Sentences with phrase «atmospheric poleward heat transport»

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And no, there is no huge plunge in tropical or global surface air temperatures when the ocean circulation spins up because there is a near - compensating decrease in poleward heat transport via the atmospheric circulation.
RE # 11 The role of hurricanes in the poleward heat transport immediately leads to the question, how is the poleward heat transport divided between atmospheric and oceanic routes?
As the ocean circulation takes up the role of transporting heat poleward the atmospheric circulation spins down.
The strong poleward atmospheric heat and moisture transport may be one reason why the West Antarctic and Peninsula climate appears to be more strongly coupled with regional sea ice concentration and extent anomalies than does the East Antarctic (e.g. Jacobs and Comiso 1997; Weatherly et al. 1991).
The Arctic responds strongly through teleconnections controlling the rates of poleward oceanic and atmospheric heat transport.
Through baroclinic instability, the potential energy associated with temperature gradients is converted into the energy in atmospheric eddies that dominate the heat and angular momentum transport poleward of the subsiding region of the Hadley cell.
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