Sentences with phrase «attacks against climate science»

She wrote Attack on Coal Will Not Save Lives, and as President of DDP below, supports many attacks against climate science, below.
In summary, the problem seems to be that the circling of the wagons strategy developed by small groups of climate researchers in response to the politically motivated attacks against climate science are now being used against other climate researchers and the more technical blogs (e.g. Climateaudit, Lucia, etc).
Leiserowitz also attributes the rise in conservative belief to a reduction of attacks against climate science and policy in Congress and on the campaign trail.

Not exact matches

And that campaign, involving all sorts of organizations that have lobbied against climate change legislation, has led some people to conclude that this is connected to a larger campaign by special interests to attack the science of climate change, to prevent policy action from being taken to deal with the problem.
Jim: thanks so much for writing about the attacks against climate scientists so cogently and eloquently in «The Inquisition of Climate Science&climate scientists so cogently and eloquently in «The Inquisition of Climate Science&Climate Science».
First, the campaign in the 1920s against Einstein's general theory of relativity provides an uncannily complete template for the conservative attack on climate science eight decades later.
I felt all this, and I wanted to fight the good fight against the dark forces, especially when I saw them attacking the part of climate science that I was personally associated with.
Mhyre has been very poorly mentored by climate «scientists» to commit illogical rhetorical attacks rather than upholding true science by exploring ALL models and testing them against ALL data.
Her ad hominem attacks of «climate denier» and «irresponsible» against Judith Curry are severely damaging climate science, nullifying Mhyre's arguments.
However, he received lots of attacks against him rejecting climate science by conservative Republicans.
He has spent much of his time as the chair of the House Science Committee going on the attack against climate scientists.
Reacting in outrage and disgust against the personal attacks leveled against them, and contriving to present their results in ways that could not be misread, the scientists had used phrases that their attackers twisted to support the claim that climate science was nothing but a politicized sham.
UCS set the record straight in several recent instances of misinformation about climate science, and fought back against deliberate attacks on climate scientists, including:
... and, tempting as it may be to avoid facing our ignorance by engaging in ad hom attacks against others — quantum mechanics or no quantum mechanics — without experimental confirmation climate science has zero credibility.
As the 1990s progressed and the rear - guard action against restrictions on smoking faded, The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition started receiving funds from Exxon (among other oil companies) and its «junk science» website began to carry material attacking climate change sScience Coalition started receiving funds from Exxon (among other oil companies) and its «junk science» website began to carry material attacking climate change sscience» website began to carry material attacking climate change sciencescience.
Interestingly, he says»... the campaign in the 1920s against Einstein's general theory of relativity provides an uncannily complete template for the conservative attack on climate science eight decades later.»
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