Sentences with phrase «atom bomb»

The phrase "atom bomb" refers to a very powerful and destructive type of weapon that uses the energy released by splitting atoms to cause a big explosion. Full definition
We are not perfect, and sometimes we make horrible mistakes like relying on fossil fuels for energy, or building atom bombs.
They flop themselves on the floor and explode into an emotional atom bomb.
If atom bomb blast then it doesn't matter how fast you can run or how well - protected is our house, you can't save yourself.
On January 27, 1951, the Atomic Energy Commission tested the first of a series of atom bombs outside Las Vegas.
The good news is that Doss can go to war as a non-combatant medical orderly; the bad news is that his unit are being dispatched to Okinawa, the Japanese island where the fighting was so fierce it would eventually persuade the Americans that the only way to defeat the Japanese was to drop atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
While Open Casket will not be part of Eating Atom Bombs, the work provides an opportunity to contemplate questions about what art can and should say, as well as the responsibility of art museums in these conversations.
Other proposals include the radionuclide spike in the wake of the first atom bomb explosion in 1945 to a dip in CO2 levels around 1610 occasioned by the mass deaths that followed European arrival in North and South America a century or so earlier.
Because it was being used for atom bomb calculations and other classified tasks, ENIAC was kept secret until February 1946, when the Army and Penn scheduled a gala unveiling for the public and the press.
When the first atom bomb exploded in the desert of New Mexico in the summer of 1945, the town's purpose was achieved.
More controversial might be the way the film turns the nuclear attack on Hiroshima into a cheap pun: «Little Boy» was the name of the first atom bomb dropped on Japan.
All this leads to President Kennedy getting Russia to remove its nuclear warheads from Cuba, the Russian atom bomb test in Nova Zemlya, in 1960 that was 1,570 times greater than Hiroshima that led to President Kennedy's call for international inspection and control of all nuclear technology and the real reason he was killed, who ordered it and how it was carried out.
Conner had a well - documented history of being fascinated by atom bombs, beginning with influential film Crossroads in 1976.
Each of these eight statements is a spiritual Atom bomb.
Crawford's biography of T. S. Eliot's early years depicts art and criticism living uncomfortably together between the 1915 publication of Prufrock and Other Poems and the 1922 detonation of that literary atom bomb, The Waste Land.
In 1945 the whole world was stunned by the explosion of the first atom bomb over Hiroshima, Japan.
Look at the Los Alamos [atom bomb] project.
Where's the fun is blowing up people's heads so they look like marshmallow coloured atom bombs or having a mother attack her child with a meat cleaver?!?
No wonder he's gone home again, armed with muse Chow Yun Fat, but at least he dropped this to - the - rafters atom bomb before he left.
The ape civilization is trying to live peacefully with human beings who are atom bomb mutations.
Dominika is shipped off to Sparrow school where her training is overseen by the iron fist of the Matron, played by Charlotte Rampling (seriously, the cast of this film is ridiculous), who molds her and her classmates into erotic atom bombs.
From South Africa to Sweden, from latrine cleanup to atom bomb cover - up, from pillows to presidents and potato farms, Jonasson's wittily constructed web intertwines historical figures and facts with the exploits of a decidedly less plausible (but more entertaining) cast of characters.
Defend your house with more than 30 awesome defense tools like the mighty shotgun, the reckless minigun and the super atom bomb!
If the thought of using the PS4's touch - pad to turn schoolgirls into orgasmic atom bombs makes you more than a little uncomfortable, the Vita version's sicky - fingered antics certainly won't be for you.
Yevgeniy Fiks, Stalin's Atom Bomb a.k.a. Homosexuality, 2013, installation view.
Passing the colorfully muraled exterior of the building, guests enter from the riverside entrance beside a neon atom bomb explosion into the main installation.
Dana Schutz: Eating Atom Bombs debuts a new series of paintings by Schutz.
Aghast by what the project's atom bombs did, he had a vision of the end of the world and decided that if the world was doomed, he might as well do what he really valued.
Hans Bethe, Manhattan Project scientist and Nobel laureate, calculated in 1956 that if a breeder's liquid sodium coolant leaked out, it could melt in 40 seconds, become a small unintended atom bomb and spontaneously explode.
I could go on about how protestant presidents actually used two atom bombs on innocent civilians as well in WWII and killed them in the name of the Lord too.
But the end of the war meant that the machine was needed for many other types of calculations — sonic waves, weather patterns, and the explosive power of atom bombs — that would require it to be reprogrammed often.
NEW DELHI, INDIA — Indian and Pakistani scientists are beginning to pay a price for last May's atom bomb tests — a price that many believe is unfairly penalizing civilian science.
Dana Schutz's exhibition Eating Atom Bombs at the Transformer Station debuts a new series of paintings that reflect the turbulent political atmosphere in the wake of the 2016 US election.
In some ways the selling of technology, especially military technology, began with the dropping of the first atom bomb.
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded 29 years ago on 26 April 1986, releasing radioactive particles into the air that were 250 times more powerful than the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
But when it came to his start - up venture, as he told Crain's New York Business in 1989, he knew «as much about juice as about making an atom bomb
Short of dropping an atom bomb on Europe, I don't see there's any way of getting the U.S. demands met.
Elizabeth Anscombe noted this in reviewing the justifications offered for the use of the atom bomb.
I mean that the atom bomb hid from us the ending going on all around us, and that far from destroying modern times, the atom bomb kept modern times alive for nearly fifty years.
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