Sentences with phrase «athletic career»

-- it may be time to acknowledge the shifting timetable of athletic careers.
I also realized early on that even the longest athletic careers are actually really short.
This is what improves performance and decreases injury, giving way to a long, healthy, successful athletic career.
There are two ways of assessing Roger Phegley's unusual athletic career at Bradley University.
The Head Health Management System can track and record an athlete's impact data over his / her entire athletic career.
The inherent dangers of an unpredictable environment and unrelenting maximal physical output in sports are what make athletic careers short and over time has negative consequences on performance if not managed correctly.
In his youth, collegiate and adult athletic career, he experienced 10 + concussions, with several going undetected.
After losing several dates and conversations to guys who are intimidated, I now put my credentials on my online profile clearly... several degrees in science (through a PhD in a «hard» science), and a multi-sport college athletic career.
A psychological portrait of competition, friendship and a complicated, temperamental prodigy, whose outbursts and lack of self - control threaten to derail what promises to be a fruitful athletic career.
Following a massive televised breakdown that catalyzed the end of his professional athletic career, Richie disappeared again, this time finding solace on the sea — on an ocean liner, to be exact, where he downs his beloved tomato - y beverage and confides in Eli, his best friend, that he is deeply in love with Margot.
Now that it is all over, Burt Hooton can look back upon his remarkable athletic career at the University of Texas with a galling sense of regret and resentment.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to continue my academic and athletic career @umichbball and honored to share a piece of my journey.
Despite a sturdy build and muscular physique, Joe Lynch's athletic career consisted only of Little League baseball while growing up in Milwaukee.
It was Reese's own problems that led him to abuse cocaine and ruin a promising athletic career.
The study also recognized, however, that the fact that those who specialize early may experience a more rapid improvement in performance provides some support for those who argue in favor of early specialization, at least in the case of sports, such as figure skating and gymnastics, in which athletic careers are shorter and attaining peak performance at a younger age may be advantageous.
I am SO into a Tonya / Nancy movie, and her overall look makes me feel a lot better about her casting as Tonya Harding, although I still think Robbie herself is too inherently charming a performer for a person whose athletic career was directly affected by her lack of personal charm.
Educators at the Punahou School in Honolulu — the alma mater of President - elect Obama — have watched many of their students graduate and move on to professional and athletic careers worthy of being featured in a glossy campus brochure or alumni magazine.
The new business and athletic careers branch into two new paths / professions, which unlock four career - reward rooms in the build mode when played through.
Excited to announce that I will be continuing my academic and athletic career at Northwestern University.
The Head Case system can track and record an athlete's concussion data over his / her entire athletic career.
College football players tend to have stiffer arteries than other college students, even before their college athletic careers have started, cardiology researchers have found.
But most intriguingly, «Borg vs. McEnroe» is shaped not as a ticktock of a legendary sports event, but as a psychological portrait of competition, friendship and a complicated, temperamental prodigy, whose outbursts and lack of self - control threaten to derail what promises to be a fruitful athletic career.
Sculptor Melvin Edwards played football for the University of Southern California, but went on to reject a professional athletic career to become an artist.
Experts say that Nike ambassador roles are akin to the roles that endorsed athletes have after their athletic careers end.
Xero recently had the opportunity to sit down with Michelle Roark, former Olympic freestyle skier and current owner of Phia Lab, to hear how her athletic career put her on the path to entrepreneurship and, in her words, led her to exactly what she's supposed to be doing.
His life plan was an athletic career: He played basketball, his great love, then switched to the gridiron, but injuries snuffed out the exhilaration.
Yet, while precision, strength and unwavering stamina are vital to athletic careers, what sets the winners apart from the losers comes down to a handful of underlying values — and they go far beyond sporting acumen.
Was my athletic career a success or a failure?
But during his athletic career, Westervelt learned that actively seeking out feedback will help you become the best player possible.
Norman's athletic career, along with Smith's and Carlos», ended the day he took the dais to receive his silver medal.
What role has your family — your parents, your sister, and your husband — played in your athletic career?
A few days before leaving for Rio, she spoke with CT about her lifelong faith, its impact on her athletic career, and her unusual decision to retire from swimming after the Olympics, no matter what happens.
If he is not re-instated, a public exoneration of his character on the part of Texas Tech University should be forthcoming, since Mr. Bethel's future opportunities for an education as well as an athletic career have been jeopardized.»
After every game of hoops he plays at the Athletic Club of Overland Park near his home in Kansas City, Mo., he is painfully aware that his athletic career is, as he puts it, «limping to an end.»
Luke never really said he was a good / skilled fighter here, in fact he did point out that Kimbo «got in over his head» and «tried to fix that too late in his athletic career».
For the bulk of his athletic career at Deer Valley High, Nsimba Webster has been linked to his twin brother Nzuzi.
This is detrimental to your athletes» performance, athletic career and health.
Although known for his athletic career, the restaurant is located in Myrtle Beach.
Learn the techniques, mechanics and progressions to enter the biggest interview of our athletic career.
Our goal is to provide your athlete a unique opportunity to acquire a proper foundation of fundamentals that they can develop and apply throughout their athletic careers.
Ainge's athletic career at North Eugene High School was fairy - tale stuff: three years varsity starter in three sports.
Overall, 24 Troubadours have made commitments this year to continue their athletic careers next year at the collegiate level.
Wendy has joined him at a trophy case that is as filled with artifacts from the athletic careers of his wife and children as from his own.
Truly blessed to say that I will be continuing my academic and athletic career at The University of Michigan!
I went back out the next day and I was off on an athletic career that brought me nine letters at Chicago.
If the injury is bad enough that small craters of exposed bone are formed, it can potentially mean the end of one's athletic career.
If your child plays a contact or collision sport, whether at the youth, middle school or high school level, odds are that at some point in their athletic career they will suffer a concussion.

Phrases with «athletic career»

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