Sentences with phrase «atone by»

You could atone by saving a life.
Maybe they felt bad about all the animals they faux - killed in Wanda and decided to atone by making something more animal - friendly (Creatures centers on efforts to save a zoo).
It's a reference to Greek mythology: after Agamemnon killed a deer belonging to Artemis, the goddess made him atone by sacrificing his daughter Iphigenia.
The original film turns 30 next year, and someone involved with this junk should atone by allowing it a decent theatrical re-release.
The human sin can not be atoned by the sinners themselves — only by the sinles Divine Jesus.
Our sins get atoned by his death and we get a new life of righteousness by his resurrection.

Not exact matches

«We use vitamins as insurance policies against whatever else we might (or might not) be eating, as if by atoning for our other nutritional sins, vitamins can save us from ourselves,» Catherine Price, a science reporter, wrote in the book «Vitamania.»
«Shakespeare this ain't, and Gears 3 struggles at times with its forced attempts at heart - string pluckery, but I can forgive it as much; gore - starved guns adorned with toothy chainsaws easily atone for any cheesiness suffered along the way... the Gears 3 story continues with what amounts to a blood - drenched tale of woe, suffering, loss and absolution, cathartica that stands out in harsh relief when framed by the»80s era Schwarzenegger - ness of most of the dialogue.
Mormons can get saved only by trusting in the atoning death of the Divine Savior Jesus on the cross for the remission of sins, not in their good works, for humanity's good works can not redeem a single soul.
Everyone who is personally united to Christ, having been justified by faith alone through his atoning death, belongs to his body and by the Spirit is united with every other true believer in Jesus.
I agree with Mouw that we are not saved by our theology but by the atoning work of Jesus Christ.
Being taught by the spirit, teaching one another how to draw more fully in healing our souls with the atoning power of Jesus Christ, lifting one another in love and service: these define LDS worship and relationships.
He covered up pedophilia, allowed murderers to atone their sins by walking into a wood box once a week and be cleansed via confession, continued to promote the religious zealotry that is the Catholic Church.
Since Jesus atoned for our sins by carrying love for enemy to the ultimate degree, a refusal to follow his example at this point not only involves a denial of scriptural authority; it also constitutes a questionable doctrine of the atonement.
This is why Jesus died, to provide the atoning sacrifice through His blood, so that people who are under the wrath of God might find forgiveness and justification, not by their works, but by faith.
It is such considerations as these that have weighed with those who have insisted that the atoning work of Christ must be construed in objective terms, who have indeed sometimes found themselves driven by recollection of the Cross to give this temper to their humanism.
Garden of Eden was in Missouri when Adam and Eve were kicked out Jesus atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, not on the cross Native Americans are the descendants of the Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon A woman's purpose in heaven is solely to birth endless babies to populate the worlds created by their husbands.
To be sure, we have an expanded canon of Scripture, but nothing within the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, or Pearl of Great Price contradicts what is taught in the Bible regarding the virgin birth (which, by the way, we definitely believe in), teachings, miracles, atoning sacrifice, or bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus did effect our redemption by means of His atoning sacrifice on the Cross.
Christians can atone for their complicity with violence in the past by refusing to be complicit with state violence now.
But those who in faith participate in the community established by the atoning action of Jesus experience the Spirit creating a new body for its expression in the world.
At the end of this offspring's life it shows up, attracts unwanted attention and commits suicide by cop in order to atone for the «original» sin that its own creation committed (why this omniscient god didn't see that coming is...... anybody's guess).
Our death is averted everyday because the Pure Spirit intercedes by supplying another «life» in return for mine until I am atoned for.
Those persuaded that Paul did not think that God offered Jesus as an atoning sacrifice could simply shorten their list of models suggested by Paul about the way Jesus» death has functioned redemptively.
«Avenging Angels» — Brigham Youngs murderers — they did his bidding like the Mason Family Mountain Meadows Massacre — the massacre of 30 men 40 women and 70 children in Utah by the «Avenging Angels» see «Blood of the Prophets» by Will Bagley (mormon author) Blood Atonement — the practice of the mormons that atones for the death of its members and / or the act of which the mormons retaliate when they do not believe one is following what they think is right — google the 1984 murder the Lafferty brothers commited in Utah of their sister in - law and her 9 month old daughter by slitting their throats.
