Sentences with phrase «atmosphere over plot»

Pose and Romero opt for atmosphere over plot and succeed with looks at mundane things like that joyless Boggle game, insect repellent application, and a boring water plant tour.
Trying to imitate David Lynch is a tough assignment, as demonstrated by this mildly compelling but mostly pretentious thriller that emphasizes atmosphere over plot.

Not exact matches

The «Carbon - Flux project» measures greenhouse gas exchange between the farm plot and the atmosphere over long - time horizons.
«2003 saw two films that: (1) featured female lead (s), (2) valued action, atmosphere, and attitude over plot, (3) replaced character depth with exhaustive references to pop culture and / or cult films.
Quiet and contemplative, this evocative drama emphasizes atmosphere and mood over action and plot.
If one were to take the model and plot a curve of emission versus wavelength rather than simply summing up the values (integrating over wavelength), it would show a spectral curve of a black body at 288.2 k with the absorption lines of the atmosphere dipping down to the point where there is a spectral curve for a lower temperature at which there is emission going on in the wavelength bands associated with ghg absorption.
If one plots emissions and increase in the atmosphere together, one can see how the (mainly temperature dependent) natural sink capacity changes over time:
Averaged over multiple months (and now up to a year or more), the Ridge pops out as a strikingly prominent feature in map plots of the large - scale atmosphere.
Consistent with the global transfer of excess heat from the atmosphere to the ocean, and the difference between warming over land and ocean, there is some discontinuity between the plotted means of the lower atmosphere and the upper ocean.
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