Sentences with phrase «atmospheric greenhouse gases»

Despite all this evidence, plus the well - documented continual increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, societies have taken little action to address this global - scale problem.
And to eventually stop global warming, we have to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas levels first!
Early participation by developing countries is urgent if the goal is to rapidly stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
The technique potentially could be used in several ways to support research on atmospheric greenhouse gases.
What makes it remarkable is that it coincides with 20 years of rapidly rising atmospheric greenhouse gas levels.
Keeping temperatures to manageable levels also assumes that we know what the precise link is between atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and the global temperature response.
That allows scientists to learn how they adapt to climate change and what greater role those lands can play in reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, especially protecting forests.
Human activities, particularly CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, have driven atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration levels higher than at any time in at least 800,000 years.
Earlier models considered only how atmospheric greenhouse gases would absorb heat.
There are many atmospheric greenhouse gases, some naturally occurring and some resulting from industrial activities, but probably the most important greenhouse gas is water vapor.
But there are other potential tipping points for extinction beyond atmospheric greenhouse gases.
Past changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations can be determined with very high confidence from polar ice cores.
Human - induced increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations have led to rising global temperatures.
All climate protection projects share the same goal of reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, but high quality projects are capable of doing much more than just combating climate change.
Any successful program of action on climate change must support two objectives — stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) and maintaining economic growth.
For decades, climate scientists have predicted that rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases from the human combustion of fossil fuel could lead to global warming, and that warming would be accompanied by more frequent or more violent storms.
«Simply put, our results indicate that whitening the surface of the Arctic Ocean would not be an effective tool for offsetting the effects of climate change caused by atmospheric greenhouse gas,» Caldeira said.
Questions we are addressing include: How do storminess and precipitation change as atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations increase?
Changes in important global atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from year 0 to 2005 AD (ppm, ppb = parts per million and parts per billion, respectively)(Forster et al. 2007).
Utterly wrong: the computer climate models on which predictions of rapid warming from enhanced atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration cowdungare based «run hot,» simulating two to three times the warming actually observed over relevant periods
Amplification of streamflow impacts of El Nino by increased atmospheric greenhouse gases EP Maurer, S Gibbard, PB Duffy — GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2006
This is what the term «drawdown» refers to — the point where atmospheric greenhouse gases peak and begin to decline year - by - year as more carbon is sequestered back into the earth.
The small Delta age at WD provides valuable opportunities to investigate the timing of atmospheric greenhouse gas variations relative to Antarctic climate, as well as the interhemispheric phasing of the \ «bipolar seesaw \».
It would be nice to see the IPCC make projections for atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations over the next 100 years based at least in part on carbon / nitrogen cycle models, hydrology / permafrost models, and so on.
Indeed, impacts of Arctic warming include the melting of major Arctic glaciers and Greenland (containing the potential for up to 7 meters of sea level rise if it were to melt entirely), the thawing of carbon rich permafrost (which could add to the burden of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions) and signs of worsening wildfires across the boreal forests of Alaska, to name a few.
As rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to threaten drastic climate change, some scientists are scouring for ways to scrub the key offender, carbon dioxide (CO2), right out of the air.
Sulphur particles in the stratosphere reflect sunlight and therefore act antagonistically to atmospheric greenhouse gases like CO2, which capture the heat of the sun on Earth.
Alterations in the quantity of atmospheric greenhouse gases determines the amount of solar energy retained by the planet, leading to global warming or global cooling.
The higher concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases during the PETM therefore seems like a better explanation for mammalian dwarfing than the increase in temperature itself.
Excess atmospheric greenhouse gases linger, global temperatures continue to increase, the oceans expand and rise, and ecosystems alter and species decline, for decades — even centuries — after the initiating actions have ceased.
Each RCP also sets a different option for global temperature, rate of greenhouse gas emissions and total atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration by 2100, as G.P. Wayne explained in a summary for The Guardian..
He also covered projections of the future climate assuming various atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations in which we see further warming of the atmosphere and ocean, and further reductions in Arctic sea ice cover (for more information, read the summary of the main findings of the report: Briefing Headline Statements (IPCC)-RRB-.
Attempts to mitigate future climate change are based on climate targets, reflecting atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
Our paper shows that in such circumstances where nighttime cooling is reduced systematically over time, i.e., under trends of greater atmospheric greenhouse gases or an increase in cloudiness, the resulting effect will be to increase minimum temperatures from what they would have been absent the reduced nighttime cooling.
Scientists analyzed data from a major expedition to retrieve deep marine sediments beneath the Arctic to understand the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum, a brief period some 55 million years ago of «widespread, extreme climatic warming that was associated with massive atmospheric greenhouse gas input.»
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