radical to are the religious who take any talk of denial of their blessed imaginary superbeing as an affont to every piece of their being.
The underlying meaning of much alcoholic atheism seems to be, «All right, if you won't take care of me like a child, I'll show you!
Atheism seems like a very selfish non religion.
No wonder his atheism seems so rancid.
While none of us know if there is a god, atheism seems much more logical.
Most converts to atheism seem to go through a couple years of trying to talk other people into what they just figured out.

Not exact matches

Can't be too intelligent, as you seem to misunderstand that atheism, like any form of theism, is strictly a belief, and what a person believes has ZERO BEARING on how intelligent they can BECOME.
You said, «Seems that atheism is rooted in rebellion and pride, but at least it is a stand, unlike agnosticism, which is rooted in ignorance and laziness.»
Many believe that atheism should be defined as a belief that no gods exist because they want to make it seem like a position of faith.
It does not bother me that you might not believe, but it seems strange to me when someone throws insults at me for my having faith in God when your atheism is just you having faith that there is no god of any kind.
Seems that atheism is rooted in rebellion and pride, but at least it is a stand, unlike agnosticism, which is rooted in ignorance and laziness.
You are correct, if one assumes atheism or a fundamentally different religious cosmology, that the possibility I stated will seem like a false cause (this unemployment came later, therefore that cosmic battle caused it), but again, that would come down to the age - old debate over whether there is a God v. Satan battle in the classical Christian sense (do either God or Satan exist and, if so, how?).
For Spencer, therefore, atheism, pantheism and theism alike, despite «seeming to their adherents quite rational, turn out, when critically examined, to be literally unthinkable».
You're all busy talking about Christianity and Atheism... you seem to have forgotten that there is a substantial American Jewish Community out there who votes.
I don't know... It seems to me that one does not / can not «choose» atheism.
«Even scientifically, atheism just seems to strike an early blow to anything fantasic at all about the universe.»
Some Christians seem to take joy in pointing out to atheists that they believe also (some even go so far to the absurd suggestion that atheism is a religion).
In it he seems to refute the accusation that it was atheism and Darwinism which compelled the Nazi machinery.
Atheism is simply non-belief in the supernatural, but so many have hijacked it to make it seem to be so much more.
Unfortunately some people seem to think Christianity is anti-science, and that science leads to atheism.
«You seem to believe that a) all atheists are «angry» b) all atheists had a bad personal experience with religion that caused and / or contributed to their atheism»
Similarly, at the time of the Reformation, I can imagine Roman Catholics saying that Protestantism was a first step toward atheism... and then when Protestant intellectuals like David Hume and others more or less embraced atheism, Catholic warnings must have seemed prescient.
To be sure, overcoming the atheism and materialism which many scientists seem to think is demanded by Darwin's theory is, of course, very important.
Sneakers, mohawk, several tats... I bet the atheism version of just plain fictional seems like a compliment now huh?
This seems like a good Blog to explain atheism and Humanism (at least what MY Humanism entails).
You seem to believe that a) all atheists are «angry» b) all atheists had a bad personal experience with religion that caused and / or contributed to their atheism and c) that we are somehow «blind» to the supernatural.
Economics might seem like a poor place to start a Christian fight - back against methodological atheism, since it deals largely with issues that Christians have generally considered of minor importance — the body's daily needs and occupations.
It seems hardly coincidental that the term in English for those who reject the reality of God is «atheism
Nor does it seem correct to say that his atheism was an historical accident rather than an essential feature of the Marxian worldview.
Atheism is currently the fastest growing demographic, having more than doubled over the last decade and in the youth population the growth rate seems to be exponential.
Now, it seems that atheism has become just another organized cult like the rest of them.
There seems to be no common accepted definition on what atheism means.
He doesn't seem to know the basic difference between failed dictatorships where freedom was not present and atheism.
He also seemed to think atheism, which at the time was most consp - icously represented by Marxists and other far leftists, was dead to a proper sense of awe and wonder.
you call atheism the easy way, yet it seems to require much more input than religion.
(p. 99) «Nietzsche's atheism is thus a corollary of his basic commitment to question all premises and to reject them unless they are for some reason inescapable... To escape nihilism — which seems involved both in asserting the existence of God and thus robbing this world of ultimate significance, and also in denying God and thus robbing everything of meaning and value — that is Nietzsche's greatest and most persistent problem.»
billy — His brother wasn't a Christian, but Mr. Row was an atheists and now seems to be embracing God because Atheism did him no good.
There seems to be a strong link between secular humanists, atheism and left wing slant.
Whitehead seems never to have considered atheism as a serious alternative in metaphysics.
It seems like they're putting more and more stories out that put atheism in a good light or are talking about atheism.
Although Silverman isn't the softer side of atheism, this article seems to portray American Atheists as only an angry group of people.
Even though that question and arguments have been posted many times here on the Belief Blog, It seems that to Gregory Arthur Weiler II, is another weight on the scales to bolster the argument that Atheism is becoming a Religion.
Therefore this trivial debate about the implications of the word «Atheism» seems pointless in substance.
If that willful misunderstanding of atheism helps you sleep at night, Sly, you are welcome to it, though I do find it sadly ironic how poorly you seem to understand atheism while simultaneously railing that atheists are only atheists because they misunderstand god.
Atheism, pantheism, and paganism have, it would seem, made far more inroads within the Jewish community than Christianity, but Jews who adhere to these religious inclinations, because they do not join a rival covenant community, largely escape the censure of the Jewish community.
All respect intended, but you atheists don't seem to agree on what «atheism» is either.
What you people don't seem to understand is that Atheism is at the heart of the greatest societies that have ever been.
And you seem to miss the whole point of Atheism.
The Atheists are wrong in that they seem to be forgetting the point of Atheism which is to not be like the Christians.
Seems like atheists love ignoring the brutal and murderous past that atheism has!!
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