It is Jesus Christ who by his atoning death and vicarious love reconciles a fallen human race to the God of infinite holiness and mercy.
The prophecy in verse I S that the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent can be held to be fulfilled in the overthrow of the devil by Jesus Christ, through his atoning death and glorious resurrection from the grave.
by David Bebbington): conversionism, or an emphasis on the «new birth» as a life - changing religious experience; biblicism, a reliance on the Bible as ultimate religious authority; activism, a concern for sharing the faith; and crucicen - trism, an emphasis on Christ's atoning work on the cross.
Disappeared for 33 years then showed up to commit suicide by cop to atone for imperfect beings that in its omniscience should have known would be imperfect in the first place.
Josiah Royce with a quite different philosophical orientation from Ritschl expressed the same truth when he described the Church as the community which is sustained by its memory of the atoning deed of Jesus.21 What is supremely important here is that knowledge of God's forgiveness does not depend upon a private and subjective illumination of the individual believer alone.
Not most importantly that since the bible is the most heavily researched book in the history of the world by wide orders of magnitude, scholars have thoroughly examined textual criticism issues such as this, and the Christian can rest assured that: — the bible we have is over 99 % original text — none of the verses under issue affect the Christian message of salvation through faith in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross at all, not even the smallest amount.
By trying to atone without repenting, she was driven to repeat the sin.
Based on our common study of the Bible, we were able to agree that the work of redemption has been accomplished (a word which means done, completed) by Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross.
Among theological issues most deeply engaging me in the past year are sin in believers, the virginal conception of the Lord, providence in history, prevenient grace, the holiness, catholicity and apostolicity of the one church, radical judgment at the end of history and the rejection of sin by atoning grace.
And no miracle means more than the atoning death of Jesus on the cross — and his resurrection from the dead, by which he proved his identity as the unique Son of God.
because every man is born already ATONED for (covered, sheltered in the Hebrew) and will, one by one become saved — i.e. enlightened and aware of Him and believing.
Surely in the example of love Christ has shown, by ransoming us and atoning for our sins, he has demonstrated divine love in such a way that we, for our part, are moved to repent and be reconciled to God.
I believe and this is supported by the Bible that one must by faith accept Jesus as their personal savior, repent of their sins and rely on His atoning work to save them.
One hundred Christs crucified on crosses from Calvary to Krakow to that Carmelite convent could not begin to atone for the cruel and coldly calculated criminal acts committed against our people by people raised as Christians.
St. Peter needed to atone for his three-fold betrayal, by a similar expression of his love.
His theory that Christ atoned for sin by making a confession of sin for the whole race of men has been often criticized on the ground that the sinless Christ can not confess the sin from which he sets men free.
James, you're not correct, reason being: When you truly believe in Christ's atoning sacrifice and trust in him, you're sealed with the Holy Spirit and you are guaranteed your inheritance (Ephesians 1:13) That causes you to respond to Christ's love by loving him in return and have the desire to follow him out of gratitude.
It is by atoning sacrifice of God's Son, who took upon himself the body of flesh, to become one of us, that HE may become the sacrifice for our sins, and that whoever takes refuge in Him, will not stand before God in his / her own righteousness, but in Christ Righteousness.
Their extensive weeping for his sacrifice and their prayers to obtain its atoning benefits have been compared to the rituals by which Christians mark Good Friday.
Justification is the unmerited grace of God conveyed to sinners by the atoning work of Christ.
Cavadini's argument seems to stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of what true friendship» and true religion, for that matter» is, which at its core is defined by undeserved, atoning love: «Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends» (John 15:13).
Only through substitutionary atonement can you have both justice AND grace simultaneously: justice because the sins of the world were atoned for by Christ (that was the WHOLE symbolic point of the OT sacrifice system!!)
But doubtless the crucifixion of Jesus, like all executions at that time, took place with the fullest publicity, and everybody knew what the crime was that was to be atoned for by such an execution; either a herald announced the guilt of the offender or it was set forth on a placard.
Catholics teach that one can draw on the «treasury of merit» stored up for everyone by the righteousness of the saints and that one can benefit from the atoning death of Jesus Christ.
Notre Dame fumbled four times but atoned for that by amassing 536 yards and limiting Rice to 142.
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