Sentences with phrase «atopic allergic symptoms»

Like people, canines manifest atopic allergic symptoms when their immune systems begin to recognize certain everyday inhaled substances as dangerous.

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One UK study showed that 54 percent of children are affected by some form of atopic (allergic) symptoms.
Infants would be examined by medical providers at regular intervals for the presence of atopic dermatitis (using standardized scoring methods) as well as food allergic symptoms and other allergic disease (confirmed by IgE testing), and not just the presence of allergic sensitization.
Besides causing a swelling of the mouth or the mucous membranes, other symptoms can include diarrhea or aggravated atopic dermatitis, and, in rare cases, can even induce an allergic shock.
Canine atopic dermatitis (also called allergic dermatitis or canine atopy) is an inherited predisposition to develop allergic symptoms following repeated exposure to some otherwise harmless substance (an allergen) such as dust mites or pollen.
Atopic dermatitis is a common allergic symptom in dogs.
In animals with atopic dermatitis, allergic skin / ear symptoms are triggered by exposure to allergens in the environment such as tree, grass or weed pollens, dust, dust mites, some insects, and molds.
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