Sentences with phrase «attachment research tell»

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This is the basis of Attachment Theory, but new research tells us that these needs go far beyond the simple necessities, and are intimately tied to the emotional world.
If she is a hard sell, you can always tell mom that there is a growing wealth of research that suggests that kids raised using attachment parenting tenets are actually more independent and secure than their peers.
The neuroscientific research tells us that when kids are in early environments that are responsive, interactive, and warm and stable, and involve what psychologists sometimes call «serve and return» parenting, which involves face - to - face, back - and - forth interactions between parents and their babies, that creates secure attachment — a real sense of security that kids have with parents or other caregivers.
When he told me of this, I realized we needed to change the term to something more positive, so we came up with AP, since the Attachment Theory literature was so well researched and documented, by John Bowlby and others.»
Neuroscience research tells us that a healthy attachment bond will help...
The research tells us that children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences are more likely to also experience problems in the areas of attachment with caregivers, learning difficulties, lack of self control, and more.
Updated research on insecure adult attachment tells us these categories are more fluid than fixed.
Research that forms the basis for Attachment Theory tells us that we're wired with a longing for safety and security.
However, the research behind Attachment Theory tells us that we need safety in our relationships as a foundation for love and connection.
Research tells us our adult romantic relationships are tied to our early primary attachments as infants.
The research tells us that overnights with the noncustodial parent are NOT detrimental for young children, and that attachment processes and the impact of divorce / parenting plans on disrupted attachment must be thoughtfully considered as we make recommendations for parent - child access.
«Attachment theory and research tell us that emotional accessibility (Can I reach you?
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