Sentences with phrase «atheists know»

I don't have any statistics, but most atheists I know don't exclude the infinitesimal small possibility that there are gods.
As all us atheists know very well, «this is a christian country!»
The atheists I know donate to charity, volunteer their time, donate their blood, help other people, etc..
On the other hand, most atheists I know try to live life by rules that could easily be called «christian».
Most atheists I know do not claim there are no gods, they claim there is no evidence, as above.
You atheists know them best.
i.e. atheists KNOW they don't exist!!!
Some lying idiots say so called atheists know more about the Bible than believers... that sure isn't evidenced on these blogs.
Poster «ev illusion» writes, «According to a recent PEW survey, atheists know more than the Christians», Poster «fsm» agreed and wrote, «We know more than the Christians», we were unable to independently verify these claims and are not sure what it is that the atheists know more of?!?
Proof once again that Atheists know what a buybull is or at least what it is good for.
Yes, Bob, I imagine most atheists know more about religion and the Bible than you ever will.
Half of the atheists I know are exemplary citizens who spend much of their time doing charity work.
I never waged a war on Christmas and none of the atheists I know have waged a war on Christmas.
Everybody knows the story, and I've seen polls that show most atheists know more about the Bible than most Christians.
Great... apparently the atheists know how to «shoot themselves in the foot», this would cause the alliance front of Christians and Muslims, so here they come atheists, your so called «myth» will turn into harsh reality.
«That is the last thing any of you know how to do, especially militant atheists who once knew» I'm guessing that the last thing atheists know how to do, is breath.
Most atheists I know are very open to their being thousands of possible explanations for the universe.
It's the same as when Christians claim that deep down, atheists KNOW that God exists, and just choose to ignore it.
Most Atheists I know are happy to let others believe what they want, up until that belief interferes with them living their lives.
2) In my experience, a great number of atheists know the bible as well, or better, than many Christians do.
This might be a hard concept but maybe the billboards are to let other atheists know they are not alone.
What do Atheists know that no one else knows about whether or not God is a Myth?..
Scratch that, ALL the Atheists I know are for peace and indoctrination.
The atheists I know do a lot to enrich and uplift their communities while the various religious crowds do a good job of castigating, offering hand outs with strings attached, and generally preventing learning and development.
Atheists know they haven't looked under every rock in every corner of the whole wide universe... and they have a choice.
It looks like the only thing atheists know how to do is condemn others» bleliefs.
The majority of Atheists I know are for peace and against indoctrination.
It doesn't really matter what the atheists you know think.
I bet Atheists know more about the bible then I do.
In fact, I find many atheists know the Bible better than a very many good Christian.
You atheists know who you are, so don't argue about it, go talk with the Humanist Atheists, you don't have to give up atheism, but you can not keep writing off the world's religions because they are quite frankly the most important deciding factors in whether this world will survive much longer, whether there will be chaos in the world or order.
Yet atheists know everything - or so they think.
Atheists know nothing, do nothing, lie about everything and we saw since the removal of Jesus» teachings from the public, how many more people expressed the bad behaviors of the atheists.
Atheists know it, christians know it, but they like to throw that at atheists because you think if god makes the universe that gives it more meaning than without a god forming the universe.
Most agnostics and atheists I know are wonderful, caring, family oriented folks.
The atheists I know are loving people who abhor violence.
Could it be that atheists know there really is God, and they don't like being reminded that they are wrong in assuming He doesn't exist and that they are not accountable to Him?
Don't these atheists know it's much more than a religious symbol.
We atheists know the christians are wrong.
It is very notable that generally atheists know Christian doctrine better overall and in more depth than Christians do.
But his views certainly aren't representative of most of the progressive atheists I know.
The Atheists I know are really nice people:).
Atheists know more about the bible than Christians?!
Most atheists know it backwards and forwards.
Also to let other atheists know they are not alone and do not have to hide in the shadows.
atheists know more about religion for one simple reason: study after study shows that the higher one's IQ, the more likely one is to be atheist.
The reason atheists know more about the bible than christians is that they have taken the time to learn about it and make a rational decision to not believe it.
They were right, Atheists know more about religion than believers do.
It is little wonder that atheists know more than religious people.
All atheists I know, including myself, have no other alternative than to be an atheist just the same that you have no alternative but to lack a belief in fairies or leprechauns (assuming you do).
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