Sentences with phrase «attempt at anything»

Any attempt at anything more substantial than broad comedy fizzles — Darryl's romance with Janice (Tamara Taylor), a young woman who yearns for a man who is true to himself, does not generate sparks of any kind.
Thank you for the gorgeous recipe, I tried it out myself with a few improvisations (I'm not keen on walnuts) so I did a chocolate and biscuit base instead Yours looks simply amazing, I tried my best to recreate it but I'm a complete novice and this was my first ever attempt at anything like this haha you can view my try here Thank you again for thiss recipe!
So as well as being my first ever muffin it was my first ever coconut flour attempt at anything.
My first attempt at anything GF was your cranberry bread.

Not exact matches

Actually failing at anything the first few attempts doesn't really hurt the company's chances of success.
It typically didn't take a big push as I always had a high drive to succeed at anything I attempted.
The analysis is painful to look at because along with the obvious misspellings I didn't even attempt to correct for whatever reason, the analysis doesn't do anything but spout off random stats I pulled from it financials and places like Morningstar.
Second, he'll tell you that trying to do anything to reduce incomes at the top will hurt, not help, people further down the distribution, because attempts to redistribute income damage incentives.
The shotgun approach was just attempted at me yesterday as a matter of fact... it turned out not one of the verses cited in the list had anything to do with the topic at hand:)... as per usual.
I concluded at the time of the riots that of all the things the government now needed to do, it was the married family which most urgently needed to be rebuilt: I was and remain as certain of that as anything I have ever written, and I have been saying it repeatedly for over 20 years: I was saying it, for instance, when I was attacking (in The Mail and also The Telegraph), as it went through the Commons, the parliamentary bill which became that disastrous piece of (Tory) legislation called the Children Act 1989, which abolished parental rights (substituting for them the much weaker «parental responsibility»), which encouraged parents not to spend too much time with their children, which even, preposterously, gave children the right to take legal action against theirparents for attempting to discipline them, which made it «unlawful for a parent or carer to smack their child, except where this amounts to «reasonable punishment»;» and which specified that «Whether a «smack» amounts to reasonable punishment will depend on the circumstances of each case taking into consideration factors like the age of the child and the nature of the smack.»
In other words, there is a complete paradox if we attempt to look at the ordinary physicist's view of time as anything more than an abstraction.
When I first heard about the concept of your new safe space website, I was thrilled, not so much for myself to be honest as I love the uncensored environment of nakedpastor and have developed a rather tough skin over the years after numerous attempts at attending churches that billed themselves as safe spaces and eventually turned out to be anything but once you pulled the wrong thread and it all started to unravel.
The basic ontological problem is why there is anything at all and, since what does exist is a plurality, how the things that do exist are unified into a world.88 Neville understands Whitehead's principle of «creativity» (together with «one» and «many,» conjointly called the «Category of the Ultimate» by Whitehead) to be an attempted answer to the ontological question.
Why should one attempt anything at all, if it is going to be obliterated and end in nothingness in the course of time?
In other words, if it can be shown that it is contingent that anything at all exists, then not only will the particular effort Hartshorne has made be refuted, but any further attempts would be ruled out a priori.
-- to transform it into a fellowship which attempts to attract by down - grading the importance of God and religion and applauds beliefs in idols or anything or nothing at all.
It was not until the third century after the Hegira that anything like a systematic attempt was made to bring together a general body of Traditions, and of those that were attempted at this time there were two kinds.
As Søren Kierkegaard noted in perhaps his most influential book, Fear and Trembling, if the story of Abraham's attempted sacrifice of his son means anything it must signify that God transcends the categories (or at least our categories) of good and evil and that to follow the way of the Lord will eventually, at least for some select chosen ones, mean to renounce those norms.
They attempt to destroy anyone not exactly like them, or anything they don't like for no reason at all, just like the Taliban.
Then, just as they start stuttering and stammering through some half - @ $ $ attempt to pretend they understand their own bss - ackward behavior, ask them why anyone who believes in SELF - RELIANCE and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps would worship anyone or anything... AT ALL.
He has a lot to say, but as with a lot of musicians who attempt to tackle anything more complex than a broken heart, people misinterpret his message, or at least, his intent.
The attempt to define «pure potentiality,» as an ultimate range of possibility that has no restrictions (where anything at all is possible), rather than defining it as the supreme range of possibility presented by the cosmically complex and inclusive determinations of the divine series, will always fail.
It's hard not to see the vague and generalized public apologies that have become a part of our cultural discourse as anything but attempts at superficial reconciliation.
This was my first attempt at red velvet anything and I went into it with a blank slate.
«We haven't attempted anything at this size or scale before,» he adds.
After letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours, I thought the favors would become stronger, however, if anything they became weaker As this was my 1st (but definitely not my last) attempt at hummus, I'd have to say it wasn't a complete success, but it wasn't a failure either.
I'm not going to claim anything with these, but for my first attempt at a vegan chocolate chip cookie, they are up there with my favorite recipes!
To the gentleman from Cincinnati whose attempt at this recipe went so badly awry, consider this: 350º for 40 minutes isn't going to turn * anything * into a burnt brick with a 1/4 inch of char on all sides and an uncooked interior.
So my first actual attempt at making something vegan (I don't know if I have made anything vegan before.
I have no idea if it's anything like the way they actually make theirs themselves at Naked Treaties, but after my very enjoyable first attempt I certainly won't be trying to improve the recipe!
That's why those people are NEVER HAPPY and usually not successful at anything they attempt... they are failures waiting to happen... they don't follow instructions... or exact measurements....
so, obviously wenger is notnot trying to sign three forwards to replace sanchez, he is [if he is doing anything at all] attempting to persuade one of them to come join us, so he he is spreading his bets / keeping his options open.
OBJ «quest» was probably more of an attempt at leverage than anything else.
Her shooting from deep dropped off in a big way at Connecticut (she only made 8 - of - 48 attempts), but that feels like more of a fluke than anything.
that's what is hilarious, he literally spits on our faces and says» you don't know anything i have managed over 1000 amount of games» but can't even beat middle team club like stoke in 8 attempts or beat mouth - rinho in 13 attempts, he think's he's amazing but he is actually embarrassing, he is getting us thrashed REGULARLY, the only team that hasn't completely embarrassed us are the spuds, I actually can't understand how fans didn't riot when arsene went to rome for charity matches when we needed him the most, I'm not even angry at him anymore, how can a man so proud let moroninho call him a «specialist in failure» and just prove him right time and time again, not only will it benefit arsenal for arsene to leave but it will also help the man himself, do the right thing and take a walk mate
And if you look at the Dudley / Barbosa signings as anything more than an attempt to buoy the minute - load with high - character veterans, then yeah, you'll probably be disappointed.
The problem is with ur stubborn attitude.Thing is you think you can win the premiership on the cheap, but you cant cause you can't motivate the players ffs.Leicester winning the premiership will give you one more reason to say see i told you we don't need to spend big money to win the league, but you had 12 attempts to do so for the past 12 years cause our team for those year was better than Leicester squad and you still didn't win a thing.Just because you have a mouth doesn't mean you could say anything show some respect for the fans, stop blaming the fans its the mediocre players who you have at the club that needs to blamed.And you as well for not spending any money on outfield player in the summer.
The McLaren reserve wants to win the championship at his first attempt, even if has McLaren admitted that it wants to see experience gained and lessons learned more than anything.
It is just possible that maybe this predictions malarkey is not as easy as it might at first seem if the first week's attempt is anything to go by.
In her profound misery and sense of being lost my wife has ceased any attempts at dressing up or wearing anything other than long, loose fitting, bulky clothes.
She would fill her bed with crap (books, pillows, anything she could find to fill half of it) in a desperate attempt to feel less alone at night.
Ok, I had a planned C - section, husband was the first person to feed the baby, attempted to breastfeed about twice & then switched to formula, took dostinex to dry up breastmilk (nothing ever really came in so had no pain or anything) and husband does at least one of the night feeds each night.
Now as this was T's first go at anything baking related (she didn't manage it though as fell asleep in her high chair before she got the dough) I decided it was best to use an egg free recipe for the cookies which meant when (notice I don't even attempt to say if) she ate it I wouldn't have a problem.
It wasn't the incessant vomiting, multiple hospitalizations for hydration, the numerous failed IV placement attempts, the premature rupture of membranes at 32 weeks and the rushed amniocentesis without anything to numb the insertion of the largest needle ever to enter my body, the diagnosis of asymmetrical IUGR, the weeks of steroids, or the diagnosis of pre-e that made me feel that I had no say over what happened to my body.
«It doesn't sound like anything I would ever even attempt to try,» said Erinn Marchetti, who has two preschool - age children and was shopping recently at Toys «R» Us in Times Square.
I am like a super sleuth when it comes to reading the labels and I'm nearly 100 % confident I haven't missed anything in my previous attempt at elimination.
Nana Addo also, in all his three attempts at the presidency has maintained Dr Bawumia as his running mate thus, not adding «anything» new to the ticket.
``... But I ask, if you will not investigate anything at all, what about an assassination attempt on my life..
It's very rare for a speech to change anything in politics and yesterday's speech was far from exceptional (the attempt at an Al Gore kiss being the most notable feature of it).
John Glass, a senior microbiologist in the synthetic biology group at the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, puts it this way: If you can imagine a set of genes that will program a cell to do something — anything — then you can make them «at a reasonable cost and test your hypothesis... so it will be possible to attempt to design organisms that have extraordinary properties to solve human needs.»
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