Sentences with phrase «atoning sacrifice for our sins»

It's unique among modern religions in that human sacrifice:» (Jesus) is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.»
1st John 2:2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
Sorry to tell ya, but the Jews succeded in the death of Jesus... what I don't understand is your use of that as a basis for hating Jews... You reveal your complete ignorance fo salvation... such as without the death and resurrection of Jesus -LCB- which ceretainly did happen as I am this day a witness of his resurrection -RCB-, there woudl be no asis for the gentiles for salvation... you see his blood was shed for the atoning sacrifice for the sins of all the world not just gentile but Jew as well..

Not exact matches

To people who saw Jesus as God incarnate and / or as the required unblemished sacrifice to atone for our sins, it may have been both necessary and believable that he was perfect.
The Blood atoned for our sins and God sees all humanity through the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus.
Indeed, it took the sacrifice of God's own Son to pay the sin debt that you owed to atone for the wicked deeds that you have done against God.
I'm now saved (for the 1st time) because I have truly seen the error of my ways (Need of a Saviour), repented to God, turned from all known sin, and have trusted in Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice as the only means of my salvation.
The only way to completely atone for intentional sin is through repentance and this is the concept of the sacrifice.
The sacrifices of the old testament were not done to appease God's wrath but to show a willingness to give up something of value to atone for our sins and remove that which separates us from Him.
The question is whether Paul thought that God sacrificed Jesus to atone for human sins.
This has been generally taken to mean that the sacrifice of Jesus atones for the sins of those who believe in him.
This may not make much sense to those of us who don't sacrifice other living things to atone for our sins.
They want to please God and atone for sin, thinking their «sacrifice» has some merit, appeasement, or reward, when such things have none.
The rationale of sacrifice in general may of course throw some light on the theory of the atonement, but even so, what a primitive mythology it is, that a divine Being should become incarnate, and atone for the sins of men through his own blood!
It is by atoning sacrifice of God's Son, who took upon himself the body of flesh, to become one of us, that HE may become the sacrifice for our sins, and that whoever takes refuge in Him, will not stand before God in his / her own righteousness, but in Christ Righteousness.
On Holy Thursday believers commemorate the Last Supper, where after he washed the disciples» feet, Jesus went on to institute the practice of Communion — breaking bread to symbolize the sacrifice of his body for his followers to atone for their sins, the core of Christian belief.
Lambs, before Jesus, were used in sacrifice to atone for sin.
Only through substitutionary atonement can you have both justice AND grace simultaneously: justice because the sins of the world were atoned for by Christ (that was the WHOLE symbolic point of the OT sacrifice system!!)
«He (Christ) is the propitiation [atoning sacrifice] for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.»
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