Sentences with phrase «attack at full health»

Not exact matches

According to Women's Health Today «in at least one large study, the rates of full - criteria PTSD in the U.S. following childbirth are now higher than those following a major terrorist attack
More standard attacks from Diablos include swinging its tail and head, both of which can hurt you but probably won't cause you to faint at full health.
There are times that the enemy AI does odd things and just when you think one of your pieces is going to be taken out of the equation due to their health being so low and the enemy is in the very next square in front of them, they attack another piece at full health!
They can do simple things such as increase the amount of Soul you get from hitting enemies or improve your attack range, as well as apply more complex modifications such as doubling your health but preventing you from healing or giving you a ranged attack while at full health.
Link can defend himself with his shield by holding the R button, attack with his sword with B button (which also fires beams of energy when at full health), and also assign items to the X and Y buttons.
At around half health, every boss gains extra powers, new attacks, or recharges its full health.
Some attacks do extra damage if the enemy is at full health, some do more when they're below half.
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