Sentences with phrase «attack giant enemy»

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Admiral Nelson (Walter Pidgeon) and the crew of the atomic submarine Seaview battle saboteurs, giant sea - creatures and attacks by enemy submarines as they race to prevent global catastrophe.
Some great Zelda - infused mechanics, such as collecting and using items in battle to counter certain enemy attacks, a few giant boss monsters like King Dodongo and Gohma, and of course massive hoards of petty mobs to chew through.
«Become A Giant Slayer» is a eight - part behind - the - scenes look into the production including, «Know Your Enemy», «Suiting Up», «Attack Tactics», «The Magic of a Beanstalk», «How to Zip», «Giants» Kitchen», «Saving the Princess» and «Defending Your Kingdom».
He giggles manically as he swings his twin scimitars for his normal attacks while his special attack involve using the power of twilight to summon large objects to swat at his enemies with, or in one memorable attack simply growing to giant proportions himself to belly flop on the enemy army.
When Thor (Hemsworth) leads his mates on an unauthorised attack on the home planet of the Frost Giants — mortal enemies of Odin and his kingdom of warriors and heroes — he is cast out of Asgard into exile on Earth.
Each playable character uses elemental attacks (e.g., Magic, Water, Earth, Fire) to defeat robots, trolls, and giant bugs; for example, dragons can spit fireballs, water creatures can shoot ice blocks, and bird - like characters can fire gusts of air at enemies that generally disappear amid colorful puffs of smoke.
While each bosses attacks were varied, ranging from shooting smaller enemies out of a giant blunderbuss to creating massive shockwaves for players to dodge, the overall strategy is the same.
- your Reactor now has a drone feature that lets you control at distance - thanks to that remotely controlled aircraft, you can explore areas in the field without going there yourself - use it in order to surprise monsters, who sometime drop items when they flee - send your Drone in holes that are way too small for you, where you'll find strange containers inside - it can also be used to grab mysterious balls of light that float in the air - if a monster touches one of these balls, it starts glowing and can defeat monsters with ride attacks even if it's weak - defeat as many as monsters as you want as long as the effects of the ball of light are active - ride giant monsters in the field - these giant monsters are really powerful, and their ride attacks can defeat enemies without even triggering a battle - each monster has its own ride attack to be used, allowing you to perform specific actions - when you defeat enemies while riding a giant monster, your monster will also get some XP
New Battle Features Characters can link up for stronger attacks, «Parts Break» allows you to split enemies into pieces to lower their stats and disable special attacks, and «Giant Battles» impose limits that will challenge the strategist in you!
-- fast - paced and combo - centric — fighting involves meleeing, kicking and shooting — dodge attacks and activate Witch Time — Torture Attacks return — new Torture Attack featurs a pair of grinders and a fatality — Umbral Climax meter is charged by successful combos — this turns regular attacks into enormous, screen - sized strikes — send enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from hair — still leaves Bayonetta in very revealing \» outfits \» after these attacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: Goniattacks and activate Witch Time — Torture Attacks return — new Torture Attack featurs a pair of grinders and a fatality — Umbral Climax meter is charged by successful combos — this turns regular attacks into enormous, screen - sized strikes — send enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from hair — still leaves Bayonetta in very revealing \» outfits \» after these attacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: GoniAttacks return — new Torture Attack featurs a pair of grinders and a fatality — Umbral Climax meter is charged by successful combos — this turns regular attacks into enormous, screen - sized strikes — send enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from hair — still leaves Bayonetta in very revealing \» outfits \» after these attacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: Goniattacks into enormous, screen - sized strikes — send enemies flying with giant, floating fists and feet made from hair — still leaves Bayonetta in very revealing \» outfits \» after these attacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: Goniattacks — on location is the back of a speeding harrier jet flying through the heart of a congested city — you \'re being chased by other jets and massive, horrific angels — appearance from Jeanne confirmed — features off - TV play — \» Touch \» mode allows players to control Bayonetta using the GamePad \'s touchscreen [Source: Gonintendo]
A lot of the exploration and combat in the game boils down to trial and error; you may instantly get hammered by that hulking giant clad in armour upon your first meeting or be caught off guard by a booby trapped chest but once you memorise the locations of certain traps and the attack patterns of the enemies you'll soon be traipsing through the areas like the true champion you are, smiting all who dare cross your path.
The first level also introduces a bad - ass new enemy type, the Butcher, who wields a massive saw designed to cut through the bones and flesh of giant whales that can fire blades and block your attacks.
Enemy attacks come in all forms and ways, such as long and close - ranged attacks, attack by air and land, small and giant enemies, etc..
Around the time when things are going really well for me - I've garnered a great deal of experience points, sellable loot, and useful Personas - that the next enemy encounter is with a single, giant beetle creature that always seems to get first strike and gets two attacks that wipes out almost every person in my party.
Set across five decks of a massive spaceship, robot opponents slash, shoot, launch missiles from their backs, fire screen sweeping lasers and create smaller enemies to attack, while the giant enemy bosses fight with everything they've got across multiple phases.
Her ultimate ability is a charge - up attack that makes a giant hammer literally knock enemies across the map and is sure to inspire more than a few replay videos.
Not lava or spikes (though those are more painful than most actual enemy attacks), but stuff like a giant dragon or out of control train chasing you down.
Characters use swords, axes, maces, and magic attacks (e.g., lightning, fire attacks) to kill human - like and fantastical enemies (e.g., orcs, demons, giant insects, robots).
The first includes a giant power shot that attacks all enemies, the second mode is only deadly to aerial enemies, the third fires bombs and the fourth lets you detonate a massive explosion that can bring down tower blocks to stop the advancing enemy.
Characters use swords, arrows, axes, and magic attacks (e.g., lightning, fire attacks) to kill human - like and fantastical enemies (e.g., orcs, demons, giant insects).
Whether you want to fight enemies from a distance, deal more damage with status - based attacks, or dance around in the air, the game is designed to slowly yet surely encourage players to adjust how they tackle encounters throughout their bizarre travels, which range from deserts with flexing cacti to giant knights in space.
From giant ants to ogres to large birds, every single enemy has their own attack animation that you need to get used to in order to predict the right moment to Parry, and in most cases multiple enemies will be striking at you at the same time.
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