Sentences with phrase «atmospheric factors»

Just the fact we have seasons when the CO2 is constant over a year shows the CO2 role is smaller than at least a dozen other atmospheric factors.
Even if you're lucky enough to have access to a ground - based telescope, whose clarity depends on atmospheric factors such as clouds and weather, it still doesn't offer the kind of lucidity these stunning celestial objects deserve.
If you want to see how various atmospheric factors are affected by changing τ, then just change τ in the general equation and see what happens.
But nothing is a guarantee; each El Niño is unique, and other atmospheric factors can counteract the influence of El Niño.
To get around those problems in relating tornadoes to climate, the Columbia team shifted its focus from the tornadoes themselves to the atmospheric factors that are crucial for tornado formation, factors that are themselves altered by the ENSO pattern.
Screen said that other atmospheric factors, including local temperature differences, were also important in determining the intensity of storms and that it wasn't completely clear what's been at work in the observed decline.
I'll keep track as work continues on the complex mix of oceanic and atmospheric factors that shape the Arctic Ocean's ice.
Emanuel said he and his colleagues were looking into the atmospheric factors that could be increasing the likelihood of Hurricane Harvey - like events.
An interesting observation about the West Pacific - tracks seem to have shifted - in recent decades rather than striking China they seem to be favoring Korean and Japanese landfall - based on some of Johnny Chan's work, this appears to be related to atmospheric factors, which goes to show that there are a lot of factors involved in determining when, where, and how bad these storms get.
There are no analogous greenhouse components for the other gases or atmospheric factors.
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