Sentences with phrase «atheists in»

Are there no atheists in Italy?
The statements of popular celebrities George Takei and Ricky Gervais as atheists in 2011 are just the tip of the iceberg.
I knew some of you atheists in college and you pretty are all alike.
Maybe instead of pointing at the atheists in your midst, you might want to start with the believers who think gov» t funded programs that aid the sick and poor should be done away with because it's not «real» charity.
Atheists in times past would be delegated to the back doors of society the dregs so to speak yet we see them openly challenging Christians and insulting them on their own blog page.
There are MANY atheists in the military, and they don't suddenly convert under fire, contrary to what you might believe.
There are far more people of faith — all kinds, not just Christian — than there are atheists in the world.
As for atheists in fox holes, there are lots of them.
More to the point, it is an utterly nonsensical claim — so nonsensical, in fact, that it is doubtful that those who make it can truly be considered atheists in any coherent sense.
«The goal is to advance the position of atheists in America.»
The main reason there are so few atheists in the world today is because atheism is a hypocritical value system that causes the vast majority of offspring to reject their parents» attempts to transfer it onto them.
During ten years in high school and college ministry and education, including two years of ministry in a residence hall of undergraduates, I met very few students who wrestled with the claims of the New Atheists in any depth.
Never understood the inclusion of atheists in the beliefs blog, Isn't ther an atheists blog somewhere.
For all of the atheists in AA this is good place to get sober.
I'm not completely surprised that Brian said he's not judgmental in one post, but then denigrates atheists in another...
It's the same as «There are no atheists in foxholes.»
Also I have met so many atheists in AA that I don't even blink when I hear that someone doesn't believe in a god.
There are other religions and atheists in this country so this is NOT a christian nation.
Show me where any atheist insisted that crosses be removed from individual graves unless the atheists in question were related to the deceased or were responding to mass plantings of crosses on graves regardless of the religious affiliation of the deceased interred there.
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I can sympathize with atheists in that schools shove Christmas and every other pseudo-Christian holiday on my kids.
There are no atheists in foxholes, as they are usually filled with religious nuts righting others like them.
NO ONE who is religious is going to look at this and think positively Sadly I think there was / is a way to make clear message letting people know there are support materials for atheists in religious communites WITHOUT being an ass in the message
As a professional soldier, I observed that the old saying there are no atheists in a foxhole is a truism.
its ridiculous and I wouldn't think any atheists in here would have taken the JS (Jesus seminar) seriously... I guess I was wrong..
«Those communities are designed to keep atheists in the ranks,» he says.
Dave Silverman, the president of American Atheists, said the signs are intended to reach atheists in the Muslim and Jewish enclaves who may feel isolated because they are surrounded by believers.
They find scapegoats upon whom to project our national fears (witches in the l8th century, foreigners in the l9th, communists and atheists in the 20th).
The atheists in perpetual misery below us in the afterlife will be looking up at we believers and remember the choice they made during their lifetimes.
I suspect that's the real message, rather than it being «intended to reach atheists in the Muslim and Jewish enclaves who may feel isolated because they are surrounded by believers».
The purpose is stated in the article: «Those communities are designed to keep atheists in the ranks,» he says.
And the cartoon says Satan makes atheists — which is exactly what tons of theists believe and why the KILL atheists in many countries.
«If there are atheists in those communities, we are reaching out to them.
The entire purpose of the billboards is to reach out to other Atheists in certain communities.
I don't think there are truly and real atheists in the world, just those that identify different forces as God.
It comes naturally to me, and I also, and all those who are no longer atheists in foxholes, believe also in asking and praying for what they need.
Lol... but most atheists in the past had the common sense not to act like jerks.
I, a Christian, have great respect for atheists in general for many friends of mine are atheists and aregood people.
============== Faith has essentially two accepted usages in the English language; atheists In this case discard «A» over «B», then attack Christians in that context only, making a further critical and purposeful redefinition of the word «faith», claiming that proof obviates it.
I just wanted clarification here so we're not profiling atheists in a general negative light.
What about the millions of perfectly moral atheists in the world?
Science Fight fire with fire... Lets start putting up quotes from famous atheists in court rooms now.
There are atheists in foxholes and saying oh god doesn't make you believe in any higher power.
Third, elected officials are there to represent the elected, which does not mean if there are not more atheists in the government that it points to discrimination, but to the vast majority of US citizens holding religious beliefs.
it is the sick and twisted minds of hypocrites and liars like Observer and Truth who if indeed are representative of atheists in general make children of God shudder with revulsion.
And I can attest to that since I have been in foxholes when the crap hit the fan and the avowed atheists in my squad were all to a damned one crying and whining and spouting «Oh God, Oh God, let me live through this.»
You said that I am in the minority among atheists in my view that Christian children are brain - washed or indoctrinated.
Sweden has the highest percentage of atheists in the world around 80 %....
«There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time.
Does that help you understand an atheist POV or are you going to just keep badmouthing atheists in the guise of a christian persecution complex?
On Tuesday, a non-profit organization that advocates for the complete separation of church and state, as well as civil liberties for atheists in the U.S., announced that they are suspending president David Silverman.
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